EducationThe science

Nuclear physicist: a profession for which the future is!

Among the basic fundamental sciences of nature, the dominant place, undoubtedly, belongs to physics. We are surrounded by physical bodies, physical phenomena around us , and we ourselves are part of this endless process. The versatility of this area of knowledge can not be overemphasized, as it is difficult to specify the limits of its distribution. Almost all living and non-living matter can be explained by its laws, and it's amazing. But, perhaps, the greatest number of mysteries and discoveries is hidden in nuclear physics.

The history of appearance and specificity of the profession

Who is a nuclear physicist, what is this profession? To answer such questions, it is necessary to return to the past, to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when the atom was discovered, and the scientists determined the structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear, or atomic physics itself is one of the fields of this science, the subject of which is the atom, its structure and properties, nuclear reaction, radioactive decays and much more. The first kind of nuclear physicist, although there was no such term at that time, was the French scientist A. Becquerel. It was he, continuing the experiments of the great Roentgen, discovered radioactivity as a physical phenomenon. Other famous physicists and mathematicians-the married couple of the Curie-continued research, receiving polonium and radium. An invaluable contribution to the study of this phenomenon was made by Rutherford, having determined the long-distance paths of physical science for many years to come.

The beginning, as they say, was laid. And the first half of the 20th century passed under the banner of studying the properties of an atom, atomic energy, its destructive and creative forces. The atomic nucleus, the proton and the neutron as its main components attracted close attention not only physicists, but also chemists, biologists, mathematicians, physicians, technicians, which contributed to the emergence of new scientific branches and disciplines adjacent to the main one. And nuclear physics is gradually transformed into an independent direction, consisting of such sections as:

  • Neutron;
  • Nuclear reactions;
  • Elementary particles;
  • Nuclear spectroscopy, etc.

Ultimately, in order to study how radiation affects the environment and man, how to control thermonuclear reactions, what to do with nuclear waste, how to operate nuclear power plants and various thermonuclear installations correctly and safely, and the "physicist" was created -cracker.

The task of specialists is to identify errors and eliminate their root causes. The profession requires from him solid, solid knowledge and excellent theoretical and practical training. The fields of competence include, in addition to fundamental concepts, knowledge of the device of reactors, the technology of their functioning, the ability to diagnose, work with special devices and much more. It is the nuclear physicist who draws a conclusion about the extent to which a nuclear reactor is operational and environmentally safe. He decides to run the Rector or stop, leave the work at the same pace or reboot.

Scope of application

The profession of nuclear physics is in demand, first of all, in such science-intensive industries as the work of nuclear power plants, in research and experimental laboratories, universities, etc.

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