
Lymphocytes are what? The level of lymphocytes in the blood

Blood is one of the types of connective tissue in humans and animals. It consists of three types of cells, which are also called blood corpuscles. Also, there is a large amount of liquid intercellular substance.

Blood cells are divided into three types: platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes. Platelets take part in the process of blood clotting. Erythrocytes are responsible for the transport of oxygen throughout the body. A function of leukocytes - the protection of the human body or animal from harmful microorganisms.

What are the leukocytes?

There are several varieties of them, each of which performs its specific functions. So, leukocytes are divided into:

  • Granulocytes;
  • Agranulocytes.

What is granulocytes?

They are also called granular white blood cells. This group includes eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils. The first are capable of phagocytosis. They can capture microorganisms and then digest them. These cells are involved in inflammatory processes. They are also capable of neutralizing histamine, which is secreted by the body for allergies. Basophils have in their composition a large number of serotonin, leukotrienes, prostaglandins and histamine. They are involved in the development of allergic reactions of immediate type. Neutrophils, as well as eosinophils, are capable of phagocytosis. A large number of them are in the hearth of inflammation.

Unscientized leukocytes

Monocytes and lymphocytes are types of agranular (non-grained) leukocytes. The first, as well as agranulocytes, are able to absorb foreign particles that have got into the body.

Lymphocytes are also part of the immune system of humans and animals. They participate in the neutralization of pathogens that enter the body. Let's talk about these cells in more detail.

Lymphocytes are what?

There are several varieties of these cells. We will discuss them in detail later.

We can say that lymphocytes are the main cells of the immune system. They provide both cellular and humoral immunity.

Cellular immunity is that lymphocytes directly contact the pathogens of diseases. Humoral is the production of special antibodies - substances that neutralize microorganisms.

The level of lymphocytes in the blood depends on the amount of pathogenic bacteria or viruses in the body. The more of them, the more the body produces immune cells. Therefore, you probably already guessed what the increased lymphocytes in your blood are. This means that a person in the body now has an acute or chronic form of an inflammatory disease.

Lymphocytes: what are their types?

Depending on their structure, they are divided into two groups:

  • Large granular lymphocytes;
  • Small lymphocytes.

Also, the cells of lymphocytes are divided into groups, depending on the functions that they perform. So, three types are distinguished:

  • B-lymphocytes;
  • T-lymphocytes;
  • NK-lymphocytes.

The first are able to recognize foreign proteins and produce antibodies to them. Elevated levels of these cells in the blood are observed in diseases that are affected once (chickenpox, rubella, measles, etc.).

T-lymphocytes are of three types: T-killers, T-helpers and T-suppressors. The first destroy cells infected by viruses, as well as tumor cells. T-helpers stimulate the production of antibodies to pathogens. T-suppressors inhibit the production of antibodies, when threats to the body no longer exist. NK-lymphocytes are responsible for the quality of cells in the body. They are able to destroy those cells that differ from normal cells, for example, cancerous cells.

How do lymphocytes develop?

These cells, like other blood cells, are produced by the red bone marrow. They are formed there from stem cells. The next important organ of the immune system is the thymus or thymus gland. Here newly formed lymphocytes arrive. Here they mature and are divided into groups. Also part of the lymphocytes can ripen in the spleen. Further, fully formed immune cells can form lymph nodes - lymphocyte accumulations along the lymphatic vessels. Nodules can increase during inflammatory processes in the body.

How many lymphocytes should be in the blood?

The permissible amount of lymphocytes in the blood depends on the age and the state of the organism. Let's look at their normal level in the table.

Age Absolute content of leukocytes in the blood (* 10 9 / l) Percentage of all leukocytes (%)
Up to 1 year 2-11 45-70
1-2 years 3-9.5 37-60
2-4 years 2-8 33-50
5-10 years 1.5-6.8 30-50
10-16 years old 1.2-5.2 30-45
17 years and over 1-4.8 19-37

From the sex, these indicators do not depend: for women and men, the norm of lymphocytes in the blood is the same.

Indications for the study of the level of lymphocytes

To find out their amount in the blood, a general blood test is used. Children are appointed in the following cases:

  1. Preventive medical examination once a year.
  2. Medical examination of chronically ill children two or more times a year.
  3. Complaints about health.
  4. Prolonged treatment of non-severe diseases, for example ARI.
  5. Complications after viral diseases.
  6. To monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
  7. To assess the severity of certain diseases.

For adults, a general blood test is indicated in such cases:

  1. Medical examination before employment.
  2. Preventive medical examination.
  3. Suspicion of anemia and other blood diseases.
  4. Diagnosis of inflammatory processes.
  5. Control of the effectiveness of treatment.
  6. Lymphocytes in the blood of women are very important to track during pregnancy, especially in the first and second trimesters.

Elevated lymphocytes

If their amount in the blood is higher than the specified rate, then this indicates a viral disease, some bacterial diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, typhoid fever, cancer, severe chemical poisoning. Especially increased lymphocytes in diseases to which resistant immunity is produced. These are chicken pox, measles, rubella, mononucleosis, etc.

Reduced lymphocytes

Insufficient quantity of them in the blood is called lymphopenia. It occurs in such cases:

  • Viral diseases in the early stages;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • Treatment with corticosteroids;
  • Lymphogranulomatosis;
  • Itenko-Cushing's disease.

How to prepare for a blood test?

There are several factors that can affect the number of lymphocytes in the blood. If it is improperly prepared for the analysis of blood, it can give incorrect results. So, you need to observe the following rules.

  • Do not lie for a long time before giving blood for analysis. A sharp change in body position can affect the number of lymphocytes in the blood.
  • Do not take blood tests directly after medical manipulations such as x-rays, massage, punctures, rectal examinations, physiotherapy, etc.
  • Do not take a blood test during menstruation and immediately after it. The optimal time is 4-5 days after the end.
  • Do not worry about donating blood.
  • Do not take a blood test immediately after exercise.
  • It is best to give blood for analysis in the morning.

If these rules are not observed, there is a high probability that the results of the analysis will be misinterpreted and an incorrect diagnosis will be made. In such cases, for a more accurate diagnosis, a second blood test can be assigned.

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