
Popular tattoo "Save and save"

Tattooing is the technique of applying a decorative pattern to the subcutaneous layer of the body with pigments that are harmless to the human body.

A bit of history

The history of tattooing goes back several millennia, and no one can reliably tell where they first appeared. Some historians come to the conclusion that the first tattoos arose at the dawn of humanity and meant belonging to the genus, determined social status and had magical power. Until now, in some parts of India, there has been a custom of drawing tattoos to determine the person's belonging to a particular caste.

In ancient times, it was not just a picture - every image carried a different kind of information. Only after the first round-the-world trips did the sailors begin to apply a tattoo not connected with rituals and certain kind of information on their body. Seeing on the aborigines tattoo amulets, which were supposed to protect their owners from the diseases and dangers trapped in the hunt, the sailors began to put themselves a tattoo with Christian symbols.

On the back, the sailors depicted a crucifix; Tattoo "Save and save" was to help avoid corporal punishment, which they were often subjected to in the navy.

Tattoos in Russia

It is believed that the art of tattooing in Russia appeared during the reign of Peter the Great, but it is not so. In ancient pagan Russia, the figure of the nurse took a place in magical rituals and rituals. Later the drawings began to be applied by Russian soldiers and princes; They carried information about exploits, nobility and status. After the arrival of Christianity, the church rejected tattoos, which were a reminder of paganism and magical rites.

Figures with the inscription - "Save and Save" tattoo - were among the first after the revival of tattoo art in the country. But even to this day, Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, are ambivalent about the skill of tattooing.

It must be said that some people choose the expression "Save and save" for the drawing. The inscription of the tattoo in this case can be considered a tribute to the magic rites and spells, which were always blamed by the clergy. The Orthodox Church explains its rejection not only to such inscriptions, but to all other images on the human body. The body created by our Lord and bought at a high price should not be disfigured. The symbol of the Christian religion is a crucifixion, and in order to be faithful to Christ it is enough to wear a cross. The inscription on the tattoo "Save and Save" is inappropriate because it already exists on the cross.

Modern drawings on the body

In our country, only in the nineties of the last century, the tattoo industry began to develop intensively, they immediately became fashionable among different strata of the population, especially among young people. And in recent years, Christian symbolism has become fashionable in the drawings on the body. Popular were inscriptions of a different nature. Tatu "Save and save" in different languages of the peoples of the world are dazzling on various parts of the body of our youth. Such inscriptions, mainly, put on the forearms of hands and wrists. Often there are images of a cross with an inscription on the tattoo "Save and save." A photo of all possible variants of this attribute, as a rule, is in the album with examples of works of this or that master. Especially the image of the Celtic cross with ornamentation and sayings became popular. Another hobby for young people is the imposition of hieroglyphics, although few know what they mean.

It is worthwhile to think, before you become a tattoo owner, again weigh, whether you need it or not, imagine how it will look on your old skin after many years. And if you are sure, try to choose the right tattoo for you, then not to look for ways to get rid of it.

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