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Structure of fungal cells. Types of fungi: mold and yeast

The nature of mushrooms has always caused a lot of questions. In this article we will try to understand this and learn about the features of the structure of the fungal cells.

What are fungi: plants or animals?

In the first half of the 20th century, mushrooms were referred to plants. Detailed studies have shown that they do not possess the main feature of plants, namely the ability to photosynthesis, but they have much in common with animals. But this statement was also refuted. In 1969, scientists came to the conclusion that the structure of the cells of fungi has its own unique characteristics, and therefore they should be attributed to a separate realm of living nature.

By tradition, the science of mycology is a division of botany. Like most organisms, fungi belong to the supercarship of eukaryotes, or nuclear ones. Their feature is the synthesis of qualities that are inherent in other living beings. Like plants, they do not have hands, legs, eyes, independent movement for them is also difficult. Together with this fungi are deprived of the ability to produce organic substances. Like animals, they consume them in ready-made form.

This is one of the most diverse biological groups. Count the total number of species that are included in this kingdom is difficult even for specialists. The figures range from 300,000 to several million. Mushrooms are a part of all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Structure of fungal cells

The average size of the fungal cell in diameter is 10 to 100 μm. Outside, it is enveloped by a strong shell, or a cell wall. It consists of polysaccharides, lipids, phosphates, simple sugars, proteins, chitin and other substances. Inside, the wall is covered with a plasma membrane, which is responsible for metabolism and maintaining pressure.

The membrane is filled with a liquid - the cytoplasm, in which all the organelles are located. In the form of small particles in the cytoplasm is glycogen with a supply of nutrients. The basis of the cell is the nucleus, it contains genetic information. There may be several, depending on the type of fungus. Sometimes the nucleus is the nucleolus.

The structure of the cells of fungi is also characterized by the presence of vacuoles, centrioles, mitochondria, and lobas. They contain the Golgi apparatus along with its various derivatives, for example, phagosomes and lysosomes. The main task of all its components is the chemical rearrangement of secretion products. The endoplasmic reticulum is represented in the fungal cell by a branched network of tubules and tubules that perform many functions. Among them - the accumulation of carbohydrates, the neutralization of poisons, the synthesis of hormones.

The structure of the cell of the fungus is presented to your attention above.

Distinctive features in the structure

Together with plants and animals, fungi belong to eukaryotes because of the presence of nuclei in their cells. In connection with this, the cellular structure of these organisms has similarities. Animals and plants have the most different composition, while the structure of fungal cells is somewhat average.

They, like plants, have a solid cell membrane. Only it consists not of cellulose, but of chitin, which is present in some animals (crayfish, insects, etc.). Mushrooms do not have chloroplasts and can not carry out photosynthesis. Like plants, mushroom cells contain vacuoles, and instead of starch, glycogen.

The main common feature of fungi and some animals is the presence of chitin, as well as the accumulation of glycogen polysaccharide as a nutrient. Representatives of both kingdoms have heterotrophic nutrition. Animal cells, in contrast to fungi, do not have vacuoles and a dense cell wall, except the protective membrane.

Mold fungi

Among the huge variety of fungi are molds, scientifically - oomycetes. No different from other types of cells of mold fungi. The structure of these organisms has external differences. They do not have a pronounced fruit body (reproductive organ), like that of the mushrooms. All that can be seen with the naked eye is a highly branched mycelium, which usually hides beneath the ground behind the hat mushroom. The fetal body is weakly expressed in mold.

The main distinguishing feature is the microscopic size. These organisms are widely distributed throughout the world. The mold was found even in the ice of Antarctica. These mushrooms reproduce by spores and especially love moisture. They are characterized by high survival and adaptability to various environmental factors. Mold does not kill even radiation. There are species that can cause great harm to humans and animals (aspergillosis, etc.), and some are used as antibiotics (penicillin, cyclosporine).


One of the species of fungi is yeast. Unlike the hat and fungi, they usually do not form a mycelium. Reproduction of this species does not occur sporadically, as in their "relatives", but in a vegetative way by means of division or budding. Some species still form a mycelium, which can decay into single cells.

Yeasts have the ability to decompose sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol. This process is called fermentation. When it is carried out, the necessary energy is released for the life of the fungus. Fermentation helps to raise the dough, making it porous, so it is often used in cooking.

Yeasts are demanding of environmental conditions. For them, the presence of sugar in the substrate is important. They are distributed on the surface of fruits and leaves, in natural reservoirs and soils. Individual species live in the intestines of insects that feed on wood.

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