
Kozma Kryuchkov is the legendary hero of the First World War. Biography and photo. Cossack feat

Unfortunately, today few people remember that during the First World War on Don lived Cossack Kozma Kryuchkov. Meanwhile, he became a real hero of his time. But after the events of 1917 the glory of them was hushed up, and information about their exploits was deliberately destroyed. But not a single Cossack was awarded such a rapid rise to Olympus people's glory, except him. And not a single "strangler of the revolution" was so slandered by Soviet officials as Kozma Kryuchkov. His heroic feats began to be positioned by the Bolsheviks as propaganda lies, and from his name they made a laughingstock. But the "St. George's Cross" is simply not given to a person, which means that Kozma Kryuchkov got it absolutely deservedly. What was remarkable in the biography of the above hero of the First World War and for what merit he became a Knight of the St. George Cross? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Years of childhood and adolescence

Kozma F. Kryuchkov was born in 1890 in the village of Nizhne-Kalmykovsky (Ust-Medveditsky district of the Upper Don). The parents of the future hero adhered to strict rules of upbringing and tried to observe the patriarchal foundations in the family.

Already at the age of 17 Kozma Kryuchkov, whose biography represents a certain interest for historians, received a horse and a saber. Four years later, the young man ends his studies at the school school and replenishes the ranks of the third Don Cossack regiment in order to serve the Motherland. By that time the young Cossack was already married, and in the family he had two children - a girl and a boy.

The beginning of the First World ...

The young man very quickly proved himself to be a diligent warrior and already in 1914 he attained the decree of the 6th hundredth third Donskoi regiment. Kozma Kryuchkov really turned into a savvy, intelligent and brave Cossack, who is well-versed in military affairs.

He took the news of the war cold-bloodedly and calmly, because he was ready for it both physically and morally. Soon the service for him became the main business of his whole life. Contemporaries of the hero of the First World War remembered that Kozma F. Kryuchkov, whose biography is familiar only to a few, was a modest and shy person, but at the same time was open for communication and in his conversations with friends and associates showed sincerity.

Good physical data, dexterity, boldness, resourcefulness - all these qualities said that he is the real son of his Fatherland, who at any time can become his protection.


Soon after the war began, Cossack Kozma Kryuchkov, along with the regiment, was in Kalwaria (Poland). It is there that the most important event in his life will occur. In late July 1914, he and his three brother-soldiers (Ivan Shchegolkov, Vasily Astakhov, Mikhail Ivankin), patrolling the territory, came upon the Germans. The forces were unequal. The enemy detachment numbered almost three dozen people. Anyway, but the Germans panicked at such an unexpected meeting, but when they realized that they were confronted by only 4 Cossacks, they rushed to the attack. But Kozma Firsovich and his comrades did not want to give in so simply: they intended to give a worthy rebuff to the Germans. The warring sides came close to each other, and a fierce battle began. The Cossacks bravely shred their enemies with their checkers, remembering well the experience of their fathers and grandfathers.

At one of the convenient and appropriate moments, Kozma contrived, and he had a rifle in his hands. He wanted to open fire on the Germans, but he too jerked the bolt and the cartridge jammed. Then he armed himself with a sword and began with a vengeance to fight the enemy. The results of the bout were stunning. Most of the enemy detachment of the German cavalry was destroyed: only units managed to save by flight. And from the Cossacks there were no "fatal" losses at all, but everyone was wounded. As fellow soldiers testified, the exploit of Kozma Kryuchkov did not succumb to reason: he alone killed eleven Germans, and many stab wounds were recorded on his body, while he remained alive.

Subsequently, the hero will tell: "On the ground there were 24 dead Germans. My comrades were wounded, and I received 16 crushed injuries, and my horse - 11. Soon the White Olit was visited by General Rennenkampf and handed me a St. George ribbon. " This was the highest award for the defense of his Motherland. Kozma Kryuchkov - the legendary hero of World War I - was proud of her like no other. But Vasily Astakhov, Ivan Shchegolkov and Mikhail Ivankin were also rewarded: they received St. George medals.


Having healed the wounds in the hospital, the brave Cossack returned to his regiment, but after a short time was sent for a visit to his native farm.

