
Such complex forms of the word

The term "forms of words" is not as simple as it seems at first, inexperienced look.

First, this concept can be used in different contexts and, accordingly, have different meanings.

• It can be applied to a specific word. In this case, different forms are meant (for example, "head", "head", "head", "walked", "walk", "walked", "crimson", "crimson", "crimson") or word form.

• The concept is used to define a number of grammatical forms. You can, for example, talk about the forms of the feminine, past tense, singular or plural.

It can be concluded that the form of a word is a morphological variation of one word or a whole class, containing a certain set of categorical grammatical meanings, characteristic of a certain part of speech.

For example, the noun "hammer" at the moment is in the form of the singular, the dative case. The adjective "about the red" - in the form of a single force, feminine gender, prepositional case. The verb "passed" is used in the past tense, sets. Number.

An ordered complex of opposing morphological forms with a related grammatical meaning forms a morphological category. For example, in nouns this can be categories of number (singular and plural) and case, of verbs - of the kind (perfect or imperfect), of time (in our time language only three, in German - five), numbers.

The concept of "form of a word" can also be interpreted in another way. This expression is defined by the morphemes of the affiliation of words to a particular category (grammatical).

In Russian, the form of the word is answered by its ending. Accordingly, to get different forms of words, you will have to change the ending.

For example, the noun "town" has a zero ending. It denotes that the masculine noun at the moment stands in the form of the singular, the nominative. Changing the ending will entail a change in the form of the word: "town" (the ending "a" indicates the form of the singular, the genitive case).

The verb "I write" has the ending "y", indicating the form of the present tense, unities. Number, 1st person. The end "eem" of the same verb will show the form of the sets. Number, 1st person.

Sometimes the formation of the form of a word can be with the help of an end and an excuse (shop, in the store, in the store, black, about black, to black).

Forms of the word fall into the main part and formal. The basis is the main (lexical) meaning. Form-forming suffixes and endings, available in the formal part, are responsible for grammatical meaning.

Naturally, the forms of a word can only have variable words (parts of speech). However, in Russian there is a whole series of words that remain unchanged, and, therefore, can not have forms. The unchanged parts of speech include the following:

• Adverbs (close, near, up, left, right, near).

• Status categories (joyful, dark, painful, sad, frosty). In the school standard Russian language course, words belonging to the status category can be combined with adverbs.

• Interjections (oh, yeah, wow, hurray, come on (in the role of an interjection).

• Prepositions (for, under, in).

• Unions (and, yes, to).

• Particles (then, not that).

• Onomatopoeic words (moo, meow, crow).

• An unchangeable form of the verb is gerundive (running, coloring).

These words do not change, do not bow, do not conjugate, do not agree with other words.

If immutable words are independent parts of speech, then their connection with other words in the sentence will be carried out by means of control or adjacency. In the first case, only one word is immutable (I sing (how?) Joyously, see (where?) In the distance). In the second, both words will be immutable (loudly humming, high above).

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