ComputersComputer games

Lord of the Fallen does not start - what should I do?

Modern computer games use the most advanced technologies that allow gamers to immerse themselves in the game as deeply as possible, enjoy great graphics, physics, realism of what is happening on the screen. However, it should pay attention to the fact that the errors have become much more, and often they are not related to the code of the game. Their cause may be the compatibility of the program with the computer, the configuration of your PC and much more. So, you need to find the causes of problems yourself - fortunately, in most cases they are repeated not only by many gamers, but also in many games, so you can easily make a list of problems, as well as their solutions. In this article, you will learn why the new masterpiece of the game industry Lord of the Fallen does not start.

Russian characters

As mentioned above, if you do not run Lord of the Fallen, then there is a possibility that many other modern projects would not be launched under the same conditions. For example, you first need to check which characters you have the path to the game, that is, absolutely all the folders in which your game is located, up to the root. The fact is that many modern products do not perceive Russian symbols, so they may not be launched precisely because of this - this project will hang on the boot screen, and you can not do anything about it. The most unpleasant moment in this case is the fact that you are not given any error message, that is, you need to guess on your own what exactly went wrong. Check all the folders, fix Russian characters in them, replace them with English ones, and after that pay attention to the name of your profile in the operating system. Unfortunately, there should not be Russian characters here either - otherwise Lord of the Fallen does not start, like other modern games. Rename your profile or create a new account to run this toy through it.

System requirements

If you do not run Lords of the Fallen in principle, then you should check the configuration of your computer with the system requirements that the developer provides. If you do not have complete information about the computer, then you can use special programs that collect all the data about your PC, after which you can compare them with the requirements. Pay special attention to the version of your system (in particular its bit capacity), to the processor and the number of its cores, to RAM, and also to the video card and what version of DirectX it supports. If at least one parameter of your computer is worse than indicated in the system requirements, then you found the cause of the problem we are considering: Lord of the Fallen is not started. You need either buy a new computer, or change the components that do not meet the system requirements.

Features of the game launch

There is one method that will allow you to solve some problems that can arise with different games, including this one. If you do not run Lord of the Fallen, you need to experiment with the game launch properties. It starts with the startup on behalf of the Administrator. In some cases, the system does not give the game enough rights, and because of this, its launch is blocked. If you use the rights of the Administrator, the project will in principle have no restrictions, and it will receive all the necessary access and resources. Also, you can increase the priority of a particular game, so that it can allocate the maximum possible resources, but be careful: sometimes these tools can be allocated at the expense of other programs, which can lead to problems with the operation of the computer. Well, finally, try another launch mode - compatibility. You can choose the operating system, in compatibility mode with which you want to run the game - and then there is a possibility that the OS mismatch problem will disappear and everything will work. You did all the above, but the Lord of the Fallen does not start? What to do? About this below.

Disabling antivirus software

You are interested in the question of what to do if the Lord of the Fallen is not started after all the manipulations? If you downloaded the pirated version, then you need to disable the antivirus and other security tools at the time of installation, as they can recognize some files as viruses (as always happens with "crack") and put them in quarantine. After installation, you can add the necessary files to the "exclusions" of your antivirus, and then it will leave the game alone.

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