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Instructions for the use of "Rivanol". Analogs of the drug, description

"Etakridin" ("Rivanol") is an antiseptic. It is used to control microorganisms that cause various diseases. The solution is used to treat wounds, inflammations of mucous membranes, furuncles, psoriasis.

Form release:

  • Paste.
  • Solution.
  • Powder.
  • Ointment.

The solution for use is prepared immediately before use.

To remove unwanted hair

The drug solution is used to remove facial hair. It is inexpensive, painless, effective. A little lower is given for the drug "Rivanol" instruction. The analogs described below, as can be easily seen, are much more difficult to handle:

  1. For 10 grams of "Rivanol" powder, 1 liter of water is required - 1% solution will be obtained.
  2. In the solution, a cotton swab is moistened and rubbed with unwanted hair. Long delay means in one area is not worth it, it's enough to spend one time.
  3. The procedure is repeated daily for 7 days (prolongation of the course is possible, but not recommended to avoid skin drying, in any case should be determined individually).

In the process of treatment with the drug, unwanted hair becomes thinner and lighter, then disappears.

An allergy test is mandatory before use: a drop of the prepared solution is applied to the skin from the inside of the elbow bend and observed for 2 hours (it is highly desirable after this time to rinse the drug and continue monitoring for another 48 hours).

How the drug works

The active substances "Rivanol" (lactate 2-ethoxy-6,9-diaminoacridin) gradually destroy the hair and follicle itself, thus saving not only the hair that already exists, but also the future ones. At best, unwanted hair will not bother for a month, then hairs may grow, but they will be much lighter, thinner and unobtrusive than the previous ones.

The agent is used, as a rule, for light (gun) hair, for example, on the face. It is worth noting that the drug does not help everyone, but who will be among the lucky ones is impossible to say in advance, so it's worth trying.

If after two weeks of application of the result is not present, the preparation does not approach, and its use should be stopped.

Similar tools

Many people are wondering whether the effective and convenient "Rivanol" have analogues?

We note at once that there are no complete analogs, but there are a lot of means, the action of which is a bit like (lightening of hair and impact on the hair follicle). Let's consider them just below.

At once we will note that it is important to know, to effectively apply the analogues of "Rivanol", the description of which is given below.

To influence the follicle, it is important to open the path to it, that is, the hair must be removed from the root. In addition, on the surface of the skin we see, as a rule, only 25% of all available hair. The rest are in a dormant state, so for a really effective result (smooth skin for months) the procedure must be repeated periodically, and not one week. It is also desirable to steam out the area for application of the agent, this allows to open the pores, however, it should be taken into account that this makes the skin more sensitive and raises the risk of burns.

Virtually all the tools described below are very strong and at the same time unpredictable, so they are capable of:

  • Remove unwanted hair;
  • Have no effect;
  • Spoil the skin, which will require after this long treatment.

Above you already had the opportunity to see how easy it is for the "Rivanol" drug to follow the instructions. Analogues, reviews of which are quite numerous and allow one to assess the effectiveness and laboriousness of each remedy are much more difficult to handle and rarely able to give such a rapid effect.

Hydrogen peroxide

Does Rivanol have analogues among pharmacies? Hydrogen peroxide is the only drug with a similar effect. This remedy is much weaker, although with good tolerance and perseverance can help get rid of hair. Although it is not recommended to use it on sensitive skin, such as on the face. Usually, peroxide is used to remove hair from the neck line from behind, from the hands and feet. How is it used? The necessary skin area is wiped daily for 2-3 weeks. Concentration of the solution is selected individually, although in any case, a pharmacy solution of 3% is not suitable, bleaching of hair and their destruction is possible only with a solution of 5-10%. Also, do not use too strong a solution: 30% peroxide will necessarily cause changes on the skin, which are unlikely to make anyone happy. Burned with peroxide dermis has a characteristic white coating.


