EducationSecondary education and schools

"Life Path": composition-reasoning

For every person is the right choice in life. It's not just about talents, interests, but also about the nature of the person, his actions. A lot of different factors determine the way of life. Composing on such a topic will give reason for reflection among adolescents, who in the future will have to become independent. This article presents various ideas for writing.

Gift, talent and interests

Everyone has his or her talent or gift. These two words differ from each other. For example, the gift of healing and the talent of healing. When the first is given, the person does not need to learn anything, everything turns out by itself. Not every person has a gift. Talent on the contrary suggests that you need to learn, learn, and then do your work best. Interests can also be correlated with talent, because a talented person is interested in many spheres of life, learns patterns, knows the unknown.

The most important thing is talent and interest. They practically determine the life path of a person. It is better to start writing with preliminary preparation. It's important to ask the children: "What are you most interested in? What are you passionate about and what would you like to become?". For example, a girl, a high school student who studies "perfectly", can explain the topic of this or that lesson to lagging classmates. What should she choose? Of course, the pedagogical sphere of activity, but only if she wants it. You can not impose a life path, suggesting that this is what you need.

The meaning of the life path

A middle-class student, like the younger ones, has almost no idea who he will be by profession. But he has certain interests. Often, parents identify children in the sports section or music school, completely disagreeing with the child. It is assumed that this is correct. It is necessary to communicate with children, to notice that they are interested. For example, a girl likes to draw dolls in beautiful outfits, sews clothes for them, and devises decorations. If the young fashion designer does not kill this talent, then perhaps the world will see one more professional of his case.

Playing a doctor in children may seem frivolous. Everyone at a young age learns something new from the games. But nevertheless, if a child very often and for a long time "treats" dolls, and then injured friends, relatives, it is worth considering: is he a future doctor?

According to literature or psychology, it is useful to start a topic with the title "The Life Path". Composition-reasoning with such a name seems boring. It is recommended that the children know what is required of them. Let them remember what they like to do, hobby. It is even advisable to begin the essay with this.

Outlook on life

A big role in children is played by views on life. Everyone sees the world in their own way. One child was born in a happy family, he was raised exemplary. The other one from the birth sees and hears parents in scandals, robberies. Naturally, the second composition will write sad.

We must try to explain to the children that the world can be changed for the better. Everything depends on them. They determine their own way of life. It is advisable to start writing with preparation. For example, in the previous lesson or during extracurricular hours. It is very difficult for everyone to immediately explain what it means to change the world for the better, change your views. Even adults are difficult to tell. But it's necessary to try. For example, it is worth saying that you need to start small. To give way to a trolley bus is necessary not only for the old woman, but also for the pregnant woman. Let the children try to give each other a place. A small act is a step to a happy future.

Family path

Some girls from the early childhood dream of the prince, a marriage. It will be easier for them to write on a similar topic. After all, family is also a way of life. The work on literature will most likely have to be written, based on examples of married women - the heroines of novels, poems and novels of Russian classics. It is necessary for the students to tell that in the last centuries the families were strong, friendly and big. At present, you rarely see anything like that.

Girls will be more useful to write about what should be the wife and mother, what she intends to do. Boys let them write about what is male responsibility. Unfortunately, it may turn out that the composition will consist of only four words: "I do not want to marry." It is not necessary to press on such children, and even more so to put the "deuce." If he wants, let him write why he is so categorical.

There is also a spiritual world

In addition to secondary schools, there are Orthodox gymnasiums. Here they teach not only to count and write, but also church life. As a rule, the children of Christian parents enter such a school. It will be easier for them to write what a person's life is. It is desirable to write an essay in this case with small examples from the life of a saint. For example, Sergius of Radonezh. He sought God from a small age, had serious intentions to become a monk. It would seem a little boy, but in his heart he was an adult, a wise man. It will be useful for children to know that St. Sergius did not study well at school, he was not given science, so he tearfully asked God for help. The Lord heard him. The boy suddenly began to learn well.

Which way to choose a life? The composition is very complicated, but interesting. As for the spiritual point of view, not every schoolboy will give a robust answer. This requires maturity, at least a minimum of life experience.

"I'll finish school and ..."

Almost every schoolchild wants to finish his studies as soon as possible. It does not seem to concern the problem of life. It is better to write an essay on this subject to high school students, or rather, graduates. All - young, cheerful, happy. After all, soon the freedom will come: no teachers, no control, no supervision from parents, no diaries with comments and assessments.

It is advisable to explain what difficulties may await them in the future. What is the advice to learners so that they do not break when problems come? You can give examples from his youth. What mistakes happened. After citing examples, it is necessary to conclude in conclusion: "Everything is decidedly in life." Yesterday it was bad, so it's necessary. White, gray and black stripes are like a change of weather. This is the way of life. Composition-reasoning on the topic "How will I react to the problem" is, so to speak, a sequel. Let the student think how he will act at one time or another, how he will react.

Such a topic should not just be a composition that is written, an assessment for it was received, and then it will be forgotten. It is desirable to talk with the children seriously, based on the results of written words. "Life way" - the composition is quite serious, requiring further communication. A talented teacher or psychologist should help children understand many things.

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