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Linnet: bird singing, early bird

It is appreciated, above all, for the magnificent singing. Among herbivorous birds, it is considered to be the best singer. In her sonorous songs there are also trills of the lark, and the whistling of the finch, and the chirping of the cedar. Who is she? Of course, the songbird is a cannabis!

Linnet. Description

This bird belongs to the singing birds of the family of finches, which are part of a group of passerines. Linnet, or repolov - is a typical inhabitant of hedges, gardens, protective shrub and tree plantations. This bird can be found in undergrowth along the edges of forests and in bushes in meadows. Rifles inhabit Europe, as well as the north-west of Africa, the Lesser, the Near and Middle Asia.

How does she look?

The body length of this funny bird does not exceed 15 centimeters. On its wings it is necessary about 8 centimeters, and on their scope - to 25 centimeters. Linnet - the bird is light, its weight is only 20-23 grams. Males of these birds in the spring period are painted in bright carmine color (forehead, chest and temechko). The upper side of their body has a slightly brownish hue, and the sides and abdomen are white. The females are reminiscent of males in their color, but there is no red color in their plumage.

The way of life of the reps

Linnet is a bird that is mostly migratory. Ornithologists note that only southern species of these birds lead a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes they become nomads. Rifles arrive early in their homeland - already in March. At the same time they are actively embarking on their nesting.

There is an opinion that the old males come first, while the young and the females - later. It is not always so! Often in the first flocks fly and samochki. As rehabilitated mostly inhabit the European part of Russia, they practically do not fly over the Urals, and even to Siberia - even more so. Here is such a hemp bird!

The singing of the revolves

Hemp whales are songbirds. Among their grain-eating relatives they are the best singers! Their musical compositions are complex, but melodic. Songs of hemp consist of different trills, whistles, chirps, murmurs chaotically following each other. There is no order in these musical "parties", they all go in fragments lasting 10-15 seconds. Male reptiles sing anywhere: on fences, on wires, on tops of trees, etc.

Ornithologists say that the singing of males is an amazing sight: they raise their tufts on their heads, swing from side to side and sing ... Indeed, it's funny! Linnet is a bird not only singing, but also creative. During the execution of the trill, the males fly high into the sky, swirl there several times, after which they plan to return to their place. The singing season for these birds lasts from arrival to departure, that is, constantly.

What do the hemp eat?

As already mentioned above, the linnet is a corn-eating bird. This means that they feed on the seeds of thistles, grass plants, seeds of horse sorrel, burdock, etc. , and they practically do not consume animal food. Only occasionally can they eat certain insects. However, the newly hatched chicks of the female reed are fed first by insects, and then by the extracted seeds.

Nesting place

Linnet is a nesting bird. They nest their nests on low forest firs, in bushes and even in hedges, at heights of up to 3 meters. Only women are engaged in construction. They make cup-shaped and small, but good-quality nests. Their "houses" they fill with thin herbs, wool, feathers.

Already in the first half of May, the rehabilitators bring eggs. Usually in one masonry there are from 3 to 7 eggs. Again, only the females are engaged in incubating. This process takes no more than 2 weeks. Born chicks are already covered with a thick dark gray fuzz. For about 2 weeks the chicks do not leave their nest. Both parents are already feeding them.

Content in captivity

It is worth noting that the maximum known lifespan of hemp in nature - no more than 9 years. Ornithologists and bird lovers say that in captivity with proper care these creatures can live longer - up to 11 years. Nevertheless, of all grazing birds, hemp are the weakest in captivity.

For example, reared in the spring, very poorly shedding, and often without moulting at all. Moreover, sometimes hemp at home is killed for unknown reasons: it seems that the bird eats well, drinks a lot, but begins to hoot and finally dies. Ornithologists note that this is most likely due to the inadequate nutrition of domesticated hemp.

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