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School essay on "War and Peace"

In the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy raised all the public and personal issues that haunted him for many years. The story of the Decembrists was conceived. But it turned out a product, which due to the scale, variety of images can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life. The essay on "War and Peace" can be devoted to one of the problems highlighted by the writer.

The plot features

In creating the novel, the writer acted as an artist-innovator. In preparing for the execution of such a task as an essay on the theme "War and Peace", one should pay attention to the plot-compositional features of the work. In the novel-epic of Tolstoy there is no intrigue, habitual for the literature of the time of the nineteenth century. The composition and the plot are conditioned by historical events and the philosophical interpretation of the conflict that underlies the narrative.

The essay on "War and Peace" should contain an analysis of the opposition of the central images. After all, the composition of the novel is based on the antithesis. Peaceful society is opposed to the military. Napoleon to Kutuzov. Secular society with its false life values is opposed to such characters as Pierre Bezukhov, Prince Andrew.

Tolstoy created a work that organically combines the features of a historical novel, epic, sketch of mores and chronicles.


Russian writer not only created vivid pictures of the legendary battles, but also showed the inner world of every person involved in the flow of military operations. The essay on "War and Peace" is often dedicated to the images of the great historical figures of the nineteenth century. In the book there are a genius commander Kutuzov, talentless Austrian general Mack.

Tolstoy's work "War and Peace" has many virtues and unique artistic features. There are bright and capacious images of courageous commanders and corrupt careerists, brave soldiers and cowards who occupy warm and comfortable posts in the military elite.

The themes of the works "War and Peace" are extremely diverse. And in order to reveal each of them, one should make a lot of efforts: to read the original source, the works of critics, historical works about military events of the early nineteenth century.

Kutuzov: "War and Peace"

The work of Tolstoy is the greatest comprehension of social development, history and philosophy. The subject of research for the writer was the legendary historical figures. In philosophical digressions, the Russian classic insists on providentialism, a kind of doctrine that is based on the conviction of the continuous connection of historical events with the will of Providence. The central place in the chapters devoted to the war is occupied by two antipodes - Kutuzov and Napoleon.

Russian commander is a unique person. He does not utter unnecessary speeches, there is something in his appearance that resembles a simple soldier. Kutuzov remains himself on the battlefield and on the military council. The war of 1812 put this person on a par with the largest political figures.

The historicity of the novel

What can you tell us about the written work devoted to Tolstoy's novel? The themes of the works "War and Peace" are various. But no matter what kind of problems in the work of the Russian writer they concern, one should familiarize oneself with historical sources. How was Kutuzov's life? What role did he play in the military-historical events of the early nineteenth century? To these questions, of course, is the work "War and Peace". The writing should be written on the basis of impressions from the novel and information gathered from the documentary books. This approach provides an opportunity to comprehend the social, political and spiritual positions of the great Russian writer.


In the novel, this historical character is a bourgeois revolutionary, a despot, a conqueror. Accompanying the French emperor glory and greatness. Napoleon was admired not only in France, but throughout the world. His strength was frightening, but attractive. Tolstoy tore off the halo of false greatness from the French commander. And the writer did this consciously, as evidenced by the entries in his diary.

Napoleon Tolstoy called "the executioner of the people." The great humanist sought to inspire readers with the idea that cruelty and violence can be justified only by one who has lost the true idea of the world and himself.

It can not be denied that one of the greatest figures in history is Napoleon. "War and Peace" is an essay that is not just a multi-volume work reflecting important historical events. It is also an attempt to convince society that Napoleonic greatness is a destructive terrible force.

Secular Society

One of the most interesting themes of the work on Tolstoy's work is the morals of the representatives of the Russian aristocracy. The description of secular society in the novel is of considerable importance. This is a special world, living by its own laws, customs and customs. The first thing that catches your eye when reading a book is the unnaturalness of the representatives of secular society. Most of the time they spend on all sorts of tricks where they discuss politics and art news. But their conversations are mechanical. Each of the representatives of this society plays the role assigned to it. At receptions, these people talk continuously, but do not hear each other.

Natasha Rostova

At the beginning of the novel, the heroine appears before the reader as a nice live teenager. Throughout the events reflected in the book, it changes, grows up. The meaning of life for Natasha is love. But during the parting with Bolkonsky she commits a mistake. And finally, at the end of the epic this image acquires features that Tolstoy understands in the understanding of the ideal of a woman. With the marriage and the birth of children, it loses its former charm and ease. But she is also responsive, direct, sincere. And most importantly, from now on Natasha completely gives herself to the family. In the composition-reasoning it is worth comparing this image with other heroines of the book.

Pierre Bezukhov

The image of this hero also undergoes significant changes. Bezukhov is in spiritual search, searching for the meaning of life. At secular receptions, he is like a stranger. Bezukhov feels unnatural, contrived, lying, reigning around. He has an observant, inquisitive mind. And this quality does not allow him to conduct thoughtless mechanical conversations in secular receptions. However, to get rid of the society, which he does not like, Bezukhov succeeds not soon. The image of this literary hero is another topic for the work on Tolstoy's novel.

A family

Tolstoy's work "War and Peace" - a book in which different people are shown. But due to social circumstances they still have a strong connection. Tolstoy treats Bolkonsky with unusual sympathy. The qualities characteristic of the members of this family are patriotism, nobility, a sense of duty. Unlike other representatives of secular society, they do not spend time idly. On the example of Bolkonski, the writer reveals his own idea of an ideal family.

In Prince Nikolay surprisingly, the softness and rigidity are combined. Mind and activity are the main virtues, according to the theory of this hero. In the essay on the work of the Russian writer-humanist it is necessary to reveal the theme of family values, because it is one of the main in the books of Tolstoy. A creative task can also be devoted to the landscape in a novel-epic or characterization of secondary, but no less interesting characters.

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