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Mafia 2: additions (official and not very)

Despite some of the negative reviews of the judges of the first part, "Mafia 2" was a very high-quality game. GTA, но особенностью "Мафии", завоевавшей миллионы поклонников, является не столько популярный геймплэй, сколько аутентичная атмосфера гангстерских городов Америки начала и середины ХХ века. Many talked about copying the game process from the famous GTA, but the feature of the "Mafia", which won millions of fans, is not so much a popular gameplay as an authentic atmosphere of the gangster cities of America beginning and mid-twentieth century.

Mafia 2, дополнения от разработчиков в количестве 3-х полноценных аддонов и нескольких наборов контента стали предсказуемым продолжением работы над успешной франшизой. Against the background of the general popularity of Mafia 2, additions from developers in the number of 3 full-value add-ons and several sets of content have become a predictable continuation of work on a successful franchise.

Cleaning the cleaner

Such a charismatic hero as a laconic killer-professional who easily and clearly performs his work, without regard for morality and moral principles, has become quite popular in the world, thanks to the cinema. 2K Czech тоже решили последовать общей моде и выпустили почти что кинематографическую историю чистильщика с драматическим сюжетом. The developers of 2K Czech also decided to follow the general fashion and released almost a cinematic story of a cleaner with a dramatic plot.

ые атмосфере оригинальной игры Mafia 2, дополнения The Betrayal of Jimmy и Jimmy's Vendetta не связаны общими сюжетными линиями с историей Вито — хорошего парня из оригинальной игры "Мафия 2". Completely subordinated to the atmosphere of the original Mafia 2 game , the additions of The Betrayal of Jimmy and Jimmy's Vendetta are not connected by common storylines with the story of Vito - a good guy from the original game "Mafia 2". молодой парень с принципами , пробивающий себе дорогу в жизни с самых низов, Джеймс Карелла из дополнения — устоявшийся профессиональный наёмник с соответствующей репутацией, хладнокровием и даже улучшенным начальным набором оружия. In general, these are stories about two completely different people: while Vittorio Antonio Scaletta is a reliable young guy with principles that breaks his way in life from the very bottom, James Carella from the supplement is an established professional mercenary with an appropriate reputation, coolness and even an improved initial set of weapons .

The plot of the add-on, to put it mildly, is short, if not to say that it is generally circumcised to 2 rollers at the beginning of the game and at the end, but the add-on features the long-awaited opportunity for free walks around the Empire Bay, but the meaning is not great. ощущение, что в игре Mafia 2 дополнение The Betrayal of Jimmy, прохождение которого сводится к выполнению банальных миссий, является всего лишь короткой предысторией ко второму аддону. There is a feeling that in the game Mafia 2, the addition of The Betrayal of Jimmy, the passage of which is reduced to performing banal missions, is just a short prehistory to the second addon.

In general, the betrayal justified its name - how the bosses reacted to Jimmy and imprisoned him behind bars, and the developers acted with the expectations of the fans, leaving them to wait for the continuation. It's good that I did not have to wait long.

Jimmy's Vendetta - Retribution

In the second part, a logical outgrowth based on the previous addon. Johnny quite accidentally freed himself much earlier than scheduled. ополнение представляет собой сюжетную линию из 30 квестов, смысл которых заключается в уничтожении бывших работодателей. This completion is a story line of 30 quests, the meaning of which is to destroy the former employers.

Dimensional gameplay with an abundance of story inserts and detailed description has remained in the past, and the feature of the game Mafia 2 (additions Jimmy's Vendetta) will be action. е нескольких часов держит игрока в напряжении, расправляясь с 4-5 сотнями бандитов на пути к своей цели. An angry hero for several hours keeps the player in suspense, dealing with 4-5 hundreds of bandits on the way to his goal.

No stealth modes and neat sweeps, everything happens extremely quickly. Artificial intelligence is now much smarter, and then look around either from the side or from the rear, and the closer to the bosses of the mafia, the more frequent such maneuvers occur. (или нервируют) своей адекватностью, легко и быстро откликаются на сигнализацию в магазинах, да и на улице не стесняются собраться вокруг проштрафившегося игрока за считанные минуты. The guards of the order are also pleased (or unnerving) by their adequacy, they respond quickly and easily to the alarm in stores, and on the street they do not hesitate to gather around the mistreated player in a matter of minutes.

The appearance of some arcade slightly lightens the life of the hero: marks on the goal, rewards for violating traffic rules and murders, achievement system and even a mission timer, all this adds to the mobility game. In addition, in addition appeared a few very interesting machines, which can easily be hijacked.

Addition is calculated no longer on reading the storyline and heartfelt viewing of the videos, but on entertainment in the American town in the style of Rambo and the Expendables.

Familiar faces: Joe's Adventure

The adventures of Joe, in the opinion of most players, are the most successful official addition. игры "Мафия 2" - Джо Барбара - появляется в городе после 5-летнего «отпуска» по причине разногласий с одним из бос с о в мафии. One of the friends of the protagonist of the original game "Mafia 2" - Joe Barbara - appears in the city after a 5-year "leave" because of disagreements with one of the bosses about in the mafia. A year left before the liberation of Vito and the plot of the supplement does not interfere with the course of the original story, but some missions have an explanatory description and look more than orders for Jimmy.

овые локации, довольно живописные, примерить одежду в стиле весельчака-протагониста и, конечно, полистать журналы с барышнями. The supplement allows you to visit new locations, quite picturesque, try on clothes in the style of a cheerful protagonist and, of course, look through magazines with young ladies. On this, all the differences from the other two add-ons end. You still have to blunder gangsters, arrange crashes and steal cars for a while. And yes, the enemies are as evil and skillful as Jimmy's.

Craftwork igrodelov

In addition to 2K Czech, the fans of the game Mafia 2 also worked on the mods. The "Friends for Life" add-ons, FreeRide and other cardinal and not very mods of the game world are created in large numbers, which confirms the popularity of the original game. Друзья на всю жизнь» глобально меняет мир игры, открывая все локации, добавляя дополнительные функции персонажу, а также предоставляет возможность обзавестись телохранителем. So, " Friends for life" globally changes the world of the game, opening all locations, adding additional functions to the character, and also provides an opportunity to acquire a bodyguard.

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