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Minerals of South America: table, list

The South American continent is the fourth largest and includes 12 independent states. What are the minerals of South America? Photo, description and list find out in our article.


The main territory is located within the Southern and Western hemispheres, part is in the North. The continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlantic in the east, from North America it is separated by the Isthmus of Panama.

The continent's area, together with the islands, is approximately 18 million km. Sq. M. The total number of residents is 275 million people, with a density of 22 people per square kilometer. The continent also includes nearby islands, some of which belong to other continent countries, for example the Falkland Islands (Great Britain), Guyana (France).

South America has a long stretch from north to south, which influenced the formation of contrasting weather and natural conditions. The continent is located in six climatic zones, from moderate to subequatorial. The latter occurs here twice. South America is considered the wettest continent, although in some areas there are deserts.

The minerals of South America (the list is in the article) are very diverse, and soils and climate are favorable for agriculture. On the mainland there are many forests, rivers, and lakes, including the most full-flowing river in the world - the Amazon, as well as the largest freshwater lake of Titicaca.


The structure of the continent is quite simple, despite this, the minerals of South America are represented by a large number of deposits. In general, the territory is divided into two large zones - the mountainous and lowland, which includes lowlands and plateaus.

The western part of the continent is represented by the longest mountain system - the Andes. Their length exceeds 9 thousand kilometers, and peaks rise above 6 thousand meters above the ground. The highest point is Mount Aconcagua.

Plain landscapes are located in the east. They occupy the main part of the mainland. A small spot in the north is the Guiana Plateau, along the edges of which there are numerous waterfalls and canyons.

Below is the Brazilian plateau, which occupy more than half the territory of the continent. Due to the huge size and variety of conditions, the plateau is divided into three plateaus. Its highest point is Mount Bandeira (2897 m).

In the deflections between the mountains and plateaus are the Amazonian, La Plata, and the Orinoco lowlands. In their boundaries, deep river valleys were located. The lowlands are represented by an almost flat, monotonous relief.


The minerals of South America were formed over many centuries, in parallel with the formation of the continent. The territory, as in the case with the relief, is divided into the western and eastern zones.

The eastern part is the South American platform. It repeatedly went under the water, resulting in the formation of sedimentary (in descending places) and crystalline (in places of ascent) rocks. Metamorphic and igneous rocks emerge on the surface in the regions of the Brazilian and Guiana Plateaux.

The western part is a folded mountain belt in the Pacific ring of fire. Andes is the result of a collision of lithospheric plates. Their formation occurs now, which is manifested in volcanic activity. Here are two of the highest volcanoes on Earth, one of which (Ljullyaylako) is active.

Minerals of South America (briefly)

Mineral resources of the continent are represented by metallic ores, especially iron and manganese, which are located within the Brazilian and Guiana flat shields. There are also deposits of diamonds, gold and bauxite.

As a result of the formation of the Andean folding, various natural minerals of South America were formed in these regions. Ore and nonmetallic minerals are located in different parts of the mountain system. The former are located directly in the Andes and are represented by radioactive ores and non-ferrous metals, the latter being formed in the foothills. In the Andes there are also deposits of precious stones.

On the lowlands of the continent, in the intermontane depressions and deepenings, sedimentary rocks were formed. There are deposits of coal, natural gas and oil. These combustible resources are, for example, the Orinoco lowland, the Patagonian plateau, and the Tierra del Fuego archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean.

Minerals of South America (table)

Tectonic structure

Form of relief


South American Platform



Manganese, iron ore, gold, diamonds, bauxite, nickel, uranium, aluminum




Natural gas, coal, oil



New folding area

The mountains


Sodium nitrate, iodine, phosphorites, sulfur, copper, aluminum, iron, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, uranium, polymetallic, silver ores, gold, antimony, precious stones

Mining industry

The economic level of the countries of the continent varies considerably. The most developed are Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. They belong to the new industrial countries. The lowest level of development is observed in French Guiana, Bolivia, Ecuador, Suriname, Paraguay, Guyana. The rest of the countries are at the intermediate stage.

The minerals of South America and their extraction play an important role in the economy of most countries of the continent. In Venezuela, the mining industry accounts for 16% of the country's income. Here, as in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, oil, coal and natural gas are extracted. Colombia is rich in deposits of precious stones, it is even called the "country of emeralds."

Metal ores are mined in Chile, Suriname, Guyana, Brazil. Copper ore in Chile, oil in Venezuela, tin in Bolivia, is processed on-site, although many resources are exported in raw form.

For domestic consumption there is very little raw material left. The bulk goes on sale. Oil is exported, bauxite, tin, tungsten, antimony, molybdenum and other minerals of South America.


On the continent are various in origin mineral resources, due to the peculiarities in the geological structure of South America. In the folded western regions of the continent, magmatic and metamorphic rocks were formed. As a result, the largest quantity of minerals on the continent was formed here, which are represented by ore and non-metallic resources, sulfur, iodine, precious stones.

The rest of the continent is covered by plateaus with crystalline and partially sedimentary rocks. There are deposits of bauxite, metal ores, gold. Large areas cover lowlands and foothills. There are mainly combustible fossils (oil, gas, coal) formed by sedimentary rocks.

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