Spiritual developmentMystic

Spathiphyllum: signs and superstitions

What is spathiphyllum? Signs about him are there? These and other questions will be answered in the article. Spathiphyllum is an unusual plant that grows on the banks of rivers in the rainforests. The people call him "The Flower of Brides" or "Women's Happiness".

This plant has narrowed leaves resembling a sleeping-sword. That's why he was called a spathiphyllum. There is an ancient Greek legend, which tells that on the day of her wedding the goddess Astarta gave a snow-white flower, like a heart, to an earthly girl. She concluded in it blissfulness and happiness that overwhelmed her. The gift of the Valkyrie gave her a magical property that made a happy woman caring for a plant with a pure heart.

How to care for a flower?

What is the famous spathiphyllum? Signs about it are interesting to everyone. Spathiphyllum is a perennial evergreen plant of the family of aroids. In autumn and spring, between the folded, dark green, glossy leaves growing right out of the ground, graceful flowers blossom. The small yellow inflorescences collected in the cob cover the white high coverlet, which resembles the shape of a calla.

Thanks to the intense pleasant aroma, its unpretentiousness, the famous magic properties, numerous varieties, spathiphyllum is grown by amateur gardeners all over the world as a houseplant.

With proper care, spathiphyllum begins to bloom six months after planting. Until a month and a half, flowers do not fall off, after a while new ones are blossoming. Cut flowers look great in compositions and bouquets.

Spathiphyllum does not like direct sunlight, but in the shade it will not grow. That's why it's best to place it in a shady, draft-protected place, aimed at the south-west. It is known that this direction of Feng Shui is responsible for love.

There are no special requirements for the temperature regime. It is necessary only to maintain the usual, comfortable room temperature +18 ... +25 ° С. 2-3 times a day in a warm period of time, the leaves need to be moistened, since the flower loves moisture. Once in winter.

Water the plant only with standing water at room temperature. The pallet should always contain wet sand or a moss pillow. During the flowering period it is necessary to make complex mineral fertilizing.


What else do you need to know about a plant called spathiphyllum? We'll look at the signs later, and now we'll tell you how to change it. This procedure is usually performed once a year:

  • Choose a pot that is cramped for roots, but larger in size.
  • Choose a weakly acidified soil.
  • Pour the drainage granules onto the bottom and take the plant out of the pot.
  • Pour a little soil mixture, install a flower, fill it with earth and pour it abundantly.

During transplantation, the bush needs to be divided for reproduction. Carefully cut the lateral processes of the base root with 3-5 leaves and roots, plant in a pink or red pot. A well-rooted plant is usually given to neighbors, relatives, close friends - all who are desirous of real female happiness.

Family signs

Why do women like spathiphyllum? Signs, beliefs and legends associated with him are very different. It is important to remember that magical power is manifested only when the mistress surrounds the flower with attention, kindness, sincere love.

It is known that if the wife and husband together inhale the fragrance of the spathiphyllum, mistrust disappears, causeless jealousy disappears, suspicions are dispelled. If this flower is placed in the bedroom next to the bed, it will prevent the withdrawal from the husband's family, normalize the intimate intimacy, revive the faded passion, eliminate the danger of infidelity.

Amazing spathiphyllum ("Women's Happiness")! The signs about it continue to be studied further. If the flower has become similar to the pregnant woman's round belly, expect the conception of the desired baby. The energy of this plant eliminates unwanted sensations during pregnancy, facilitates childbirth, helps to bear a healthy baby.

Several synchronously blossoming colors say that everyone living with you will be happy.

Are you interested in Spathiphyllum ("Women's Happiness")? Signs of what else they say? He helps to prevent conflicts between parents and children, reconciles the son-in-law with his mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law with his mother-in-law, grandchildren with grandparents. Different generations begin to find common interests, understand each other's needs. From a pure heart, a gifted flower helps the sick to overcome the ailment.

For unmarried women

Do you have spathiphyllum? Remember the signs and superstitions about it. Under the aura of this wonderful flower, single ladies become charming, affectionate, find their own style. Many people are attracted to individual growth, self-esteem rises.

