
How to mention a person "VKontakte": mark people on the record

So, today we will try to figure out how to mention the person "VKontakte" in the message. To solve the problem, there are several approaches. All of them are extremely simple to understand even by a novice user. Nevertheless, this process requires little preparation. Do not be afraid of this action - you all necessarily will.

Methods of use

But before you mention the person "VKontakte", it is worthwhile to understand why this function is needed at all. Perhaps this is a useless lesson that will simply take you some time?

Not at all. Usually this function is used in a variety of advertising services, as well as when writing reviews on the social network. But recently this method is also used to congratulate someone on his birthday or any other personal holiday.

If you are thinking how to mention a person "VKontakte", then you should be prepared for the fact that a redirect link will appear in your post. It will display the profile-profile of the selected person in the social network. This fact has not strained you? Then let's get down to business with you.

We receive information

How does "Vkontakte" mention a person in the record? To do this, simply write a post, and then, using a special form, enter some information about the user. And it is their collection, we now will.

What do we need? The only object that will have to be obtained is the so-called id-profile number. To make it very easy and simple. But before that it is important to understand one thing: if you want to mark an unregistered user on the record, you can leave the idea in your imagination. This option is available only for users who have profiles in the "Contact".

Now back to the id number. To get it, go to the questionnaire to the "victim" and look at the address bar of your browser. There you will see the address, and after it idxxxxx, where xxxxx - this is the number we need. Select it, and then copy it to the clipboard.

Sometimes, instead of a number, a whole Latin word can also occur. This is normal. This word is called the short profile address. It can also be used to solve a problem called "How to mention a person in a message on the wall in" VKontakte. "Now let's get down to acquaintance with the form of posting the post. It is extremely simple and easy to learn even for beginners.

Shipment form

It all starts with the fact that you have to come up with the text of the message. And start writing it. Then in the right place leave a little space (mark it with spaces) and finish your post. Next, you have to come up with a word or phrase displayed in the text as a redirecting link.

When everything is ready, fill the form in the right place: [profile address | keyword]. The "Address" field is just the same id number or short address of the user's questionnaire. "Keyword" is an expression displayed in the post to redirect to the profile of the "victim" you selected. When you're done, you can just post the record and see what you've got. That's all the problems are solved.

For friends

How to mention a person "VKontakte" in another way? To do this, the user must be on your friends list. If this rule is observed, then it will be simpler to accomplish the task.

At the beginning of the post, click on the "asterisk" on the keyboard. Now you will have a list of friends. There, select the required user, then write the keyword. Next, through a space, write the main text of the message and publish it. Look at the result. You have succeeded in publishing a post with a redirecting link to a person without unnecessary effort.

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