EducationThe science

Space is .. The concept and types of space

What is space? Does he have boundaries? What science can give the right answers to these questions? With this we will try to understand our article.

Philosophical concept

Before giving a characterization of space, one must understand that this term is far from unambiguous. The concept of space appears in mathematics, physics, geography, philosophy, religion and fiction. Different disciplines understand it differently and find their interpretations depending on the tasks assigned. The simplest and most mundane definition is this: space is the place where something is contained; Distance between different objects.

Philosophy sees it as one of the fundamental categories, inherently associated with the times. This is the relationship between different objects, their relationship, communication in a particular period of time. It is the definiteness of being that characterizes the mode of existence of matter.

According to philosophy, space has specific properties, namely, length, heterogeneity, structure, anisotropy, continuity. It constantly interacts with time, forming the so-called chronotope.

The idea of space: history

The idea of space existed from ancient times. Then it was divided into different levels, forming the worlds of gods, man and spirits, being multi-layered and heterogeneous. The first important impetus in the evolution of this concept is made by Euclid. With the help of geometry, he explains space as infinite and homogeneous. Giordano Bruno, studying the celestial bodies, allocates absolute and relative space and time.

Supporters of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry appear among the exact sciences . There are theories about the curvature of space, N-dimensional spaces. A long period of time and space are treated separately, believing that they do not affect matter.

In the 20th century, Einstein discovered the theory of relativity. According to her, time, space and matter are interrelated. Einstein concludes: if from space to withdraw all matter, then there will be no space itself.


Mathematical discipline considers space through the prism of logic, but it also does not do without the participation of philosophy. The main problem here is the correlation of reality with the world of abstract constructions that are inherent in mathematics. As elsewhere, this science tries to explain the phenomenon by means of concrete calculations, so for it space is a set having a structure.

Mathematics defines it as an environment in which various objects and objects are realized. Everything comes down to elementary geometry, where the figures (points) exist in one or more planes. In this regard, there was a need to somehow characterize, measure space. To do this, mathematicians use characteristics such as length, mass, speed, time, volume, and so on.

In mathematical science, it is customary to distinguish such types of space: Euclidean, Athenian, Hilbert, Vector, Probabilistic, two-dimensional, three-dimensional and even eight-dimensional. A total of at least 22 types are allocated in mathematics.


If mathematics tries to translate the whole essence into numbers, then physics tries to feel everything, to touch it. Then she comes to the conclusion that space is a certain substance that does not manifest itself materially, but can be filled with something. It is infinite and unchanging. This is an arena for various processes and phenomena, while it does not affect them and is not itself influenced.

Physics considers space from several points of view. The first defines it as a physical - three-dimensional - magnitude, where the processes of the ordinary, everyday world unfold. Where bodies and objects carry out various movements and mechanical movements.

The second understanding of this term is intertwined with mathematical models. This is an abstract space. Usually it is used to describe and solve problems related to the physical three-dimensional world. Here, unlike mathematics, new types of it appear, for example, the space of velocities, states, color space.

Fantastic theories

Reasoning about the essence and properties of space led scientists to produce various fantastic ideas. On the basis of scientific facts and assumptions, they constantly build new theories about the incredible possibilities of man.

One such idea appeared in the 17th century by Johannes Kepler. It refers to hyperspace - a four-dimensional medium that allows you to travel through time and distance with a speed that exceeds the speed of light. Another theory is that the universe is capable of expanding and forming "pockets" within which all physical laws lose power, and space and time may not even exist.

Every year more such seemingly crazy ideas are born. However, they are united by the fact that they are all on the verge of science and fiction. And no one knows which side will outweigh the next incredible theory.


Understanding of space by various sciences is not limited to the limits of the Earth. Given that physics allows its infinity, we can talk about a significant expansion of boundaries, for example, to the universe (the main system, the totality of everything that is in the world).

Unfilled with no bodies between the objects in the universe - this is outer space. It is outside the celestial bodies, and therefore outside the Earth and its atmosphere. However, the "cosmic vacuum" is still filled with something: it consists of particles of hydrogen, interstellar matter and electromagnetic radiation.

It would seem that if there are objects that do not enter the space, then its beginning can be clearly defined. In fact, it is difficult to do this, because the earth's atmosphere is gradually diluted, and its boundaries are significantly blurred. For the division of the atmosphere and space, the international community has adopted a conditional height of 100 kilometers. Although many astronomers are confident that the space begins only 120 kilometers from the surface of the Earth.

Air and open space

Unlike space, which does not include the earth's atmosphere, there are concepts associated with it directly. For example, airspace. Space is a multifaceted term. It is ambiguous and appears in physics, philosophy, culture. Air space for the most part refers to law and geography. This is part of the atmosphere of our planet, and its borders are regulated by international law.

The term "open space" is essentially the same. This is a territory that does not belong to any country. It is located outside the territorial waters of coastal states and is an international property accessible to all.


Space is one of the main issues of any religious beliefs that give it a slightly different meaning. Usually it has a clear vertical structure, which is determined by the hierarchy of components (from the higher world to the lower one).

Religious beliefs create the concept of sacral space, that is, one that continuously experiences the action of higher powers. In this case, under sacred influence, it is able to transform and qualitatively different from the rest of the space.


Space - this is a complex and multifaceted concept, the essence of which worries scientists and mystics for more than one hundred years. There are a lot of similar and absolutely opposite points of view that define this concept. All of them agree that space is a medium, an arena, a platform for the implementation of various forms and processes. The structure and properties of this environment are still a reason for heated scientific discussions.

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