TechnologiesCell Phones

How to find out the country of the manufacturer of the phone by IMEI iPhone, Samsung, Nokia?

It's no secret that phones of the same model, from the same manufacturer, assembled in different countries, can vary significantly in quality and reliability. Therefore, many seasoned buyers are looking for how to find out the country of origin for IMEI, not trusting the data shown on the box. We will share with you information that will help you to understand the "have" codes of devices, to extract useful information for them.

What is IMEI-number, and where to find it

"Have" code is a 15-digit unique number that identifies each released smartphone, tablet, modem. In addition to the country of manufacture with its help, you can find a lot of useful information about the device: the presence of a proprietary warranty, the presence of "black" sheets, the software version. By IMEI, the gadget is identified in mobile networks. With this code, you can also get some information about unknown phone models.

Change IMEI is a criminal act not only in Britain, Belarus, Latvia, but also in our country. However, this does not reduce the number of counterfeits, which, by the way, can also be calculated from this 15-digit number.

Before you find out the country of the manufacturer for the IMEI phone "Nokia", "Samsung", iPhone or other gadget, you need to find this code. "Have" usually indicate the branded packaging of the device, or under its battery. On the screen of the smartphone itself, you can print this code by typing: * # 06 #.

Structure of the e-code

Depending on the year of assembly of your device, you may have an old and new sample code. Let's consider both variants. The old IMEI will have the following structure: 123456-78-912345-0. Let's decipher it:

  • 123456 - Type Approval Approval Code. Figures of the official sample model of your device.
  • 78 - Final Assembly Code, the country number of the final assembly. Those who are looking for, how to find out the country of the manufacturer of the phone by IMEI, it will come in handy.
  • 912345 - Serial Number, the serial code of your device.
  • 0 is the check digit.

Since 2004, the new format of the number has been applied: 00-000022-333333-1. The producer country here is also encrypted with the seventh and eighth characters. The figures in a somewhat different form mean the same thing:

  • 00-0000 - TAC, the unique model number of your phone.
  • 22 - FAC. How to find out the country-manufacturer of the phone by IMEI, we also calculate it with his help.
  • 333333 - SNR, the serial number of the device.
  • 1 - spare, check digit.

If your device was manufactured during the period when the FAC was abolished (2003-2004), then the 7-8th characters of your "own" code will be two zero (00). In this case, you can not determine the country where your phone was assembled, by IMEI.

How to find out the country of the manufacturer of the phone by IMEI

05, 70, 02, etc. - it is the combination of these numbers that will help you to see the real state-producer of your phone. It is worth noting that corporations that produce smartphones prefer to keep data about the country of the final assembly in secret, so all the information listed below is unofficial. In addition, manufacturers of different "Smart" (Samsung, Sony, iPhone, Nokia, etc.) encrypt the states in IMEI codes under different symbols.

Here is a summary table that suggests how to find out the country of the manufacturer of the phone by IMEI (06, 01, 07 and others), as well as having some estimates of direct users.

Code A country Product quality information
01, 05, 06, 09, 10, 70 Finland Good mark
07, 08, 20, 41-49, 78 Germany Good mark
67 USA
19, 40 Kingdom of England
04 Vietnam
03, 80 PRC
thirty Korea
02, 20 United Arab Emirates Poor quality
13 Azerbaijan Poor quality
60 Singapore

If the country code you defined for IMEI conflicts with what is written on the box or under the battery of the device, then there is a possibility that the phone you are holding in your hands is a fake.

Alternative methods

In addition to IMEI, the manufacturer of your smartphone, you can calculate by S / N - the serial number of the device. It is also indicated on the box or under the battery next to the code "own". The final country of assembly, you can determine by this number, going to one of the popular services that specialize in providing such information.

The next option is to identify the manufacturer by the number under the barcode, also printed on the firmware package of the device. In this case, you need to pay attention to the first figures. Here is the table with the most probable codes.

Code Country of origin
460 RF
86 Turkey
56 Portugal
87 Holland
70 Norway
54 Belgium, Luxembourg
93 Australia
76 Switzerland
49 Japan
72 Israel
64 Finland
74 Sweden
50 England
90.91 Austria
80-83 Italy
60-61 South Africa
00-06 USA and Canada
40-43 Germany
30-37 France

That's all the ways that tell how to find out the country of the manufacturer of the phone by IMEI, as well as using the serial number and the barcode on the box. The coincidence of all the results, including the name of the country of assembly, indicated on the box, is a guarantee that you have a branded device.

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