
Let's try to find out when to plant garlic for the winter

The process of growing garlic is complex, but if you want to master all the nuances, even a novice gardener. Not many people know that getting a "commodity" crop depends not only on human experience and weather conditions, but also on the time of planting. Therefore, this criterion should be approached more responsibly and find out when it is better to plant garlic for the winter. It is also important to know how to save the situation if you did not meet the deadlines.

When and how to plant garlic for winter?

Growing large winter garlic on your own bed is quite difficult, as this culture is very fastidious and demanding. The plant gives preference to loose soils that have a neutral acid reaction and are treated with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. But the requirements for the site - this is not the main thing, the harvest depends largely on when to plant garlic for the winter. If the teeth are in the ground too early, they will have time to release the shoots and will not be able to survive the winter, if it is too late, they will simply freeze.

Terms of planting

Specify the dates in which this winter culture should be planted in the ground, it is impossible, since it is necessary to take into account the specific climatic conditions of each region. Moreover, in recent years, the weather is characterized by a special changeability, so many can not understand when to plant garlic for the winter better. That's why experienced gardeners began to use people's perceptions based on long-term observations. For example, if the summer was preceded by late spring, then autumn will be the same. In such a year, planting garlic is better at the end of the first decade of October, then it will have time to take root in the soil before the frosts come. The conditional term of planting the crop varies from September 25 to October 10-12.

Consequences of early planting

It is not recommended to plant this crop before September 25, even if autumn comes early. Early planting will lead to the fact that the plant on warm days will have time not only to take root, but also will release green shoots. Do not think that when it is too early to plant garlic for the winter, it will quickly grow stronger and easily transfer frost. No, survive the cold winter, he can only if the frost will be preceded by a heavy snowfall. Otherwise, with the first frosts, green shoots will simply freeze. This will cause the death of their root system. From the same plants, which still manage to survive, do not expect a good harvest.

What is fraught with the late planting of teeth

Those truck farmers who missed the "successful" planting time or simply do not know how to plant garlic risk not to get a crop at all, since the teeth, which hit the ground even at the end of October, not to mention November, can simply freeze. For slightly entrenched plants, a minimal decrease in temperature can lead to death.

What to do if the "favorable" landing time is missed

Life is rich in "surprises", so skipping the time for landing is easy. But even if this happens, do not give up garlic altogether. It will be necessary simply to accelerate the germination of the plant by artificial means. For this, the teeth must be lowered into warm water or a solution of humate for 3 hours. Then with the same liquid, the sawdust is humidified in a wide container, and only then is the planting material placed in them. Such an artificial greenhouse should be placed in a secluded place for 2 days, so that the rudiments of roots are formed as soon as possible. Plant the germinated plants, even in slightly primed soil, but after removing its top layer.

In pre-poured with warm water the ground must be very carefully put the teeth and cover them with a layer of sawdust with earth. Then the area with garlic before the first snow is covered with a film, under which it takes root in a comfortable climate. This way of planting allows you to get a good harvest. But about when to plant garlic for the winter on time, we have already said, and it is better to adhere to these recommendations.

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