
Remedy for bruises

Literally, each of us knows what a bruise is. And it is not necessary to fight, in order to get what according to folk wisdom adorns a strong sex. For this, you can just slightly unsuccessfully "attach" to some sharp corner of the furniture or door jamb.

And now a seemingly minor bruise turns into a bruise before our eyes. It's one thing when bruises are often "scattered" around a boy who gets these marks for extreme activity, but bruises on a girl or an adult woman do not add to her attractiveness. And they appear, as a rule, in the most unfortunate place and at the most unfortunate time.

And now the owner or possessor of this unexpected mark begins frantically to look for a remedy for bruises, trying at least temporarily to hide a flaw under a thick layer of makeup. In general, people tend to remember about cosmetic products that will help to cover up a defect, but they forget about simple national methods that will help get rid of it.

But the remedy for bruises, and not one, can always be found at hand at any time. For example, the onion, mixed with salt in a proportion of five to six heavily chopped bulbs, helps the onion with a heap on a spoonful of large salt. The mixture should be wrapped in a rag and put on a sick site.

The ideal folk remedy for bruises is potato flour, which needs to be diluted in water before getting a gruel, then put on a bruise. They say that he will not be in the morning.

Surprisingly, in the fight against hematomas, the banana peel helps, which should be applied to the affected area for half an hour.

Another proven means of bruising is a mixture of half a glass of vinegar and half a teaspoon of salt, in which you need to moisten the napkin and put it on the place for 30 minutes. As a result, a bruise disappears and a pain disappears.

Bruises are not only from strokes, but also as dark circles under the eyes, the cause of which medicine considers the presence of a disease of any internal organ or a violation of venous or lymphatic outflow. Sometimes bruises under the eyes speak eloquently of irregular sleep, severe fatigue or negative emotions of their host, although most often they result from a lack of vitamins, especially often in the winter months, when vitamins can only be found in polished fruit in supermarket display cases.

Of course, you can fight with this problem, armed with a proof-reader or a voice-frequency cream, but why not turn to the miraculous recipes of our grandmothers for help?

What folk remedies from bruises under the eyes exist?

Firstly, it is herbal compresses made from dill and chamomile, which are alternately made in cold and hot form. Especially they help before bed. It is said that in addition to whitening dark circles, this process helps to tone the delicate skin around the eyes and eliminate fine wrinkles.

Another remedy for bruising under the eyes is an emollient nutritive pack of grated parsley with sour cream. Prepare quite easily, but it helps very well!

Fatigue under the eyes and bruises cleans potatoes, finely grated and wrapped in gauze. Only 15 or 20 minutes, and the eyes will glisten, and the darkness under them noticeably brightens.

Traditional medicine knows many recipes for getting rid of bruises, for example, welding strong tea, which you need to use cotton pads to hold on your eyelids. The procedure will last only ten minutes, and then you need to rinse your eyes with cold water and lubricate your eyelids with a nourishing eye cream.

This means of bruising will allow the eyes to relax, however, one must remember that they will not pass by themselves: you need to smile more, get only positive, walk and sleep more, and sit less in front of the TV or computer screen.

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