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Norilsk: population, climate, attractions
You can often hear about such a city as Norilsk. And it is not surprising, because it is a large settlement that deserves special attention. It occupies a rather large territory, there are many manufacturing and industrial facilities. It is worth getting acquainted with this wonderful city. Norilsk, whose population is small, has many interesting sights. The article will also deal with climate, nature, interesting facts related to this locality.
Norilsk: general information about the city
The city is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is the administrative center of the district. It is interesting that it ranks second in terms of the number of people living on its territory (in the first place is Krasnoyarsk).
The city is located in a rather harsh climatic zone. Norilsk received the status of the northernmost city, in which the population of more than 150 thousand people.
However, his records do not end there. The city of Norilsk is among the settlements with the worst environmental conditions. This was due to the fact that the main activities of the city are the mining industry and the production of metal. This area has won the place of the leader, since industrial zones of this scale are no more anywhere in the world.
It is also interesting that the entrance to the city is closed to foreign citizens. To visit Norilsk, overseas tourists must necessarily pass the procedure for obtaining a special permit. Such measures have been in effect since 2001. Prior to that, since 1991, foreign citizens were free to visit Norilsk.
What areas are included in the city?
Before, Norilsk was not such a large settlement. After joining neighboring cities it became much larger. Norilsk consists of several districts:
- Central.
- Talnakh.
- Kayerkan.
- Snezhnogorsk.
- Oganer.
All of them differ markedly from each other. Some areas, for example Central, were built earlier, Leningrad architects were invited to design them. Others refer to a later period of time. Basically they are built up by houses, created according to standard projects.
Norilsk: population and its characteristics
Now it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the issue concerning residents of the city. To begin with, it should be noted that a strong increase in the population of Norilsk occurred after two more settlements were added to it, which bear the names Talnakh and Kayerkan. At present they are the districts of the city. In this regard, Norilsk's population has increased noticeably.
According to the data of 2015, the number of local residents is 176 251 people. Lately, there has been a tendency for many people to leave Norilsk. The population has greatly decreased. A particularly serious recession was noticed in 2014. In the previous year, 2013, the number of residents was 177,738 people, in 2014 - 176,579 already. In 2015, the decline in the number continued.
If you turn to the rating of Russian cities by the number of inhabitants, then Norilsk takes 105th place, which is a rather high indicator. A total of about 1114 cities are listed. So, we have got acquainted in detail with the data on the number of the population of the city, and now it is worth turning to the consideration of its national composition.
National composition of the population
It is necessary to disassemble in detail who is living in the region. The city of Norilsk boasts a rich national composition. For a long time here lived a few indigenous peoples, among which were Nenets, Nganasans, Dolgans, Entsy. Now they can be found here quite rarely. As for the permanent population, now in Norilsk Russians, Ukrainians, Azerbaijanis and other peoples predominate. There is practically no indigenous population left. In the city, for the most part, people live who moved here already in the middle and the end of the 20th century, as well as their descendants.
A noticeable influx of people into this city was due to the extensive development of industry and other local enterprises. A large number of jobs were created here, as well as an infrastructure that made life in this place more comfortable.
Features of living in the city
Separately, we should pay attention to the characteristic features of local life, which there are quite a lot. These features formed a long period, taking into account the climatic, weather and geographical conditions in which Norilsk is located. The population of the city in a special way refers to the preparation of food and its reception. Among the inhabitants of the city a large number of fishermen and hunters. Thanks to this, a frequent dish is shish kebab and sugudai. The second is worth a little more detail. Sugudai is an appetizer consisting of raw fish, which is supplemented with vegetable oil, salt, pepper, onions, grated apple, vinegar and various spices. As for other popular products, city dwellers often collect mushrooms, blueberries, lingonberries and cloudberries.
Prices in Norilsk are at an average level, however, they are too high for some seemingly conventional products. For example, you can buy bread for 60 rubles, a kilo of chicken meat - for 132 rubles, a kilogram of rice - for 70 rubles, vegetable oil costs 89 rubles. Prices for buckwheat in Norilsk start from 160 rubles, apples are valued at 109 rubles, potatoes cost 53 rubles, and onions - 70 rubles.
It is believed that Norilsk belongs to the Taimyr Peninsula. In this region can be reached by two types of transport: water or air. Land communication with the rest of Russia (the so-called mainland) is absent.
The climate of the city
Natural and weather conditions in Norilsk are quite harsh. The city is located in the Far North, in connection with which the local climate will be very severe for a man who is not accustomed to him. The weather in Norilsk is usually cold. The climate here is subarctic.
The city is considered one of the coldest in the world. So, many are interested in what kind of weather in Norilsk happens most often? Winter here lasts a long time and is characterized by severe colds. In January, the average temperature is about -28 ° C. Typical weather for the winter is frequent frosts with a strong wind. The cold period lasts about 280 days, it comes in the middle of September and lasts until early May.
Summer is set only at the end of June and lasts until the end of August. Usually it is overcast and cool. The average July temperature is about +10.7 C. If we talk about the average annual temperature, then it is -9.6 C.
Another interesting fact is that Norilsk is on the list of the five most windy populated areas in the world.
