
How to delete deleted pages "VKontakte": step-by-step description

Social networks have shrouded the globe. Now it is very rare to find a person who does not have a page in any of the known networks. Most are not registered in one, but in many, having the opportunity to communicate, find old and new friends, join interest groups, watch movies and listen to music without leaving your favorite page, and enjoy other benefits, which are huge. On such sites, you can learn the latest news, immediately commenting on them and sharing information and their opinion with friends and other users, find recommendations or ask for advice on table setting or evening viewing of the movie, learn about the weather on the other side of the globe, People who are there at the moment, solve the legal problem and find out the cause of the failure of the Internet at home. That's why it's hard not to get caught in social networking, and that's why the number of registered users is steadily growing.

"In contact with". Question No. 1

One of the most popular networks in our country is "VKontakte". Very few users of Runet have never registered on this site. Only now it's easy to register, because when you enter the main page we are greeted by a detailed and clear description of this process, but how to delete the page "VKontakte" completely? The answer to this question can puzzle an unsophisticated user.

Question No. 2

Another question that often worries users of this network is: " How to delete deleted pages" VKontakte "?" This happens after you, by removing someone from the list of friends, for example a person who deleted his page, suddenly find him among his subscribers. All would be fine, but over time, the number of subscribers and such "dead souls" can grow to incredible proportions, which, you must agree, is not necessary at all - I want to see who is actually subscribed to your page, can see in your news your tape And keep track of your other activities intended for public viewing. Yes, and the very same "former friend" is likely to create a new page and, perhaps, also become your subscriber, after trying once again to add to you in "Friends" and receiving your refusal. It's not very pleasant to have several people on the same list with the same names, I want to understand which of the pages is "live", and maybe you just do not want someone to read your news every day in their own tape.

How to delete deleted pages "VKontakte"

Let us first discuss this less common question. Then we turn to the more frequent and simpler question of whether "VKontakte" can delete the page.

So, the answer to this question is not very easy, because a simple, thought-out way of developers simply does not exist. It's strange. Everything is so beautiful and comfortable, and such an unpleasant little thing is missed.

"Black list"

How to delete deleted pages "VKontakte" from the list of subscribers? First you need to put them in the "Black list", and for this go to your list of subscribers. You need to do this without selecting "My friends" in the left panel, and clicking on your page, under your main photo, the link "My subscribers". Only in this way will it be possible to bring any person who is here to the "Black List". This is done by clicking on the cross, which appears when you hover your mouse over the user's photo. To ensure that an unwanted subscriber does not immediately return to the old ranks, it is necessary to leave him in the "Black List" for a while, for example, for an hour. Only after time elapses can you delete a user from the list of users that you have blocked. Now he again had the opportunity to write to you and go to your page, but he will not return back to the list of subscribers. Of course, until you apply again to add you as a friend. This is such a not so simple method how to delete deleted pages "VKontakte". In order to remove a user or user who has expressed a desire to be friends with you, but did not receive your consent, did not get on the list of subscribers, you need him to unsubscribe from your page, which, it agree, is not always possible .

How to delete the facebook page forever

This is a completely different matter, which has nothing to do with the previous one. Well, except that it concerns all the same, so beloved by many users, a popular site. In fact, before, until 2012, when the site was already at the peak of popularity, the question "How to delete the page" VKontakte "forever?" Sounded much more often. Because, as well as in the first question under discussion, there was no simple answer to it. More precisely, the official response was, but it was not at all simple.

And why delete?

Good question. The answers to it can be a great many. For example, unfortunately, it often happens that pages in social networks are hacked. This happens most often because of viruses that enter the computer, or simply by carelessness. Attackers, accessing, use someone else's page for personal gain, change their personal data and other information so much that by returning access to their personal page, the user often prefers to create a new one, and not to restore the old one. Often, such pages are blocked by the administration of the site. In addition, there may be others - personal reasons. That's when the question arises: "How can VKontakte delete the old page?"

Former difficulties

Earlier, a few years ago, the ability to independently delete their data from the site "VKontakte" was absent. Asked how to delete the "VKontakte" page forever, the user had to write a letter with the corresponding request to the site administration. There he had to describe in detail the reasons for his decision, to which administrators, considering the appeal within a few days, still could refuse, depriving the user of the opportunity to implement his decision. In the best case, when making a positive decision, the deletion occurred only after the user presented the documents confirming his identity, which is also not very convenient and pleasant - not every person, without doubting, decides to present his passport to a representative of unofficial structures. The only way out for those who, despite everything, still did not deviate from the idea of getting rid of the hateful page, was the violation of site rules, entailing the blocking of the user and the closure of the page. An effective, but a little dangerous way - site administrators can block access to the site to such a user, after that he may lose the opportunity to register again.

Of course, these difficulties are not without reason. Such complications were invented in order that the question "How to delete someone else's page" VKontakte "?" Had no answer.

New rules

Since 2012, the procedure for deleting your page for users of the site has been greatly simplified. Now for this it is enough to go down to the very bottom of the page with the settings of your page "VKontakte", this is located in the panel on the left of the page, "My settings". There appeared the inscription: "You can delete your page". It's very simple - click on the link. Immediately after this, the system will open the next page of the page deletion procedure, where you will be asked to indicate the reason for this decision and, if desired, check "Tell friends" - then all users on your friends list will be notified that your page has been deleted. This completes the procedure for deleting the "VKontakte" page .


Do not think that the creators of the site forgot about security, and now the page of any user is so easy to remove. In order to make any manipulations with the personal page of the user, you need to enter the site, knowing his login and password. Of course, this is not 100% protection, because viruses and professional hackers can access your data. To avoid such situations it is recommended to use anti-virus programs and not to save the "login-password" bundle on the computer.

And finally I want to focus on the fact that when registering on any site, and even more so in social networks, we specify a lot of your personal data, such as passport data, phone number, address. Often when deleting a page, it, including all user data specified during registration, is deleted only visually. In fact, the data remains on the servers, leaving you the possibility of subsequent account recovery. Do not forget about this if you delete the page because you do not want your data to be accessible to someone. Of course, these data are not shared, but do not be deceived that you have deleted everything.

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