The glory of the exploit Kryuchkov went far beyond the limits of Nizhne-Kalmykovsky. The emperor himself learned about him. And the main battle with the Germans eloquently described the main Russian media. Kozma Firsovich became a national hero, who personified Russian military courage. Newspaper and paparazzi did not give Kryuchkov a pass. He even became a participant in the newsreel. In 1914 the photo of the brave Cossack hero was printed almost all periodicals. The face of Kozma Firsovich began to decorate postage stamps, patriotic posters and even boxes of cigarettes. And he could be seen on candy wrappers "Heroes", which they made at the factory Kalesnikov. A whole steamer was named in his honor. Famous painter Ilya Repin painted a portrait of the legendary hero of the First World War. There were even rumors that some young ladies specially went to the front to get acquainted with the brave Cossack.

In the army he is appreciated ...

Once the printed edition of The Great War in Paintings and Images writes: "Kozma Frysovich Kryuchkov, whose feat can not be overestimated, became the first of the lower ranks to receive the honorary award."

Anyway, but his fame was pursued not only on the "citizen", but also in the military service. He was given a "privileged" position at the headquarters of the division - the convoy commander.

Contemporaries of the hero told that he came to the service of hundreds of letters, and the headquarters was literally flooded with food parcels.

In Moscow, Kryuchkov, as an offering, received a checker in a silver frame, and in the "city on the Neva" he was presented the same gift, but already in a gold frame. In addition, Kozma Firsovich became the owner of the blade, which was covered with laudatory speeches. But after some time, Kryuchkov was denied by the "sleek" service at the headquarters, and he again asked to fight with the Germans at the front.

The Romanian Front

The request of the Cossack hero was finally considered, and Kozma Firsovich, as part of the third Don front, went to the Romanian front. On this theater of military operations there were regular battles. Kriuchkov also shows his best qualities of a soldier here. In particular, in 1915 he and ten other fellow soldiers in one of the villages came into conflict with the enemy, which twice exceeded them in strength. Some of the German invaders were killed, and some were taken prisoner. Cossacks managed to find the most valuable information about the whereabouts of enemy troops. And this feat Kryuchkov was noted commanders. Kozma Firsovich was awarded the rank of sergeant-major, and the general who arrived at the rate personally shook his hand and said that he was proud of the fact that such brave and brave warrior served in his regiment. After a while, Kryuchkov was trusted to command a hundred. Subsequently, the gallant Cossack repeatedly participated in strategic battles, in which he was often wounded.

Once, after the battle in Poland, his life was in jeopardy, but thanks to timely medical assistance, Kozma Firsovich survived.

Unpleasant incident

Another serious injury Kryuchkov received at the turn of 1916-1917. He was hospitalized in Rostov. And here there was an unpleasant event. Scammers stole the "St. George Order" from the Cossack. This incident was immediately described in the local press. After him the name of Kozma Kryuchkov was practically not mentioned in the newspapers.

Awards for merits

During the years of the First World War, a Cossack from the district of the Upper Don was awarded several high awards, among which: two St. George crosses, two St. George medals "For Bravery." He rose to the rank of Cossack under the siege. At the height of the February revolution, Kryuchkov's life undergoes significant changes. Still undeveloped after the hospital, Kozma Firsovich "takes over" the duties of the head of the regimental committee. But after the revolution in Soviet Russia, the former army was disbanded. In the Cossack milieu there were serious disagreements: one part of the party favored a new power, and the other part supported the old regime. Kryuchkov also had his own position on this matter. Adhering to the patriarchal foundations of society, he advocated the tsar and the White Guard movement. In the midst of his associates, he returns to his native village.

Uneasy years of civil war

But peaceful life in his native Nizhne-Kalmykovskiy did not work out. The division into red and white also affected the Cossacks.

Enemies overnight became not only bosom friends, but also close relatives. It was necessary to enter into confrontation with former comrades and Kozma Kryuchkov.


The legendary hero of the First World War fell a heroic death in the late summer of 1919. Death overtook Kryuchkov in the village of Lopukhovki (Saratov region). The Reds fired at the village and several bullets hit the Cossack. The comrades managed to get Kozma Firsovich out of the shelling, but the wound was incompatible with life. He was buried in the cemetery of his native farm.

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