This spice can make the skin smooth forever, at least, it is precisely such a reputation in her homeland - in India. At a certain concentration of the substance, turmeric affects the hair itself and, most importantly, the follicles, slowing the growth of hair. With frequent application, the hair stops growing, and the skin becomes very smooth and even. This analogue of "Rivanol" for hair removal also affects individually. Among the reviews, there are many stories when masks based on turmeric had no effect. Side effect - skin coloring in yellow, irritation, redness. Turmeric is often used to remove hair permanently in the bikini area.

There are many recipes with turmeric. The most popular are a mixture of turmeric with cream, milk, flour.

  1. With cream. Any suitable moisturizing (not greasy!) Cream in equal proportions is mixed with turmeric, applied to the desired area. The proportion can vary, it all depends on the portability. The mixture is applied to the skin, aged for 10 minutes (can be slightly longer, this is also individually), washed off with warm water or sour milk to avoid staining.
  2. Turmeric is mixed with wheat flour and milk, the proportions are also individual. Optimally mix the loose ingredients, and then add the milk, achieving a convenient for application consistency. Flour is needed only to soften the effect of spice.


Datura contains alkaloids, which can act oppressively on the hair bulb. This is a very poisonous plant, so it should be extremely cautious, much more accurate than when applying the drug "Rivanol". The analogs described here are also much safer than dope. The only reason why it deserves attention - with its help you can achieve a complete cessation of hair growth. However, this process can not be called rapid. The result will take about a year, otherwise there is a risk of harming the body as a whole. For hair removal use:

  1. Tincture on alcohol - suitable for oily skin.
  2. Oily tincture is preferable for dry skin.

Use the mixture on the prepared skin (hair removed from the root) strictly no more often than once a day, but regularly - every day or every other day.


A very risky and questionable drug (iodine has the property of being absorbed through the skin and accumulating in the body, exposing the latter to intoxication), suitable only for those with exceptionally healthy skin, who are not afraid of dying the skin in yellow, already desperate to achieve results with softer means, I tried a solution of "Rivanol", analogues of plant origin - and everything turned out to be in vain.

Recipes with iodine are also very diverse, the most popular - with castor oil and ammonia. For him you need:

  1. Iodine - 1.5 ml.
  2. Ammonia alcohol - 2 ml.
  3. Castor oil - 5 ml.
  4. Medical alcohol - 35 ml.

All is mixed and held for a couple of hours until the mixture loses its characteristic yellow-brown color. With a ready solution, a cotton swab is moistened, rubbed with unnecessary hair 2 times a day, and kept for 15 minutes. The procedures are performed for 2-3 weeks before hair loss (they start falling after one week of application).

Juice of the walnut

Green walnut contains a lot of iodine, so it can be used to get rid of hair. The unripe fruit is cut in half, half polished prepared area, left overnight. One week of such procedures is sufficient to prevent hair from appearing. You can also chop the shells of young walnuts, mix with water and rub the skin with unnecessary hair 3-4 times a day, repeat until the result (hair loss).

Nettle Seeds Dicotyledonous

Do "Rivanol" have analogues of soft action? Nettle seeds are safe enough. They contain formic acid, which helps to work on unwanted hair and follicles. To remove unnecessary vegetation, you can use a decoction, oil tincture or alcohol tincture (although the latter is undesirable). The oil tincture is prepared in the following way:

  1. 40 grams of nettle to grind, but not to powder, but just stretch.
  2. The ground mixture is mixed with 100 grams of castor oil (you can take another soft oil, for example from grape seeds).
  3. To sustain a mix in a dark and cool place (but not in a refrigeration cabinet) 2 months.
  4. Strain - at will.

Apply the tincture as follows: the necessary place is lubricated, the oil is left on the skin, aged for 1 hour, wiped with a cloth or a napkin. Repeat daily. The first result will be visible in a month - thinner, faint hairs that can be easily removed with tweezers or hands.

There are other popular analogues of "Rivanol", in the article we indicated the most common. However, in any case, the drug "Rivanol" looks most convenient to use.

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