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Rabbit meat: harm and benefit, nutritional value and cooking characteristics

Dietary dish of rabbit meat in its taste qualities is superior to many kinds of meat. It is recommended to include in the diet of children, the elderly and slimming. Rabbit meat is rich in valuable protein, which is necessary for building muscle tissue athletes. And this is not all of its useful properties.

Rabbit meat: benefits and harm, calorie and nutritional value

Rabbit meat belongs to white varieties. It is tender, soft and juicy. In view of the low caloric content, the product is considered dietary. According to its nutritional qualities, rabbit meat considerably exceeds chicken, beef and pork.

The structure of rabbit meat is 85% composed of muscle tissue, which is much larger than that of other varieties. The fat content in rabbit meat does not exceed 9-10%. This amount of fat by dietitians is even considered useful.

Caloric content of rabbit meat is only 183 kcal per 100 g. The amount of protein is 21.2 g, and this is almost the same as that contained in chicken breast. Weight of fat in 100 g of rabbit meat is 11 grams, water - almost 67 g. Rabbit, in contrast to chicken and other varieties, is almost completely absorbed by the body (by 90%).

This dietary meat contains important vitamins and minerals. Thanks to them the meat of rabbit meat acquires the highest nutritional value. It contains such macronutrients as potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Rabbit meat, the harm and benefit of which are determined by a number of factors, is the source of important trace elements. Particularly valuable among them are iron, zinc, manganese, iodine, etc.

Beneficial features

On beneficial properties rabbit meat is ahead of other known varieties. This is mainly determined by the unique amount of vitamins and minerals that are contained in rabbit meat.

Rabbit meat, the harm and benefit of which are under the control of nutritionists, contains the minimum amount of nitrogenous compounds, in comparison with other varieties. That is why in small quantities rabbit is allowed to eat even with a sick gout.

This product contains a small amount of fat and cholesterol, so it is recommended for dietary nutrition and the normalization of metabolism, with ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Rabbit - hypoallergenic meat, which is easily absorbed by the body. It is the ideal source of protein for nursing mothers and children after one year. The rabbit meat contains antioxidants, so it is recommended to use it for the prevention of cancer. It is proved that the rabbit contains substances that can reduce the dose of radiation taken. It is recommended to include in the diet people who undergo chemotherapy.

Especially useful is the rabbit meat, which has not reached the age of seven months, because it is not "stuffed" with antibiotics and growth hormones. That is, it is really a natural dietary rabbit, with the maximum amount of vitamins, micro- and macro elements.

Harm and contraindications

Rabbit meat is unique in that it has almost no contraindications to eating. And yet it should not be included in your diet to people with certain diseases, such as arthritis, gout. The reason for this is purine bases, which are contained in any meat, including rabbit meat. When ingested, they become uric acid, which has a negative effect on joints and tendons.

Rabbit meat, the harm and benefit of which allow it to be consumed in moderation to all people, is a valuable dietary product. It has no significant contraindications, it is allowed to include both adults and children in the diet.

Rabbit meat: good and bad. How to choose a fresh rabbit?

Rabbit meat is difficult to spoil. It is delicious in a stewed and fried form, soups for children and adults are prepared from it, the rabbit is used for first feeding of children. Spicy flavor gives it dried fruits (raisins, prunes), honey, greens, carrots. Of course, delicious dishes are obtained, if fresh rabbit meat is chosen. Its benefits and harm are taken into account by nutritionists, which allow using the product even when losing weight.

You can buy meat both in the market and in the store. In any case, the criteria for choosing a quality rabbit are the same:

  • The color of the meat should be white, with a slight pink tinge. Fresh rabbit is characterized by density and elastic structure.
  • The smell in the fresh product is practically absent or is barely perceptible, characteristic of any fresh meat. If the rabbit smells strongly of hay, this indicates that it is old. It is better to refrain from such a purchase.
  • You should pay attention to the paws: at least one of them should remain with fur. Unfair sellers often disguised as carrots sell a carcass of a cat.
  • When buying frozen meat, you should pay attention to the packaging. It is best if it is vacuum. Meat should preserve its natural color, be light pink, without bruising.

Rabbit meat, the benefit and harm of which persists during the preparation, has a specific taste, which is helped to soak off the soaking. To do this, the rabbit is lowered into water for 3 hours and then begins to cook, according to the recipe.

The recipe for cooking rabbit in yogurt

There are many recipes for cooking rabbit. But especially tender its meat turns out, if to extinguish it in yoghurt.

Half the carcass of a rabbit weighing about 1 kg, divided into portions, washed and dried. Then add salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. After that, fry the rabbit in vegetable oil to a crispy crust. Do not take meat out of the pan, pour it completely with water or broth and simmer for about 1 hour. After this time, add 200 ml of yogurt and a teaspoon of dried basil. Stew for another 15 minutes. At the end of the preparation, add finely chopped garlic (1-2 tooth.), Turn off the heat and let it brew for 10 minutes. After this, the dish can be served to the table.

The rabbit meat prepared according to this recipe, the benefits and harm of which, in the opinion of nutritionists, are not comparable, turns out to be tender and juicy. This is an excellent, easy-to-prepare dish for a dietary table.

Rabbit with prunes in a multivark

When preparing a rabbit, dried fruits are often added to the dish to give it a piquant taste. But before that, the meat should be soaked in warm water for about an hour.

According to the presented recipe rabbit meat, the harm and benefit of which remain unchanged regardless of the way of preparation, is obtained very juicy, and softer than when extinguishing in a frying pan.

First, the rabbit needs to be roasted in the multivarker with the "Baking" mode for about 30 minutes. Then add the onions and carrots to the meat, cut into half rings. After that, pour on top of the water, put 2 tablespoons of sour cream, a teaspoon of tomato paste and simmer for 1.5 hours. After the preparation, add the crushed garlic clove and prunes. The dish is ready, nice appetite!

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