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How to fill in the address and place an order on "Aliexpress"

The trading platform "Aliexpress" has already pleased many Russian buyers. However, newcomers to "Chinese shopping" often encounter problems when registering their account. One of the most popular questions is: "How to fill in the address on" AliExpress "?" Everything is not so difficult.

General information about the trading platform

Chinese goods are very popular among Russian buyers because their price is several times lower than in offline stores. Although it varies depending on the dollar exchange rate. "Aliexpress" in Russian has become clearer to many than the original English version. It is noteworthy that the translation, although machine, but quite adequate. There is no need to put various plug-ins in browsers or use online dictionaries.


The parcel from "Aliexpress" is sent by the sellers only after the buyer paid for it. Ways of payment are many (in comparison with the original version of the site):

- bank cards;

- popular payment systems ("Yandex.Money", Webmoney, QIWI);

- Via the Alipay system.

Money enters the trading platform account and is transferred to the seller only after the buyer received his order, which reduces the risk of fraud to zero. Even if, for some reason, the parcel did not reach the addressee, the funds are reimbursed to him. By the way, in order to receive an order accurately, you need to fill in all the requisites correctly.

How to create an account

Before you write the address to "Aliexpress", you need to go through the standard procedure of creating a personal cabinet on the site. It's easy and does not take much time. After clicking the button "Registration" you need to carefully fill in all the fields of the questionnaire, focusing on what is written in the passport, otherwise it will be unreal to receive the parcel. When the data is entered, you must specify your residential address. More precisely - stay. It may not coincide with registration or registration. How to fill in the address correctly and without errors on "AliExpress"? First, use transliteration. That is, Latin letters, not Russian. Secondly, indicate your correct index. This is the most important thing, because without him the parcel can fly to another place.

About transliteration

The simplest way is to use Latin letters. If for some reason you doubt the correctness of the chosen symbol, you can use online translators, who will pick everything up. The address in English for "AliExpress" is entered in the same way as in Russian: index, country, region, city, street, house, building, apartment. Nothing complicated. Filling in the column "contact person", it is necessary to indicate not only the name with the surname, but also the patronymic. Superfluous it will not be in the future, if transport companies suddenly change the order of delivery.

How to choose products

To buy something on the site, you first need to determine the category of the product. After selecting it, you can carefully review all the proposals, stopping at the highest priority. It is necessary to read not only the description of the goods (machine translation in this case does not always give reliable information, distorting it), but also customer reviews. This is an important moment, as many Russian buyers willingly leave them in Russian. This allows you to find out how honest the seller is, how quickly he forms the order, how high-quality goods he offers.

How to buy

You can buy your favorite lot of the trading platform in two ways: through authorization and through the button "Buy Now". The first option is convenient because you do not need to enter your data again. The second is optimal when you need to replace the address or the recipient (for example, when ordering as a gift someone objects). "Buy Now" allows you to buy goods quickly, but a little fiddling. How to fill in the address in this case on "AliExpress"? All the same transliteration. But you need to specify the address of the person to whom the parcel should arrive. And the recipient's data are indicated by the same. It is important not to be mistaken, because even one wrong letter can cause the order to be sent to another place.

If I made a mistake with the address

Quite often it happens that after the filling in the requisites there is an error. How to be in this case? First, the payment is checked by the system for 24 hours. At this time, you can write to the seller about the error. How to write an address on "Aliexpress" right? Apologize to the seller and indicate the real and correct delivery option. Secondly, it is always possible to open a dispute until the goods have been shipped from the warehouse and cancel the deal. Next, you just need to make the necessary corrections to the requisites, and then order anew the position you liked.


There is nothing wrong with filling out the address. If there is even the slightest doubt about the correctness of the letters, you can contact the site's consultants for help or use automatic translators. It is very important to point out that the street is a street, and the avenue is a prospectus. Especially if they are in the city of the same name. Before you fill out the address on "AliExpress", you need to carefully study the work of the seller, since the unscrupulous ones have not yet been transferred - accepting orders, but not sending them. You can notice this by feedback or lack thereof provided that the store on the trading floor works for a long time. Even in case of force majeure, when the address was incorrect, you can try to negotiate with the seller before the message comes that the order was sent from the warehouse. If this has already happened, it is already impossible to change the details of the delivery.

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