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Ointment from conjunctivitis for children - which one is better to choose?

At any age it is unpleasant to get sick with conjunctivitis, because significant discomfort is caused by both discharge from the eyes and unpleasant sensations. And if adults can still somehow reconcile with this during the treatment, then the children get much more. The more that babies are sick more often than adults. Suffer even crumbs, which have not yet turned a year old. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is not difficult to defeat the disease. Here comes to the rescue ointment from conjunctivitis for children. The main thing is to choose it correctly, so that it would fit even the smallest patients.

What is conjunctivitis?

This disease is a consequence of an allergy, bacterial or viral infection. Before you choose the right medicine, you need to understand what kind of baby the problem is with the eyes. Undoubtedly, any treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, but even before he examines the baby, paying attention to some signs, you can determine the nature of the disease and slowly begin treatment.

Very rare phenomenon can be called allergic conjunctivitis in newborn babies. Usually they are sick of children over three to four years old. Even if it happened that the disease affected the baby who did not celebrate his first birthday, the treatment will be as follows: remove the allergen and take anti-allergic drugs.

Such different ointments

Each type of inflammation needs its own treatment, therefore, even if it seems that the conjunctivitis ointment for children is the most common, care must be taken: the ointment is antiviral, antibacterial or antihistaminic. It should be noted that some ointments contain a hormonal component - corticosteroids. For the drug to be selected correctly and to have the expected effect, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will conduct the tests and, based on the results of the tests, will be able to determine the etiology of the disease.

Why is it recommended to apply ointment? Germs attack

Ophthalmic ointment for conjunctivitis for children in almost all cases is the main medical product in the prescribed schedule for the treatment of this unpleasant disease. Usually, a doctor can prescribe antimicrobial ointments. But this appointment will always depend on the factor that provoked the disease.

If the baby is overtaken by conjunctivitis, which carries a microbial etiology, suitable greasy drugs with antibiotic. Active components that overcome the disease can be such: ofloxacin, erythromycin, levomycetin or tetracycline.

If the disease has an allergic origin, ointments bearing an antihistamine component will come to the rescue. But sometimes there are hormones in the composition.

Why is it recommended to apply ointment? Oh, those viruses ...

If the virus caused the inflammation of the mucous eye, the conjunctivitis ointment for children prescribed by the doctor should have antiviral activity. Often the composition of these drugs dilutes interferon: it is a protein substance that increases the protective forces of the baby's body after a viral infection has invaded it.

To determine, because of what there was a conjunctivitis in each concrete case, the doctor will be able only. If parents assume responsibility to help their child on their own, they may make mistakes and lead to improper treatment. The result will be the development of complications, and the disease itself will go to the stage of chronic course.

Proper use of ointment

So, we have already figured out that ointment for eyes from conjunctivitis for children is an ophthalmic tool that will be a faithful helper for the therapy of bacterial-viral-allergic lesions of the visual organs. Due to the fact that the absorption of these drugs is almost not happening, adverse manifestations are very rare.

Such ointments may not be similar to each other in the mechanism and spectrum of action, by contraindications to use, by consistency and by the number of adverse symptoms.

Apply Ointment from conjunctivitis for children follows the area of the lower eyelid (quite a bit, about 10 mm). Repeat this procedure three times a day. According to the decision of the treating doctor, the duration of the therapeutic course can be seven to ten days.

For the period that the treatment lasts, it is better to suspend the use of contact lenses. If, simultaneously with the use of the ointment, the doctor prescribed a baby and droplets for the eyes, then the gap between their use should be at least a quarter or even a third of an hour.

Effective treatment of the disease

As the most effective and simple method of treating conjunctivitis, use, as already mentioned above, ointment. For children apply the same as for adults. For the treatment use and "Furatsilin", because it is this tool that has the effect of cure. In addition, it is able to purify the body of unnecessary infections and microorganisms.

Let's focus on the most popular ointments, which patients have been using for more than one year.

Erythromycin ointment (with conjunctivitis for children, it is often used) is one of the most popular means for curing many eye diseases. You can buy the medicine in tubes with different volumes: three, seven and ten grams. The main advantages of the ointment include the presence in it of an antibacterial effect and the fact that it is allowed to be used to treat even newborn babies.

Recommendations that have Tetracycline ointment, with conjunctivitis in children only confirm the positive dynamics after its use. It is used to save the baby from conjunctivitis bacterial. The composition of this ointment includes tetracycline, which is an antibiotic. This is what makes the drug completely safe, because when used it has very low adsorption.

Hydrocortisone ointment with conjunctivitis in children is used to treat the allergic type of the disease. The actions it provides are anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Use this ointment should be several times a day for two weeks and nothing more. It is forbidden to combine with other medicines that increase intraocular pressure. Before opening the tube it can be stored for two years, after - not more than a month.

Preventive actions

To try to protect the baby from getting acquainted with such an unpleasant illness as conjunctivitis, parents should observe rather simple preventive measures:

- as soon as possible to isolate the baby from children who are conjunctivitis, because this disease is contagious;

- if the crumb is prone to allergic conjunctivitis, it is better to completely avoid all contact with allergens;

- make sure that hygiene is constantly observed, do not allow the baby to rub eyes, even if the pens are clean;

- if the baby has caught a cold, it is more correct to use disposable handkerchiefs, because with frequent blows from the tissue of the tissue infection can easily go to the eyes.

In parallel with such an attentive approach to the problem, it is necessary to temper the baby, walk more often outdoors, monitor his nutrition, and engage in physical education. All these actions will help to strengthen immunity and serve as an obstacle to the development of any infections, including ocular infections.

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