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Reviews and reviews of the book "Amphibian Man"

Reviews of the book "Amphibian Man" prove that this fantastic work, written in 1927, is still popular with the modern reader. A fascinating plot, interesting characters, unexpectedly touching and sad outcome, as well as an unusual fictional world created by the author, and these days attract the attention of the audience. Additional popularity of the novel brought the same-name Soviet adaptation, carried out in 1962.

About the plot

Great importance for understanding the meaning of the story told by Belyaev has been reviewed about the book "Amphibian Man". In his work, the writer came up with an original story in all respects, which in its dynamism and originality is not inferior to the best examples of fiction in the world literature. Readers rightly believe that the unusual story of a young man who can live in both water and land is one of the most interesting and intriguing in prose. In their opinion, the author's undoubted success is the inclusion in the narrative of the love line between the protagonist Ichthyander and Guttiere. Reviews about the book "Amphibian Man" show how much the impression was made on the readers of the ending of the work, which, according to them, is the strongest and at the same time the most sad part of the novel. The fate of a young man doomed to live forever in the water, according to users, gives the entire product a hint of despair, which leaves an indelible imprint.

About the main character

Users consider Ichthyander one of the most successful images in the world of fantastic literature, since he is no superhero, unlike other works of a similar nature. On the contrary, fundamentally differing from people by its extraordinary ability to stay under water for a long time, it retains the best human qualities. About how much this character's love for the readers is proved by the reviews about the book "Amphibian Man". Many users rightly point out such positive qualities in his character as courage, courage, sincere devotion and love, ie, those features that make him so attractive.

About Gutierrez

Fans of Belyaev's creativity correctly note that the image of a girl is an undoubted success of the writer. According to them, the author created an amazingly solid character: a brave heroine who has amazing spiritual sensitivity, compassion and understanding. Readers pay attention to its firmness, conviction and inflexibility, which allow it to with dignity transfer the tests that have fallen to its lot. The review of Belyaev's book "Amphibian Man" shows that this heroine immediately won the sympathy of the audience, who appreciated her vigor, courage and sensitivity in relation to Ichthyander. In fact, it was Gutierrez who, like no one else, was able to understand his emotional experiences, suffering and the desire to become a real person.

Opinions about the professor

This hero, according to the readers, is one of the most controversial in the novel. Users point out the benefits of his research for people, but at the same time draw attention to the fact that his experiments break their fates. The review of the book "Amphibian Man" (Grade 7 - this is the time when students can offer this work) shows the preservation of the interest of modern readers to the problems raised by the author. One of them is the price of scientific progress. According to the readers, Belyaev showed in fascinating and accessible form how the professor's research, on the one hand, saved the life of the protagonist, but, on the other hand, caused the madness of his real father. However, most users recognize: Dr. Salvator is a positive hero, as he sincerely cared about his adopted son.

About Pedro Zurite

We analyzed more than one review of the book. "Amphibian Man" does not leave readers indifferent, and many note how controversial and ambiguous the heroes came out under the pen of Belyaev. This fully applies to the image of Zurita, a clever rascal, adventurer, owner of the schooner "Medusa", on which he extracted pearls. According to the readers, he is a typical swindler who is engaged in illegal marine fishing and to achieve the goal does not abhor any means and even goes to kidnapping Ichthyander. However, some users noted the character has a good sense of humor, a cunning character and a certain entrepreneurial spirit. They correctly write that in the novel this character turned out not so sinister, gloomy and unprincipled, as shown in the Soviet film.

Opinion about Olsen

One of the most famous science fiction works is the novel "Amphibian Man". Reviews of the book (6 class - this is the right time to get acquainted with this work) helps to understand which characters caused the greatest sympathy among readers. All positively write about the beloved protagonist, the simple worker factory Olsene. According to most fans of fiction, this character turned out to be positive in every respect: he is devoted to the girl, sincere, bold, incorruptible. Readers note his generosity in the rescue of Ichthyander, when he helped the young man escape from the dungeon, where he was imprisoned. And no wonder Gutierrez fell in love with him, because she guessed in him a man of honest and decent.

About the idea

All lovers of this work note that the novel occupies a prominent place among the works of fiction. Undoubtedly, the most popular creation of the writer is precisely the "Amphibian Man". Composition (review of the book helps to better understand its value for the development of the genre of fiction) on this novel can be offered to students to consolidate the material on the subject of creativity Belyaeva. The idea of the author is original: the idea of a young man saved by a scientific experiment, which at the same time broke his life, sounds especially relevant today, when the development of technological progress seemed to reach its apogee. Fans of Belyaev's works place him in credit for an interesting and fascinating narrative that does not allow one to relax for a single minute. In addition, many rightly noted how talented the author painted the South American color of Argentina, where the novel unfolds.

About Conflicts

The fact that Belyaev's novel turned out to be complex and contradictory proves every second review of the book "Amphibian Man." Grade 5 is the time when students can only be introduced to the main, adventure plot, without going into complicated discussions about the price of scientific progress. Do not rush to advise children on this novel, let them grow up.

Fans of this work note that it has several main problematic subjects, which are very organically intertwined. First of all, we are talking, in their opinion, about the struggle for Ichthyander. The professor takes care of him as his own son and at the same time can not be proud of him as a successful scientific experiment. Zurita is only interested in young men for the sake of gain and thinks only about how to use it for pearl fishing. Balthazar, the real father of the protagonist, expects to bring him back to his family. Almost no one pays any attention to this tangle of contradictions about Ichthyander's feelings, feelings and desires. The last circumstance is indicated by all those who completely read the work of Belyaev.

About the meaning of the book

The novel of the writer did not leave indifferent any of the readers who recognize the author's undoubted skill in combining all the necessary elements of the fantasy genre with a fascinating plot and a touching love line. In their opinion, the book, although somewhat inferior to works based on scientific facts, is so fascinating and unpredictable that it can rightly be attributed to the best writings written in an adventurous adventure style.

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