Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Scheme of push-ups from the floor for beginners. We train our body correctly

Push-ups from the floor have long been transformed into one of the most cultic exercises for all who follow their figure and try if you do not go to the gym, then at least regularly at home. But not all athletes know that this exercise can not only pump the pectoral muscles and strengthen the hands, but also harm your body. Let's look at what a scheme of push-ups should be for sex for those who are just starting to train.

First, let's figure out what is so good about this type of exercise? Yes, everything is simple - push-ups not only strengthen almost all the muscles of the upper body (especially in the pectoral muscles, the press and the shoulder girdle), contribute to an increase in the volume and relief of muscle mass, but also develop endurance, dexterity and strength of the body. But we should not forget that, under excessive loads, push-ups can become an enemy of growth of muscle tissues from a good helper. For example, if you enrolled in a gym and regularly exercise in strength training, do not press too often at home - so you simply will not let the body recover, and the pectoral muscles may stop growing and even shrink in volume.

If you decide to study at home, outside the hall, then the scheme of push-ups from the floor for such activities may look different. The first thing to remember is that you do not have to press more than fifteen times in one approach. More repetitions can cause the pectoral muscles to simply stop growing, but their relief and texture will increase. It is best when you reach fifteen repetitions for one approach to proceed to complicate the exercise. Specialists came to the conclusion that when squeezing, a person uses about sixty-five percent of his body weight, and with push-ups on his knees, the load does not exceed forty-five percent of the weight of the athlete. Thus, you can start training with push-ups on your knees, then go on to the usual exercise of this exercise, and then perform push-ups on the fingers, on one hand or with an extra weight on your back.

It should be borne in mind that this exercise can promote the development of various muscle groups and the athlete can independently adjust the load on these or other muscles of his body. For example, push-ups with a wide grip will promote the growth of pectoral muscles, and performing the exercise with a narrow grip will give more stress to the triceps. Perform this exercise preferably daily (five times a week - two days of rest will need the body to recover), several approaches per day. The scheme of push-ups from the floor for each person can be individual, but some common elements in the performance of this exercise will still be present.

First, sooner or later the question arises as to how to complicate push-ups. You can do this in several ways - perform an exercise on one hand, with cotton or by attaching additional weight to the body. For better stretching of the pectoral muscles, some professionals also recommend deep push-ups. To perform this exercise, you need to use special handholds or three chairs (two are used in the form of palm rest, and the third one should be used for the legs) and the meaning is that it should be bent as deep as possible - with normal execution do this as Rule, prevents the floor.

It is important to remember that even the most perfect scheme of push-ups from the floor can not replace a full-fledged training session in the hall. But if the pushups alternate with other exercises (squats, exercises on the press), you can maintain your body in great shape even without hiking in fitness centers and "simulators".

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