Arts & EntertainmentFilms

Movies about the church and faith

Religion plays a huge role in the life of a person, so it has been a subject of heated debate for many centuries. On the basis of religious contradictions there were conflicts and wars broke out. And it's not at all surprising that art has not overlooked such an acute topic. Writers and artists repeatedly turned to questions of faith and the church in their works. Did not stay away and the cinema. We bring to the attention of the reader films about the church that have created around themselves a lot of discussions and disagreements.

Psychological thriller

Oscar-winning film "Exorcist" in 1973, shot by the talented director William Friedkin, is still considered one of the best in its genre. The film captivates the viewer not only with special effects, plausibility and high psychological tension, but also with a profound philosophical meaning touching on the question of man's relationship with God. Which is not surprising, since the consultant of the director was a priest John Nikola, who had experience in exorcism.

The picture was highly appreciated by critics. It was even called the biggest advertising of religion. However, the worshipers themselves did not share the enthusiasm of the public. And the Reverend Bill Graham said that such films about the church are satanic.


Directors who work in this genre often choose the church as the scene of their paintings.

The film "Prince of Darkness" in 1987, directed by John Carpenter, was noted by critics as an example of the classics of the horror genre. Special effects, psychological tension and mystical component were sustained at a high level. The action of the film takes place in an ancient temple, the ministers who guarded the terrible secret for many years. It is a substance capable of bringing the devil into the world of people. Scientists who deployed their laboratory in the church, almost did not contribute to this. However, thanks to the self-sacrifice of one of the heroines, the evil managed to hold back and not to release into our world.

Despite the laudatory reviews of critics, this film, like other films about the church, is sharply condemned by clergymen who see it as propaganda for the fascination with the occult.


The film "Cathedral" of 1989, the Italian director Michele Soavi, is also devoted to problems of obsession. However, unlike the "Exorcist", whose events are based allegedly on what happened in reality, the plot of this film is fantastic.

Under the temple are the forces of evil that want to capture the world, but there is a hero who opposes them. The picture received negative reviews of film critics. And lovers of the mystic genre called it a weak attempt to play on the feelings of believers.


High-quality films about the church, made in this genre, invariably enjoy success with the public and critics.

The real event in the cinema was the picture of John Patrick Shengli "Doubt" in 2009. Since it touches upon the pervasive topic for the Catholic Church - pedophilia. Because of the recognition by the higher Catholic clergy of the shameful facts that took place, many parishioners questioned the church. Therefore, in a difficult time for her, such films about the Catholic Church are very timely.

The plot of the picture takes the viewer in the sixties. The elder of the church school of the Bronx suspects the priest in pedophilia. And since he can not find evidence, he comes up with them. Such actions forced Father Flin to leave the place of his ministry, despite the love of the parishioners, and almost broke his life. But the most surprising is that the abbess is not sure of her rightness, and with this doubt she will have to live on.

The film "Andrei Rublev," filmed in 1966 by Andrei Tarkovsky, rightfully refers to the world's masterpieces of motion picture art. The picture received a lot of positive reviews and awards. Similar Russian movies about the church and faith are always interesting to watch. Tarkovsky's film is still in the list of the most popular.

From the plot of the picture viewers learn a lot about the famous icon painter Andrei Rublev. And also about the traditions and laws of survival in medieval Russia. But the main line in the picture is the spiritual growth of the main character. Through his experiences and sensations, the director raises a deep theme of faith, which has always been the backbone of the Russian people. For the period in which the film was shot, this approach was the greatest breakthrough.

The 2006 film "Island", which was shot by Pavel Lungin, was a real discovery in Russian cinema. It is dedicated to the spiritual rebirth of the protagonist. The viewer is invited to the story of the hermit Anatoly, who, having repented of his sin, dedicated his life to redemption. The painting was highly appreciated by critics and received many prizes.


Stand alone are comedy feature films about the church, clergymen and higher powers. Refers to them can be different. However, if you do not go too far into the moral aspects, you can underline punctuation from them and something interesting. One example of such films is the picture "Dogma" of 1999, directed by Kevin Smith.

It tells of fallen angels who have found weaknesses in church dogma. This circumstance they want to use to regain their place in heaven. In the course of events, a lot of comical situations arise.

Despite the success with the public, the film aroused sharp criticism and anger from the Catholic Church.

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