
How to properly write: assistant or assistant?

Not everyone knows how to write - a helper or assistant. Moreover, not everyone knows how to correctly pronounce the said word. In connection with the frequency of such questions, we decided to dedicate this article to this topic.

general information

Assistant or assistant? This question is asked by many people who need to write a sentence correctly using such a lexical unit or to say it aloud. It should be noted that there are no separate rules in this respect in the Russian language. But nevertheless some information on what letter should be put in this word, we will present to your attention.

The basic rule (the letters "sh" and "h" before "t" and "n"),

How it is correct: the assistant or the assistant? To answer this question will help us a simple rule of the Russian language. In words that are formed from the bases by -k, -h and -h, only the letter "h" is written before the suffixes -n-, -nits- and -nik. It should be noted that in most cases the pronunciation of such expressions is completely consistent with their writing. Here is an illustrative example: source - source, oven - stove, bird - house, cleaning - cleaning, paint - colorful, sand - sandbox, end - end.

However, there are also cases when, in some words, the written "h" corresponds to the pronunciation of the sound "w". As a rule, they are the following: bakeries, mustard, hen party, trays, milkman, ochechny, peppermint, midnight stork, bezportovy, laundry, trifle, candlestick, heart, birdhouse, boring, cap, fried eggs, dvoechnik, chetverchnik, Other. But what relation does this rule have to the question of how to write: assistant or assistant? The most immediate. After all, similar "laws" operate here.

How it is correct: the assistant or the assistant? We find out together

If to ask such a question to an experienced linguist, he, of course, will say that it is correct to write only "assistant". What is the reason for this? The fact is that this word came from the noun "help" due to the addition of the suffix -nik-. Accordingly, it is required to write it only through the consonant "ni" and in no other way. But why, then, does the question arise about how to write correctly: the assistant or the assistant? The fact is that such a lexical unit is pronounced somewhat differently than written. After all, we almost never say: "I urgently need a help that will do all this work for me" or "You will get a good help from you". Agree, the word we check in these sentences cuts the ear a little. It is customary to say this: "Pom [sh] nickname is good. Without it, we will not do everything on time "or" I could only dream of such a help as you. "

Recommendations for verifying a word

As it was said above, there is simply no separate rule concerning the spelling and pronunciation of a given lexical unit in the Russian language. But to determine a particular letter in the text, experts recommend selecting a test word to the word "helper". The meaning of the word is "a person who helps someone in something". In this case, this is "help" with the consonant letter "ui" at the end.

Important to remember

Finding out how to write this word, you can easily formulate a note to the main rule, which was presented to your attention at the very beginning of the article. It will look like this: in the word "helper" it is necessary to write only the letter "ui". However, during the pronunciation instead of it you need to say "sh", that is, literally [pashoshnik].

To the same note, you can include a word such as "Vigil". This lexical unit is formed from a "night". This is the Church Slavonic form of the word "night". Thus, "Vigil" is written with the letter "uh", but it is pronounced "sh", that is, literally [vsinoshnaya].

Other features of the basic rule

It should also be noted that in the Russian language there are quite a lot of words that are written through "h", but are pronounced through "sh". But this is only if the given letter is facing "n". As a rule, such lexical units include female patronymics. Here is an illustrative example:

  • "Anna Savvichna, can I ask you to leave?"
  • "Marina Nikitichna was a very strict woman."
  • "Ekaterina Ilinichna became the teacher of the year".
  • "Maria Kuzminichna took everything into her own hands."

Also, the letter "w" is pronounced instead of "h" before "t" in words such as "nothing" and "pobto" (however, "h" should be pronounced in "insignificant" and "something").

As it is heard, and it is written

In several lexical units that have a basis for -k, before the suffix -n- not only the letter "sh" is pronounced, but it is also written. Let's give an illustrative example: foolish, gorodoshny, raeshny and so on. The same in the words "double-dealer", "towel" and "meticulous".

As for the combination of "pcs", it is written in the particle "not good" (meaning "does"), and also in the adverb "nishto" (meaning "pretty good"). According to their origin, these lexical units are associated with the word "what".

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