
Inexpensive analogue of "Vazobrala". The list of analogues "Vazobrala"

To improve peripheral and cerebral circulation, the doctor can prescribe the drug "Vazobral". It increases the capacity for work, increases the number of active capillaries, stimulates metabolic processes in the brain. After learning about its price in the pharmacy, many people start asking pharmacists to pick up cheap analogues for "Vasobral". But this is not so easy to do.

Description of the preparation

The drug "Vazobral" is produced in the form of tablets or solution. The main active substances in it is alpha-dihydroergocriptine mesylate (at a concentration of 4 mg) and caffeine (40 mg).

The first active element prevents the adhesion of erythrocytes and platelets, makes the walls of the vessels less permeable, increases the resistance of brain tissue to hypoxia. Caffeine increases excitement in the cerebral cortex. And this, in turn, improves both mental and physical performance, reduces the feeling of fatigue. Also, when taking the remedy increases the reflex excitability of the spinal cord, the vasomotor and respiratory centers are stimulated.

Depending on the indications the drug is taken by ½ or 1 tablet twice a day. But keep in mind that only the doctor should prescribe and select the necessary dosage of the drug Vazobral. Analogues of the drug the doctor can advise you in the event that you have contraindications to his admission. You can also ask for a replacement, if this is too expensive for you.

Indications and contraindications

Before you figure out which one you can buy an analogue of "Vazobrala", you need to understand in what situations doctors recommend to drink this alpha-blocker.

It is assigned when:

- cerebrovascular insufficiency, which arose in part and as a result of cerebral atherosclerosis;

- Decreased mental activity, age changes, memory disorders, orientation in space, problems with attention;

- retinopathy (diabetic or hypertensive);

- Ménière's disease, Reynaud;

- venous insufficiency;

- violations of ischemic genesis - noise in the ears, dizziness.

Also, it can be drunk as a preventative for preventing the onset of migraine. All this information contains the instructions for use attached to the "Vazobral" preparation. Analogues tools are usually applied for the same problems.

The drug is not prescribed unless it has been determined that the patient has an individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to individual components. With caution appoint it during pregnancy, because no clinical studies have been conducted. When breastfeeding the baby, it should be remembered that this medication can lead to a decrease in lactation.

Possible substitutes

If you are looking for a more affordable analogue of "Vazobrala", then it is worthwhile to know that there are no such exact drugs. There are funds that are also prescribed to improve the tolerance of increased loads, with cerebrovascular insufficiency and other diseases caused by problems with cerebral circulation. But their composition includes other active substances, so they can not be called generics of the drug "Vazobral".

If necessary, the remedy can be replaced with such medicines as "Pikogam", "Amilonosar", "Picanoyl". You can also use tablets "Nicergoline", "Redergin", "Sermion". To improve blood circulation, other drugs can be prescribed - analogues of Vazobrala. Tablets "Pikamilon", "Nilogin", "Vinpocetin", "Cinnasan", "Ginkoum", "Cavinton", "Tanakan" are almost the same.

Price policy

People who are interested in possible substitutes for the drug are interested in the cost of these funds. The medication "Vazobral" in pharmacies costs an average of about 900 rubles per package of 10 tablets. The same name solution for oral administration costs slightly more than 600 rubles.

At the same time, Cavinton can be bought for 180 rubles, Nizergolin for 500 rubles, Ginkoum 400 rubles, Sermion 370 rubles, Tanakan 630 rubles.

If you are looking for a Russian analogue of Vazobrala, then pay attention to the Pikamilon drug, which costs about 70 rubles, the Pikogam tablet (about 40-50 rubles), Amilonosar.

But consider, if the doctor has appointed or nominated means "Vazobral" to pick up replacement it is better not with the pharmacist in a drugstore, namely with the attending doctor. He can easily explain to you what is the difference between the drugs and why it is desirable to drink the prescribed medicine.

Russian generics

The cheapest options are domestic drugs, which can be used instead of "Vazobral". Analogues, the instruction to which asserts that they can be drunk with cerebrovascular insufficiency, depressive disorders, asthenic conditions that have arisen as a result of neuropsychic diseases, act somewhat differently.

Preparations "Picanoyl", "Pikamilon", "Amilonosar", "Pikogam" refer to nootropics, they are able to expand the vessels of the brain. They affect the circulation in this organ. As a result of the reception, the metabolism in his tissues is normalized, the vascular resistance decreases, the platelet aggregation process is suppressed and the overall microcirculation improves.

In a day it is necessary to take from 40 to 150 mg of the drug, divided into 2-3 doses. The course of treatment is quite long - it is at least 1 month. In some situations, the daily dose may be increased to 300 mg.