Anyone who has experienced a serious break or loss of a loved one, overcomes depression, looks optimistically at the world, communicates productively. A woman again attracts the attention of men, it is easier for her to find a loving, loyal, reliable person. If an unmarried girl wishes to get married as soon as possible, her close relatives should give her a flower-her uncle, her brother, her father. When the plant blooms, the offer of the hand and the heart will follow. If the flower faded when you already had a relationship with a guy, dropped the leaflets - this person is not your life companion. If a married woman gives a flower to her unmarried sister, she will help her to get married as soon as possible.

If a lady is lonely and she has no one to give spathiphyllum, she can buy it herself, while observing the simple rules:

  • Purchase can be done only in women's (according to magical laws) days - Saturday, Wednesday, Friday.
  • It is necessary to acquire a plant from a female seller with blond hair and eyes.
  • Money should be given more value, you can not take change, otherwise the magic "will not turn on".

For loving men

Not many people know the flower spathiphyllum. Not everyone knows the signs and superstitions about him. Presenting a blooming spathiphyllum to her chosen one, a man experiences her feelings. If the flowers began to wither, her interest weakens, her passion fades. If they continue to smell and bloom, she loves.

If the plant does not bloom for a long time, do not be scared. Give him just more attention.


Have you ever seen a spathiphyllum (photo)? Female happiness, signs and superstitions about him - that's what is interesting to most women. The flower that blossomed first, the atmosphere of the house saturates with magical power, promotes the onset of family happiness, harmony, prosperity. Old grievances disappear, spores end, irritation disappears, misunderstanding, disagreements are resolved by themselves. The soul gets rid of the memories of past defeats, the accumulated frustrations of disappointment. A hope for prosperity, self-confidence awakens.

In order to translate their wishes into life, people with a flower perform magical rituals.

The ritual of luring money

You definitely need to look at the spathiphyllum (photo). Female happiness (signs and superstitions, which are among the population about him, - the subject of our conversation) must be known to every representative of the fair sex. And we continue to tell you about this wonderful flower. What is the ritual of attaching money to?

Spathiphyllum should be placed in a room in which savings are stored. Under the pot, put a yellow coin of any value, put a green ribbon on the sheet, first tying the key to it. Read to yourself or aloud the desire, fixing and actualizing the goal. When the flower is blossoming, replace the green ribbon with red and transfer the key to it.

A little later, the news will come of reducing taxes, obtaining an inheritance, increasing wages, a profitable transaction, a chance to open your own business, or simply the opportunity to benefit from a favorable marriage.

Multiplication and preservation of banknotes

So, you probably already know what spathiphyllum looks like (photo). Signs you also learned. How to increase or save money with this plant? If the flower begins to dry or blacken the tips of leaves, it means that the financial situation will soon deteriorate. The diseased plant, which has ceased to flower, says that debts may appear. If you want to improve the situation, put in a pot of bills and sprinkle them with earth: everything should be normalized.

If the flower is still dead, buy a new one before noon. The cash flow will be restored, the money channel will open, the luck in business will return.

Finding true love

Some people like to look at the spathiphyll for a long time (photo). Women's happiness omens because it has extraordinary. What is a ritual for the acquisition of real love? Tune in to the positive. Carefully cut the flower, ask him for forgiveness. Stand up naked in front of a large mirror. Swipe slowly over the face, head, body. Focusing on your emotions and feelings, imagine a beloved man. The more clearly and clearly his image, the more fruitful the rite. Spend a flower around the neck and chest. Stop in front of the heart and say: "I feel love. I believe in love".

Concentrate energy in the lower abdomen and say: "I'm waiting for love. I want love. " Hand with a flower stretch towards the mirror and, looking at it, say the spell: "Behind me, slaves of God (name), love. In front of me is love. Next to me, beneath me, above me is love. Love calls me. My love will lead to me. I will be loved and will love. Amen". Next day, repeat the rite.

The work of the goddess Astarte

Place a flower pot on the window so that moonlight falls on it. This ritual is performed on a night from Thursday to Friday, during the growing moon, all alone. Stand at the window and, looking at the moon, inhale the fragrance of the flower several times. Thrice ask the goddess Astarte to send you love. Write up the text in advance, trying to clearly formulate your desire. Describe the appearance, dignity, character of the man whom you would like to meet and love. Wait for the next full moon, lighting a candle every night before planting.

With the newly born moon on the appointed night, open the window and again contact the goddess Astarte, cursing: "I give you, the goddess of love and light, your dream. Bring it back to me with your beloved. " When the next lunar cycle begins, love will come.

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