
How to use a monophonic background in portrait and subject photography?

In professional photography there are no trifles. No matter how fresh and good the model is, an improperly built light can make of it sullen Yaga. Perfect from the point of view of composition, the still life will become mediocre and distorted due to improper work with the flash. What can we say about unnecessary subjects in the frame, incorrectly selected extracts, cluttered background? But if the white balance, color correction and the sunken horizon can be easily corrected in the graphic editor, then the background should be more careful. Of course, even a beginner photojuster can easily transfer the subject to any background you like, but in this case the picture loses some vitality and dynamism. In addition, not every shooting involves a subsequent deep post-processing, so a real find, especially for a novice photographer, can be a mobile monophonic background for portrait and subject photography.

What is the background?

Most often, photographers working in studios use the background. The price of professional backgrounds is quite high. But they are very convenient to use. There are many options: rolls, frames, stretch fabrics, curtains ... The task of the background is to emphasize the merits of the subject, to show it from the best side, without distracting from it. The background can blend in color with the object or, conversely, create an advantageous contrast.

A monochrome background with your own hands? Why not!

For those who just took the path of a photographer and began to collect a fleet of equipment, unnecessary waste to anything. In addition, you can make a monochrome background for your photos yourself. Moreover, some professionals quite successfully use self-made backgrounds. For example, you can use a roll of paper as a background. The main thing is that its width is enough to solve creative problems. A roll of non-woven wallpaper may be suitable (its width is 1.1 m). Dragging the entire roll is not necessary - it is better to cut the strip of the required length. You can fasten such a background to the wall with the help of small nails. Such background can be practically any color, besides not only monophonic, but also motley. In addition to paper, cloth is often used. A smooth satin is perfect for the background. But, for example, rough matting has its charm and can be used to solve various creative tasks.

Features of background colors

Do not think that by buying a lot of cuts of wallpaper or fabric, any beginner will be able to bring his creativity to a new level. For example, a white monophonic background very often looks gray on the finished image. Gray is an excellent color, besides very popular, but if you need a white one, you'll have to try and send additional light to the background when shooting. Black canvases are perfect for shooting in a low key, and they are also good for portraits of fair-haired people, especially in light clothing. When photographing products and dishes of high cuisine, the black background is also used quite often: noble red fish, snow-white desserts, and varietal wine in crystal look very expressive and expensive in deep black. But when working with black, you need to build light equally carefully: sometimes the object needs additional illumination.

Colored backgrounds are no less interesting. For example, a green monophonic background is ideal for objective photography, but with portrait photography it is better not to risk it, since sometimes it can give the person an unhealthy shade. On light pastel shades, portraits of children are beautifully obtained, and deep dark tones are good for expressive macro photography.

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