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Animals of arctic deserts: natural extremals

It is generally believed that mammals are able to live only at sufficiently comfortable ambient temperatures. But the animals of the arctic deserts successfully deny this claim. Of course, among them there are not only mammals, but also birds.

The most famous representative of the local fauna is the polar bear. By the way, not so long ago it became known that the concept of "white" to it is inapplicable. His coat is almost colorless, and the skin is black. Fur hairs have a special structure: they are hollow, filled with air. Considering that the hairs are millions, they are very effective thermal insulation. So effective that on especially "hot" days (at a temperature of no higher than -5 degrees), a bear swims in the ocean for a long time, the water temperature of which hardly reaches 5-6 degrees Celsius.

By the way, these animals of the arctic deserts are food taboos for Eskimos. For a long time, scientists did not understand such a strange ban. After all, an adult male is almost a ton of meat! Only then it was found out that their flesh is often struck by parasites, and the liver contains so much vitamin A that even a piece in 100 g can be fatal.

No less well known arctic fox. These animals of the Arctic deserts perform the same function as our foxes. They are the sanitarians of the area, eating the weakened and sick individuals, collecting corpses ejected by the surf on the coast. Do not disdain even plant food, with pleasure eating berries and berries cloudberries.

In addition, there are many seals in the Arctic. Their number was greatly reduced as a result of predatory fishing in the 19-20th centuries. It is assumed that some subspecies (or even species) in those years were completely destroyed. Whatever it was, but today these animals of the Arctic deserts have significantly increased their population.

They are known for withdrawing their young on the shore. During the breeding season, vast areas of previously deserted coasts turn into a real kindergarten. It is very noisy here, as thousands of males converge at every minute in fights for females.

Their relatives are walruses. These Arctic animals in general were almost extinct because of their exorbitant extermination. They were killed not so much because of meat and fat, but for their fangs. At their cost, they have already outstripped the elephant tusk. Out of them beautifully carved figurines are made out, and this skill is handed down by local peoples from generation to generation. In addition, there are many stupid beliefs that crushed walrus tusks are treated from anything: from prostatitis to Alzheimer's syndrome. This encourages poachers to their prey, as rich customers are willing to pay any money for this "miracle" drug.

Thus, the arctic desert, the animals of which are so diverse, is not at all a desolate place. On the rocky slopes nest thousands of birds (the famous bird markets), the sea inhabited by hundreds of species of fish and large mammals.

Yes, their lives do not seem easy, but with their persistent desire to survive in this harsh land, they testify to the diversity and adaptability of life forms.

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