Food and drinkRecipes

Potato with stew is the guarantee of family happiness.

Everyone knows the common expression "The way to the heart of a man lies through his stomach." Having adopted this phrase, I began to pamper my husband with a variety of dishes that only come to mind. Salads from exotic fruits, meat salads, meat stewed in prunes and stuffed poultry - that's just what comes to mind from all my culinary experiments ... And, like a man who has already stuffed himself a bump about this corner, I warn you, ladies : Do not try to do as I do! All my attempts led only to the fact that the delicacies barely tried by the husband tactfully descended into the toilet. And not only products were going down, but my time, efforts and strength. Why did this happen? Many may think that in the hands of the inexperienced mistress and the sugar can become bitter, the note was quite different - after all, those who came to visit, with pleasure absorbed everything cooked and asked for supplements. It turned out that an expensive spouse, like the vast majority of men in our country, is alien to culinary delights and healthy food. The fire in his eyes appeared only when a carrot with onion was fried in a pan, splashing in all directions with oil, and potatoes were extinguished in a saucepan ... Yes, dear women! We are racking our brains about how to please our loved ones, and they have a real, physical arousal caused by potatoes with stew! And they do not need your foie gras, in their opinion, these are show-offs for business meetings, and fried potatoes with stewed meat are the food of the Gods and the real muzhiks. So, for those who want to see the grateful smile of her husband after dinner, I write you a recipe for family happiness. It's called "potato with stew."

So, first we'll clean the potatoes, the more, the better, at least the bag! (Anyway, then it will be short). Then we will clean carrots, onion, sweet Bulgarian pepper and two tomatoes. We rub the carrots on a grater, chop the onions, pepper cut with straw, and tomatoes with cubes. Put the stew on the heated frying pan. No, it's wrong! All stew with white fat! Yes, it's harmful! Yes, the liver will swear loudly with abusive words. But let the husband's liver curses better than the husband himself, believe me ... Now in the melted fat we spread carrots, and after a couple of minutes and onions. Reduce the gas, do not cover the lid. Vegetables should be roasted, and not extinguished! While the carrot is coming, cut the potatoes into small cubes. Small! So what, that it will boil and lose shape, according to the man, potatoes with stewed meat should be like this! But then he will gladly smear and mix it all up to a state of homogeneous mass and will be very pleased.

Cut the sliced potatoes with water so that the water only covers it, no more, and put it on the fire. In the meantime, it's time to add chopped peppers and tomatoes in a frying pan with a passer. Wait five minutes and turn off the gas. And what about the potatoes? Has it boiled? Well, it's nice, all the contents of the frying pan are transferred to a pan and stewed on a small gas for about thirty minutes under a loosely-closed lid, without forgetting to salt. When you see that the potato has ceased to have a clear outline, add finely chopped greens, all that is, and for a smell throw one clove of garlic. In five minutes, the fire can be turned off, the path to the heart of the man is now free.

Stewed potatoes with stewed meat will give you all the chances to be known as a smart hostess, but if you want to stay for a while "swallow", "berry", "Marya-Skillet" and "Vasilisa beautiful" - then your option is fried potatoes with stew. Only to make it it is necessary correctly that it was golden, crispy, with a crust and smelled of dill. There is nothing complicated in this, just remember, you need to pour a little oil on the frying pan, put the stew, and do not put fat at all! Otherwise the potatoes will absorb moisture and become soft, crusts will not work. Do not cover the potatoes with a lid, turn it as low as possible and salt it five minutes before it is ready. That's all. The title of "The Wife of the Year" is provided to you. But not for long. Because tomorrow your husband will start to sigh and disgustingly whine under your ear that he has not seen potatoes with stew for two whole months, that he sits for three days hungry and in the dying delirium he saw potatoes with stew. ... Well, what can I advise? Knife in hand and in the kitchen. Attack the potatoes ...

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