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Vasily Bochkaryov: Filmography and biography

Those viewers who are not very well acquainted with the work of V. Bochkarev could see his filigree game in the series "Scream of the Owl", where he played the role of museum director, "Masha in Law" (he captured the character of Vladimir Sergeevich, Masha's father The main heroine), "Nesterov's Loop" - here his role was Minister of the Interior of the USSR Nikolai Shchelokov.So, Vasily Bochkarev, an actor whose unique talent each of the roles he played made it very bright and memorable for a long time.Any stage image is so natural and easy We learn that the emotions of the spectators can not fail to manifest themselves, and it does not matter whether Bochkarev plays on the stage or on the set.

Childhood and youth of the actor

Vasily Bochkarev was born in a Siberian town called Irkutsk. This happened on November 22, 1942. The first months and years of his life fell to war. And then came the post-war hungry time. It was very difficult, but the family survived.

School years did not bring the future actor special joy. Vasily Bochkarev studied Out of control is bad - he was often wanted to leave for the second year. To avoid this fate, the student enrolled in a dramatic circle. Perhaps, it was this desperate step that determined his future life.

Just in those years, the boy showed interest in the magic of Melpomene. True, the parents' desire was more mundane and mundane: they saw their son as a builder. He was lucky to get acquainted with Valentin Zakhod, the organizer of the children's theater group. Even such famous actors as Valentin Smirnitsky and Sergey Shakurov went there .

It was Zakhoda who finally helped Bochkarev choose his future profession. So he became a student of the famous theatrical high school - Shchepkinsky school.

Behind the scenes of the theater

After receiving the diploma Vasily Bochkarev, whose filmography is very extensive, enlisted in the troupe of the theater in Malaya Bronnaya. A little time passes (only two seasons), and he is invited to the Stanislavsky Theater. The best performances now take place with the direct participation of Bochkarev. This is the "Little Prince", "The Wedding of Belugin" and others.

In 1979, Vasily Bochkarev received an invitation from the Maly Theater. There he works to this day. The roles that he embodied on stage in those years, and to this day the actor considers one of the most significant in his creative biography. These are such characters as Balzaminov, Tsarevich Alexei, Figaro, Plato. Enumerate for infinitely long. Each character Bochkarev gave a piece of himself.

The debut on the set

Vasily Bochkarev, films Which in recent years has been especially enjoyed by well-deserved attention of spectators of different ages, played his first role in the legendary film "Running", where his partner was the son of Vaslav Dvorzhetsky himself - Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, a mysterious and talented person. Despite the successful debut, the beginning actor had to work for several more years before he began to receive invitations to shoot for the central roles.

Actor from God

Almost from the first roles played it became clear that Vasily Bochkarev is not just a talented actor, it is said to be an actor from God. And his secret - what is the highlight of his professional skills - he does not hide from anyone.

Everything is simple enough. Only he can with subordinate ease in a certain way emphasize the notes of wickedness, sparks of cunning, psychological truth. Such a talented Vasily Bochkarev is an actor. Biography, the roles he played - all this still does not reduce the interest of viewers. Of course, Vasily Ivanovich does not forget to show his game, that he just enjoys drawing on the grains image of a character.

Roles in cinema and theater

The heyday of the actor's career on the film platform came in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. It was then that he starred in films that are still remembered: "Voice", "Lethargy", "Crazy Day of Engineer Barkasov", "Because I Love", "Rage" and many others. In every film, Bochkarev was different, not like himself.

The paintings of recent years, which have gained immense popularity, are "The Saboteur. The end of the war "(Professor Sergey Sergeyev)," Scream of an owl "(the director of the museum Alexander Gorobets)," Unexpected Joy "(Boris Tomashevsky) and others. Despite the fact that the actor is already in quite a respectable age, his talent remains unchanged. Each role he still does not just play, but lives, passes through himself, through the heart and soul. Therefore, to the viewer of any age, social status and priorities, every film with Bochkarev's participation is fascinatingly fascinating.

Vasily Ivanovich did not deprive himself of his theatrical stage. The audience appreciated his work in the performances of the classical line - "Imaginary patient", "Truth is good, but happiness is better", "Kabala svjatosh" and others.

And now the actor appears with enviable constancy on television, taking an active part in various projects. He still plays a lot of roles in the theater, without leaving any entertaining performances.

Possessing from nature a wonderful voice, Bochkarev could not but contribute to the sound of foreign projects. He gave his voice to Prince Bolkonsky (modern interpretation of "War and Peace"), Gandalf and even the gnome gimli in the film "The Lord of the Rings". He also took part in the documentary projects "To Remember" and "Islands".

Personal life of the actor

Actor Vasily Bochkarev rarely tells about his personal life, but at that moment he claims that everything is in order.

His first wife was a classmate Lyudmila Polyakova (she is also a well-known actress now). This marital union lasted for eight years, but it did not work out because the children were not born into the marriage. And yet the former spouses are still on good terms, coming to each other's aid in difficult times. In addition, they play in the same theater - Maly. The ex-wife, and now with special trepidation and warmth, recalls those years of matrimony.

In 1980, Vasily Bochkarev combined a legitimate marriage for the second time. And again he chose the actress as a companion of life - Lyudmila Rozanov. Soon after the marriage, the couple had a girl who did not follow in the footsteps of her parents when choosing a profession. The daughter of Vasily Bochkarev Decided to become a doctor. Parents were not at all upset about the choice of their daughter, because every person in life has his own way. Especially the girl proved that she turned out to be a very good doctor.

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