HealthDiseases and Conditions

Signs of scabies in children

Scabies - a very common skin disease caused by a parasite - scabies mite. Infection often occurs through direct contact with a sick person, less often through general hygiene items, bedding or clothing.

The most characteristic signs of scabies are severe itching and the appearance on the skin areas of typical itch moves, left by ticks. A normal handshake is one of the most common ways to infect scabies. That is why often the first rashes appear on the hands - in the interdigital folds, on the wrists, in the ulnar fossa. In addition to the hands, rashes can be localized on the skin of the abdomen, around the mammary glands, axillary hollows, on the external genitalia, buttocks and feet. In adults, almost never scabies mite does not affect the scalp, face and neck. But irrespective of the site of localization of the rashes, itching can appear throughout the body.

A somewhat different clinical picture shows itself scabies in children. Symptoms can manifest in almost any part of the body, including the scalp, face, palms, and in babies sometimes even on the nails, which leads to their distortion, thickening and the appearance of cracks. Skin rashes, usually accompanied by severe itching. In the daytime, he can practically not disturb the child, but noticeably intensifies in the evening and at night, and also after taking a warm bath. This is due to the cycle of daily activity of parasites, since it is at this time that the mites of the mite pile "skin" on the surface to lay eggs. Therefore, one of the symptoms that parents should watch out for is the restless behavior of the baby in the evening, increased nervous excitability and disturbances in night sleep.

Due to the easy contact transfer path, scabies very quickly spread in close collectives. Especially often outbreaks of scabies occur in preschool institutions - kindergartens and nurseries. Here, for this condition, they are simply ideal - playing, the children are in close contact with each other, they share toys, towels and, often, bed linens. And if signs of scabies have appeared at least one child, then you can be sure that the surrounding children will immediately catch it.

The first signs of scabies in children are sometimes found after a few hours after contact with patients. The first one makes itself felt itch, and afterwards characteristic rashes appear on the skin. Often the child begins to strongly comb the itchy places, as a result of which secondary bacterial infection joins scabies , requiring additional treatment with antibacterial drugs.

At visual inspection on a skin typical signs of a scabies are visible, namely - itch moves. These are paved "routes" in the upper layer of the skin by female mites, over which they come to the surface for egg laying. Usually they have the form of straight or curved lines of white color, from 0.5 mm to 1 cm in length. Scabies often are surrounded by polymorphic eruptions in the form of small (up to 3 mm) papules, vesicles, or pustules, and are accompanied by a characteristic reddening of the adjacent skin areas. In children, often the rashes are accompanied by an exudative component that lubricates the overall picture of the disease, recalling the signs of wet eczema, which, however, does not lend itself to conventional therapy. Sometimes with scabies, there may appear not very typical rashes, in the form of large blisters (from 4 mm) filled with fluid or pus.

If the child showed signs of scabies, then to determine the final diagnosis and the appointment of subsequent treatment, you should immediately go to a dermatologist. Self-medication should be ruled out. Measures to combat scabies include mandatory preventive treatment for all family members, since the disease is very contagious. And also a thorough disinfection of all household items with which the ill child was in contact. Bed linen, toys and clothes should be boiled for 25 minutes. Those objects and things that can not be subjected to washing and boiling are treated with hot steam or special preparations in an aerosol form.

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