Many wonder, in what natural zone is Norilsk? On the map, it is located almost on the Taimyr Peninsula, where the forest-tundra dominates. This type of landscape is characterized by some features. Basically here you can see the woodlands, which alternates with the shrub tundra.
Thus, it becomes clear in which natural zone Norilsk is located. On the map, you can also see that there is a large number of rivers.
Despite the harsh natural conditions, this area has a fairly diverse fauna. The animal world in the forest-tundra is mainly represented by lemmings, reindeer, shrews, arctic foxes. These places are popular among hunters.
Of birds, it is often possible to meet various species of partridges, polar owls and others. There are many migratory birds in this region.
We thoroughly acquainted with the nature and climate in which Norilsk is located. Time here also deserves a separate consideration. The settlement lies in the time zone, called "Krasnoyarsk time". The difference with Moscow is 4 hours. Thus, when in Moscow 12:00, in Norilsk is already 16:00. In Russia, this time zone is designated as MSK + 4. According to the world designations, the city is in the zone of UTC + 7. In addition to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where Norilsk is located, this time is set on the territory of 5 more regions of Russia. Accordingly, we got acquainted with the time zone in which Norilsk lies. Time here is not translated, as in other regions of the country.
Attractions and culture of Norilsk
It is worth mentioning what historical heritage objects exist in this wonderful city. There are several museums in Norilsk, for example, the Art Gallery, as well as a museum of the history of development and development of this region. The gallery is widely known and very popular. This is the second largest collection of art objects in the whole Krasnoyarsk Territory. She started her work in 1980.
In Norilsk, not only museums, but also theaters are open. Here operates the Mayakovsky Drama Theater, as well as the youth theater. In a word, the cultural life here is well developed and is represented by various directions. It is necessary to visit the listed institutions, coming to Norilsk. Reviews about museums and theaters are mostly positive. Especially the visitors are attracted to the gallery, since some unique works are stored here. Also in Norilsk there are other attractions, which are worth paying attention to.
Architectural sights of Norilsk and their features
It is interesting that some districts of Norilsk are remarkably reminiscent of St. Petersburg. Many will wonder why two cities have such a similarity? This is primarily due to the fact that a lot of Leningrad architects were invited to Norilsk, who designed various buildings. Once here, be sure to see the houses located on Leninsky Prospekt and Guards Square.
After a while, the architecture of the city changed somewhat, since in the 1960s, like in many other settlements in Russia, typical building became popular.
The construction and architecture of Norilsk has many features. In general, they are related to the fact that when building buildings on permafrost soils, specific factors must be taken into account. Here the architects managed to obtain a unique experience of construction in harsh natural conditions. Later, this knowledge was actively used in other cities with a similar climate.
Industry and economy of Norilsk
As you know, the city is a real center of metallurgy. The region produces a large number of non-ferrous metals, such as copper, cobalt, nickel, and precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, palladium. In addition, sulfur, metallic selenium, sulfuric acid, etc. are produced here. Of particular interest is the fact that in Norilsk, about 96% of nickel produced in Russia is produced. Thus, we can say that the city is a major producer and supplier of many materials not only in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but throughout the country. According to some sources, the income of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is almost 60% of the income that is provided by Norilsk. Russia includes many similar regions, but this city is considered the largest industrial center of this type.
Communication in the city
It is worthwhile to talk separately about such an issue as communication. Norilsk's telephones consist of 6 digits. Cellular communications came here rather late compared to other Russian cities. This happened at the end of 2001. Now there are already 4 mobile operators. Of particular interest is the fact that Norilsk is not connected with other cities by cable communication channels. Communication with them is carried out through satellite communication channels.
It is necessary to know and important phones of Norilsk, where you can contact in case of emergency:
- Fire protection - (101) 01.
- The police - (102) 02.
- First Aid - (103) 03.
- The help of the airport of Norilsk is 006.
- Weather reference - 007.
- The duty part of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is 43-54-59, 43-54-58.
- Duty department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 47-24-01.
It is necessary to discuss the transport component of the city. As you know, air communication with other settlements is carried out, as near the city operates the airport. Norilsk has 1 air port, which is called Alykel. It is located 52 kilometers from the city.
Also the city is connected by a transport network with Dudinka. The transfer between them is carried out by bus. In summer, it is also possible to travel along the river routes through Dudinka to Krasnoyarsk. In winter, there is a transport connection with Arkhangelsk also through the specified town. However, the easiest way to get to the city is the airport. Norilsk is considered a pretty hard-to-get city.
The transport network in the city itself is well developed - you can move around Norilsk using buses and a fixed-route taxi.
Ecological situation
It's no secret that because of the large number of harmful industries in the city, the ecology has seriously deteriorated. Various studies have been carried out which have shown that Norilsk is a settlement with the most polluted ecology in Russia. Many harmful substances are emitted into the air, such as chlorine, sulfuric acid, hydrogen fluoride, selenium dioxide and many others. Currently, there is a continuous collection of statistical data on various types of pollution, as well as their analysis. Nature around the city is badly damaged, many environmentalists say that the region is very much at risk from an environmental disaster.
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