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Monuments of nature

The nature monument is a protected natural area on which there is a rare object of living (or inanimate) nature. At the same time, such an object is unique from a scientific, cultural, historical-memorial or aesthetic point of view. Monuments of nature are divided into several types. Thus, there are geological, botanical, zoological, hydrogeological, hydrological and complex protected natural territories. For most of the Russian natural monuments, a regime of zakazniks is established, but especially valuable objects of nature are referred to the regime of reserves.

One of the monuments of nature of federal importance is Maly Pearl Island. He is in the Astrakhan region. The area of the island is 35 hectares. This monument of nature was created on April 15, 1983. This island is important due to the fact that it is inhabited by gull birds. Basically here there are silver gulls, black-headed gulls, cheagraves and pied-nosed terns.

Russian nature monuments include several lakes. Among them are Lake Kievo, Mogilnoye and Svetloyar. They are located in the Moscow, Murmansk and Nezhegorod regions respectively.

Tourists, who dream of visiting Russian natural monuments, should pay attention to the Kusadeevskaya lime grove. It is located in the Novokuznetsk district of the Kemerovo region. The area of the grove is 110 square meters. Km. In this wonderful place grow stunning relic lindens. Especially beautiful are landscape monuments of nature. These include: Lake Frolikha (Northern Baikal), Inina Garden of Stones (Barguzin Basin), Parama Threshold (in Muisky District), etc.

Another "treasure" for tourists is the Kaluga boron. It is located in the western part of the city of Kaluga. The area of boron exceeds 1000 hectares. The main age of trees growing in the forest is 200 years. But here there are also such plants, which are more than 300 years old. In the Kaluga boron there is a small museum. For the first time in history bor was mentioned in 1636. And it was declared a monument of nature in 1991.

Monuments of nature include even swamps. One of the most valuable is the Susanino-Isupovsky swamp, located in the Kostroma region. It is quite large in area (1,841 hectares). This monument of nature was founded on May 1, 1973.

The main natural monuments of the Russian Plain include Lake Seliger, Kivach Falls and Kizhi Museum-Reserve. Lake Seliger is located in the Tver region. Its total area is 212 square kilometers. In its form, the lake resembles an orchid flower. Kivach waterfall is located on the river Suna in Karelia. Its height is 10 meters. The main thing that attracts numerous tourists in this place is the picturesque landscape. Kizhi Architectural Museum-Reserve is located on the island of Onega Lake. The most unique thing in this place is that the museum itself is located in the open air.

Natural monuments are the Yatmanovski broad-leaved forests, Pohvistnevsky suburban, Podbelsky floodplain, Malokinelsky uplands, Klimovsk upland, Mochaleev upland oak forests. As for the Yatman broadleaf forests, it should be noted that they are located in the Samara region. Their total area is 868 hectares. To the monuments of nature they began to relate since 1991. All the above oak groves are also located in the Samara region. It should be concluded that the Samara region is rich in beautiful natural monuments. Also in this area there is Rachein taiga. Its area is 428 hectares. As a protected object of nature Racheyskaya taiga began to count in 1991. The Samara region is also famous for the Irgiz floodplain, which became a natural monument in 1991 as well. The area of this place is huge. It is 3026 hectares.

It is worth noting that nature monuments are a real "paradise" for tourists who prefer to enjoy the shaky landscapes.

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