Indications for the admission of domestic funds and possible restrictions

Any of the above domestic analogues of "Vazobrala" can be appointed in such cases:

- cerebrovascular insufficiency;

- Depressive disorders that occur in old age;

- feelings of anxiety, fear, irritability.

It is also recommended for prevention of migraine exacerbation, for increasing endurance, for open-angle glaucoma (in order to stabilize the eyesight), in disorders of urination.

Another indication is alcohol intoxication: drugs are able to stop all the acute syndromes that accompany it.

With increased sensitivity to nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid, chronic renal failure, pregnancy and during breast-feeding, these drugs can not be drunk.

Preparations based on substance nicergoline

Alfa-adrenoblockers are referred to as "Nicergoline", "Sermion", "Nicergoline Ferein". They are designed to improve the metabolic and circulatory processes in the brain. The drugs are also able to improve blood flow in the vessels of the brain and limbs of a person, slightly reduce blood pressure, stimulate increased consumption of glucose and oxygen by tissues. They act in almost the same way as the tool "Vazobral".

Analogues of the drug are prescribed for such indications:

- Insufficiency of blood circulation in the brain, caused by atherosclerosis, embolism or thrombosis of the vessels of this organ (it can be acute or chronic);

- Raynaud's disease;

- Obliterating lesions of vessels passing in the limbs, which are characterized by their narrowing up to the violation of patency;

- hypertensive crisis or arterial hypertension (as an auxiliary).

But these drugs can not be taken with increased sensitivity to nicergoline, during pregnancy, lactation. Also, they are not prescribed after a myocardial infarction, with arterial hypotension, severe bradycardia.


In some cases, doctors can prescribe drugs based on other active substances. If you are looking for an analogue of "Vazobrala", but cheaper, and at the same time want to buy a quality imported drug, then you can pay attention to medicines with vinpocetine. These are such drugs as "Cavinton", "Vinpocetine", "TeleTotal", "Bravinton", "Korsavin", "Hypotaff", "Vinpotropil".

All of these drugs can increase the resistance of brain neurons to hypoxia, improve metabolism in tissues and digestibility of glucose. Also they are antioxidants, reduce the viscosity of blood, increase the level of oxygen release by erythrocytes.

Indications and contraindications

Drugs based on vinpocetine can be prescribed for severe mental and neuralgic symptoms caused by a deterioration in the supply of cerebral vessels. They are often prescribed after strokes, transient ischemic attacks, atherosclerosis, encephalopathy (resulting from trauma or hypertension). Also, drugs and oculists are recommended for chronic eye diseases, accompanied by retinal and vascular lesions. Otolaryngologists appoint them in those cases when a hearing loss is diagnosed according to the perceptive type, with Meniere's disease, the occurrence of noise in the ears.

You can not take vinpocetine in the acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke, with a severe form of coronary heart disease, arrhythmias. Do not prescribe it to pregnant women, nursing women and children under the age of 18.

Ginkgo leaf extract

If you choose the analogue "Vazobrala" together with a doctor, you can pay attention to such drugs as "Tanakan", "Ginos", "Ginkgo biloba", "Gingium", "Vitrum memories". All these preparations are made from an extract of ginkgo leaves bilobate.

They contribute to improving blood circulation in brain tissues and peripheral vessels, their walls become more elastic and less permeable, rheological indicators of blood improve. Also, when they are taken, the metabolism improves at the cellular level, all small arteries expand, the veins tone increases.

Assign them to encephalopathy, which resulted from a stroke, stroke, or due to age-related changes. This disease is characterized by impaired intellectual abilities, decreased attention, the appearance of feelings of unreasonable anxiety and fear. Also, drugs are recommended for Raynaud's syndrome and circulatory disorders in peripheral vessels, with dizziness, gait instability, tinnitus.

You can not take the extract of ginkgo leaves with ulcer diseases of the stomach and intestines, gastritis, low blood clotting, sensitivity to the active ingredient, pregnancy and lactation.

Patient Reviews

Before you start drinking certain medications, many want to find out if they helped others. If you decide to find analogues yourself for the "Vazobral" drug, the patient's feedback will help you to understand how effective each drug is.

Most agree that all medications that improve cerebral circulation are effective. However, to achieve the effect they need to drink a long time. The course of treatment can last from 1 to 3 months, periodically it must be repeated. Given that the therapy lasts long enough, many are interested in the possibility of selecting cheaper drugs. It is quite possible, but it is better to do it together with a doctor. The fact that the patient is not able to assess the effectiveness of a particular remedy, he does not know how they affect different situations. Practicing physician knows all the advantages of individual drugs and can choose the best option.

It is also important to find out whether the patient does not have contraindications to taking a particular remedy, because in this case it will be necessary to select an analogue.

The patients' testimonies testify that the result is not only from taking the drug "Vazobral", but also from domestic inexpensive medications.

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