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"Starry Night" by Van Gogh - a masterpiece of fine art

One of the most famous paintings - "Starry Night" by Van Gogh - is currently in one of the halls of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It was created in 1889 and is one of the most famous works of the great artist.

History of the painting

"Starry Night" - this is one of the most famous and popular works of fine art of the XIX century. The painting was written in 1889 and it perfectly conveys the unique and unique style of the greatest Dutch artist.

In 1888 Vincent Van Gogh, after an attack on Paul and a cut earlobe, received a sad diagnosis - epilepsy of the temporal lobes. This year the great artist lived in France, in the town of Arles. After the inhabitants of this city appealed to the mayor's office with a collective complaint against the "violent" painter, Vincent Van Gogh found himself in Saint-Remy de Provence, a village for mentally ill people. For a year of living in this place, the artist wrote more than 150 paintings, among which this most famous masterpiece of fine art.

"Starry Night", Van Gogh. Description of the picture

A distinctive feature of the picture is an incredible dynamism, which eloquently conveys the spiritual experiences of the great artist. The images in the moonlight at that time had their ancient traditions, and yet no artist could convey the power and power of a natural phenomenon, like Vincent Van Gogh. "Starry Night" is not written spontaneously, like many works of the master, it is carefully thought out and arranged.

The incredible energy of the whole picture is concentrated mainly in the symmetrical, single and continuous movement of the sickle of the moon, the stars and the sky itself. Overflowing inner experiences are amazingly balanced thanks to the trees depicted in the foreground, which, in turn, counterbalance the entire panorama.

Stylistics pictures

It is worth paying extreme attention to the amazingly synchronized movement of the heavenly bodies on the night sky. Vincent Van Gogh specially depicted the stars greatly enlarged to convey the flickering light of the entire halo. The light from the moon also looks throbbing, and the spiral curls harmoniously convey the stylized image of the galaxy.

All the riot of the night sky is balanced, thanks to the landscape of the city and cypresses depicted in the dark color that frame the picture from below. The night city and trees effectively complement the panorama of the night sky, giving it a sense of gravity and earthly attraction. Of particular importance is the village depicted in the lower right corner of the picture. He seems serenely calm with respect to the dynamic sky.

Of no small importance is the color scale of the painting "Starry Night" by Van Gogh. Lighter shades blend harmoniously with the dark foreground. A special technique of drawing strokes of different length and orientation makes this picture more expressive in comparison with the previous works of this artist.

Reasoning about the picture "Starry Night" and the work of Van Gogh

Like many masterpieces, "Starry Night" by Van Gogh almost immediately became fertile ground for all sorts of interpretations and discussions. Astronomers began to count the stars depicted in the picture, trying to determine to which constellation they relate. Geographers unsuccessfully tried to find out what the city is depicted in the lower part of the work. However, the fruits of the research, neither those nor others have not been successful.

For certain it is only known that, drawing "Starry Night", Vincent retreated from the usual manner of writing from nature.

Another interesting fact is that the creation of this picture, according to scientists and researchers, was influenced by the ancient legend about Joseph from the Old Testament. Although the artist and was not considered a fan of theological teachings, but the theme of eleven stars eloquently appears in the picture "Starry Night" by Van Gogh.

Many years passed after the great artist created this picture, and the programmer from Greece created an interactive version of this masterpiece of painting. Thanks to a special technology, fingertips can control the flow of colors. The spectacle is amazing!

Vincent Van Gogh. Picture «Starry night». Does it have a hidden meaning?

About this picture books and songs are written, it is also in electronic publications. And, perhaps, it's hard to find a more expressive artist than Vincent Van Gogh. The painting "Starry Night" is the brightest proof of this. This masterpiece of fine art still inspires poets, musicians and other artists to create unique works.

Until now, there was no consensus on this picture. Did the illness affect its writing, is there any hidden meaning in this work - the current generation can only guess about it. It is possible that this is just a picture that the inflamed mind of the artist saw. Nevertheless, this is a completely different world, accessible only to the eyes of Vincent Van Gogh.

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