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Russian actor Yuri Kutsenko: biography, filmography and interesting facts

Those viewers who are not very familiar with the work of this actor immediately realize his face, only they will hear the name of perhaps the most famous paintings with his participation: "Paragraph 78" (Goodwin's role), "The Last Weekend" (the role of Madness ), Countess de Monsoro (Claude, Duke de Chevreuse), Night Watch (Ignat's role), Antikiller (the role of Major Korenev, Fox) and the Love-Carrot trilogy (the role of Andrei Golubev). Most likely, everyone has already understood who will be discussed in this article. So, get acquainted: Yuri Kutsenko.

Children's years and family ties of the future celebrity

Yura (who is also Gosha, also Goga) was born on the twentieth day of the warm month of May 1967. This happened in Ukraine in the city of Zaporozhye. But soon after the birth of the boy the whole family moved to Lviv, where the childhood of the future star of Russian cinema passed.

Yuriy Kutsenko Was born in an interesting family, because not all children are selected by relatives with such professions. My grandmother was an opera singer at the pope's line, my father was an employee of the Ministry of Radio Industry, and my mother was a roentgenologist.

Excellent worker Yura

It just so happened that the parents gave little time to their son. And Yura grew up a very active, lively boy. He liked to learn, so he pored over textbooks without any coercion from adults. And independently he achieved good marks: in addition to chemistry, he had only five.

But do not think that Yuri Kutsenko grew up as a so-called botanist. Despite his excellent school achievements, he skillfully combined classes with sports. The boy attended the sports section, with pleasure engaged in wrestling.

Childhood memories

In one of the interviews of the journalistic brotherhood, the famous Russian actor Yuriy Kutsenko shared the impressions left by him for ever in his memory. He told me that this time was absolutely happy for him. And he realized this only when he grew up. Zaporozhye is forever associated with him with special warmth, Lviv - with his native Ukraine. Everywhere, wherever the boy walked, there were freely growing trees, croquetted from cherry and mulberry. Nearby was the Dnieper, where Gosh and his friends splashed in the waves. In those distant childhood years, and remained the first love, the first bike, first friends ...

Then the boy was engaged in the sports section by freestyle wrestling. For him it was an unforgettable time. Only very fast, flew fast. Yura then fell asleep with great difficulty, because for tomorrow he had many worries, for example, how to exchange two buttons for two buttons. It was many years later that such things seemed to the adult Yuri Georgievich ridiculous boyish cares, and in childhood nothing was more important than this.

From MIREA to the Moscow Art Theater

After receiving the school certificate Kutsenko Yuri Georgievich enters the Lviv Polytechnic Institute. He can not finish his studies, because the young man is called to the Soviet Army. Serves as a future actor for two years. In the late eighties he moved with his parents to the capital, to Moscow. In this huge city of realization of almost all, even the most unrealistic hopes, Kutsenko becomes a student of MIREA - the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. He studies diligently, as in school, but after a short time understands that this is not his path. His soul was against it. After all, always a young man was drawn to the theatrical stage.

After studying at MIREA for only two courses, Kutsenko Yuri Takes a very important and fateful decision for him - he simply must enter the Moscow Art Theater School. And the guy began to seriously prepare for the entrance exams. His father, Georgy Pavlovich, was so shocked by his son's act that he even called to the dean of the Moscow Art Theater School with a formidable demand not to accept a card idiot named Yuri Kutsenko.

In order to prove himself from the best possible side, at the entrance examinations the future actor read "Confessions of a hooligan", which came from the pen of Sergei Yesenin. In those years, Kutsenko still strongly karavil, which drove almost into Homeric laughter head of the admissions committee - the great Oleg Tabakov. He often asked the applicant: "What's your name?". He constantly replied: "Yughiy". But suddenly, once again, he said: "My name is Gosha. So mother called her as a child. " The commission in its entirety was taken prisoner by such ingenuity and ingenuity of the young man. So Gosha Kutsenko became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School.

The first steps in the film industry

The debut role was in Gosha Kutsenko in 1991. He was still a student at the school-studio. It was a small episode in the film about a man from the Alpha team. The beginning of acting was done. The beginning actor cheered up. The next year he receives a diploma about the termination of training, but here he faces a problem: graduates without any work experience are not particularly needed by anyone. Several Moscow theaters refused him. There were entreprises, quite a decent number of small cinematic episodes ...

In the difficult nineties, Kutsenko Yuri Georgievich (Gosha Kutsenko, as he was later introduced), played in many films, among which were fantastic comedies, social dramas, ironic parables ...

TV in the biography of a young actor

In 1995, Gosha Kutsenko came to work on television. He became the presenter on the TV-6 and MUZ-TV channels. More and more people began to recognize him.

But widespread popularity came to him completely unexpectedly. Directed by Yegor Konchalovsky planned to shoot an action movie in the book of Daniil Koretsky. This film - Antikiller - made a lot of noise. It was watched by a huge number of spectators of different ages. Yuri Kutsenko, the actor at that time not very famous, played the main role - a former operative criminal investigation officer nicknamed Fox. For spectators who remembered him for small episodes, it was an unexpected surprise.

After the film was released, the actor became a real "star" of Russian cinema. Later, there were the Golden Age (the role of the Prince of Wales), The Night Watch (the role of Ignat), The Hunting for the Witches (Luchkov's role), Yesenin (the role of Yakov Blumkin), The Turkish Gambit (the role of Ismail Bey) , "Inhabited Island" (the role of the underground Boar), "The Book of Masters" (the role of Kashchei the Immortal), "Alias for the Hero" (the role of the Gene of Concrete) ...

And to this day, except for work on the set, Kutsenko works (and quite successfully) in the theater. He has interesting works in the performances "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - the role of the Gnome, "Ladies Night. Only for women "- the role of Greg (in one of the mise en scene the actor appears in front of the audience almost naked). He also appears on the stage in the musical "Metro". Simultaneously with this work Kutsenko Yuri Georgievich, whose biography is very and very diverse and contains quite interesting facts (for example, parents named their son in honor of Yuri Gagarin, Yuri Kutsenko is very similar to Mikhail Kozakov, and in one movie they even played father and son , He began to call himself Gosha and present himself that way even from the time he entered the MKhAT school studio), is one of the owners of the film company, which has proved itself quite successful in many paintings. In total, in the creative biography of the actor, about five dozen works in films and on television.

Gosh and music ...

Kutsenko's first performances as a soloist took place with the rock band "Lamb-97", later the creative tandem "Gosha Kutsenko & Anatomy of Soul" appeared. It was this work that formed the basis of his musical activity. This went on for four years, during which the musicians gave many concerts in different cities of Russia. The songs of that period were included in the soundtracks of the films "Savages", "Everybody Can Kings", "Mars".

His debut album was released in 2010 on May 19, on the eve of the actor's birthday. Kutsenko admitted that he had been preparing for this for several years, very glad that everything turned out as he planned, and now wants to hear different opinions about his work.

Personal life of a charismatic artist

Biography Kutsenko Goshi-Yuri is quite extensive, and it is impossible now to talk about it without mentioning his two wives. The first was his colleague in the shop - actress Maria Poroshina. They lived together for five years. Polina's daughter was born. But it did not work for two talented creative people of a strong family. They parted peacefully and are still friends. Maria speaks of him only kind, warm words. She is grateful to him for her eldest daughter. And Yuri does not get tired of convincing others that friendship between a man and a woman is a real phenomenon.

The second wife of Yuri was Fashion Model's fashion model Irina Skrinichenko, who is 13 years younger than him.

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