
Ozilocaclum: instructions for use

Homeopathic granules "Otsilokaktsilum" consist of two active substances: an ans barbarolium in the amount of 200 K and hepatitis et cordis extractum in the volume of one hundredth of a milliliter, as well as auxiliary substances - a mixture of lactose and sucrose to one thousand milligrams. These granules have a white color and a spherical shape, but they do not have a smell and they easily dissolve in water.

Indications for the use of the drug "Ozilokaktsilum" instructions for use include the following: colds (acute respiratory viral and bacterial infections) and influenza.

Contraindication to the use of this drug is only individual hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug.

The instruction describes the application and dosage for Ozilocacillum as follows: the contents of the container's doses are placed under the tongue and are held there until it completely dissolves. And for children other rules - the contents of the dose dissolve in a small volume of water and with the help of a spoon or a bottle with a nipple on it is given to the patient. Take the medicine should be fifteen minutes before meals or an hour after it.

Dosage for the preparation "Otsilokaktsilum" instructions for use describes this way: the dosage does not depend on the age of the patient, but depends on the stage of the disease. With the preventive purpose, during the spread of acute respiratory viral diseases, you should take the drug "Ocilocacillum" once a week for a single dose. If the disease has already begun, then in the very first days, as soon as possible, you should take one dose, and then, if necessary, repeat two to three times with a six-hour interval. But for the expressed stage of the disease, the dosage of the drug "Ocilocacillum" instruction for use recommends this - one dose in the morning and one dose in the evening for one to three days. And if during the course of twenty-four hours the symptomatology continues to grow, then immediately consult a doctor.

Side effect of the drug "Otsilokaktsilum" instructions for use describes this way: information about any side effects is missing, but in principle, the development of allergic manifestations. If any side effect occurs, you should immediately inform your doctor about it. As for the overdose, such cases have not yet been registered.

Drug interaction with other medications: taking homeopathic substances does not exclude the use of drugs that belong to other groups.

Special instructions for the treatment of the drug "Ocilocacillum" give the following instructions: it is necessary to prescribe this medication as early as possible, since the treatment is the more effective and gives the soonest result, the earlier it was started.

Receiving this medication does not affect the ability to manage a variety of vehicles and work with various mechanisms that require concentration of attention and quick reaction.

The drug "Ocilocaclum" during lactation and during pregnancy is prescribed by the doctor, on the basis that the expected result is more important than the possible risk to the health of the child, since there is no evidence of reliably confirming or refuting the effect of this drug on the baby.

Keep this medicine in a dry place inaccessible to children and protected from light, at a temperature of fifteen to twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Shelf life of Ozilokaktsilum is five years. At the end of this period, it is strictly prohibited to use it.

From pharmacies this drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

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