Health, Stomatology
Stones on teeth
If you look closely at your teeth, you can see a creamy substance between the gum and the tooth . This is a stone. It is formed by the remains of food, epithelium, as well as bacteria and other particles present in the oral cavity. Stones on the teeth can appear under the gums and above them. The deposition, located above the gum, can be seen easily and by yourself. But the education located under it, can be detected only with the help of a special dental probe. According to statistics, teeth on teeth are present in eighty percent of people.
It will be useful to recall the negative impact this education has on the mouth of a person. First, a favorable environment for the propagation of harmful microorganisms is created. Secondly, the gums immediately respond to this by inflammation of varying degrees of intensity, not to mention caries and bad breath. By the way, the presence of fillings in the mouth further exacerbates the situation.
The stone on the teeth is formed as a result of the accumulation of an unstable plaque on the rough surface of the tooth cervix. Gradually, the lime salt precipitates on it. At the beginning, you can remove the plaque with a toothbrush, since it is still in a soft state. However, every day it becomes more compacted and after a week turns into a solid education, and then it is not possible to remove it on its own.
It should be noted that these deposits appear mainly where the chewing process is less present. Therefore, the cleansing of these places from plaque is difficult.
Stones on teeth appear as a result of such reasons as untimely and substandard care of the oral cavity, the habit of chewing on one side, and also eating mostly soft food. Neoplasms can appear in people suffering from a metabolic disorder, primarily this refers to salt metabolism.
When a stone appears, and in general for the prevention, you should visit the dentist once or three times a year. Removing the formation from any, even hard-to-reach places. Previously, the removal of sediment occurred using a special hook. However, this procedure, in addition to discomfort for the patient, did not guarantee thorough cleansing. The modern disposal of the stone is ultrasound. With its help, not only the removal of plaque occurs, but also the mechanical treatment of the roots of the teeth and gums. With ultrasound, the stones on the teeth are completely removed.
Then you need to polish. This procedure is necessary for the surface to become clean and smooth.
To prevent plaque, it is very important to properly clean the oral cavity. No corner of it should not be ignored. It is recommended to clean one or two teeth at a time. Only in this case they will be thoroughly processed. About the language also do not need to forget, because it also accumulates a certain proportion of the raid.
A toothbrush is important to choose correctly. Its bristles should not be too rigid, and the shape should have rounded ends. There are also special pastes that prevent the appearance of a stone.
Oral cavity is a very important part of the digestive tract, because it is here that the primary processing of food occurs. Diseases of the teeth indicate a violation of the functions associated with digestion.
Care of the oral cavity should be regular and high quality. Otherwise, such diseases as caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, periodontitis and others can develop. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, in addition to hygiene requirements, it is necessary to take into account some others. For example, you need to chew food with both sides. After each meal, it is desirable to eat something hard, for example, an apple. This helps to cleanse the mouth of food residues provoking plaque.
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