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Why was Larra punished? Characteristics of Larry in the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

Maxim Gorky entered the literature and as an author of romantic stories. Among them was the work "Old Woman Izergil", written in 1894. In it, the author tries to assess a person, based on an analysis of his actions. Their measure becomes useful to other people. Thus, the concept of ideal and anti-ideals, characteristic of Romanticism, was realized.

In the center of the writer's attention are three heroes: Izergil, acting as a narrator, condemned to the eternal immortality of Larra and gave his life for the sake of saving the Danko tribe. Comparative analysis of all three stories (legends successfully intertwined with the fate of the old woman) is the key to understanding the answer to a question that never loses its relevance: what is the meaning of the existence of man on earth? It is interesting in this connection to speculate over what Larra was punished for. And is it only his fault in all that has happened?

Prehistory of the legend of Larre

The story takes place in the evening on the beach - a typical background for a romantic work. The majestic free nature surrounding the narrator and the old Moldavian woman lives according to its laws and at the same time reflects the aspirations of a person, helps to understand his inner world.

The legend telling about who Larra is, the old woman Izergil recalls not by chance. She points out to her companion the shadows floating on the boundless sky. One of them was "darker and thicker," and moved faster than others. "He lives for thousands of years ... That's what God can do with a man for his pride!" - these words were the beginning of a fairy tale about the incredible pride of the eagle man who became the cause of his curse and immortality.

History of the birth of the hero

Understanding what Larra was punished for begins with his origin. Once a mighty eagle was stolen by a strong and powerful tribe, a girl. She returned only twenty years later, and next to her was a beautiful young man-a son born from an eagle. Beginning to weaken, the king of birds rose up and, folding his wings, rushed to the sharp rocks.

Now his descendant was standing in front of people - seemingly like them, but still distinguished by proud and cold eyes. And all his actions emphasized that he feels superior to the rest - even with the elders the young man talked as equal to them. The reason is simple. The young man from birth was distinguished by a different psychology, making him different from people, so he has no place among them. This is the first characteristic of Larry - the son of a mighty and freedom-loving eagle and earthly woman.

Murder of a girl

Immediately opposing himself to the whole tribe, Larra calmly dispenses with the daughter of one of the elders. She first caught her eye, and then pushed him away, frightened of her father. Fear all around them - for the first time in their eyes so cruelly killed a woman. And the son of an eagle stood proudly over his prey, not dropping his head and feeling his superiority over the rest, for which he was punished.

Larra was confused by his behavior of the elders. For a long time they tried to understand the act of the young man. Not finding an answer to their questions, they turned to him. And for Larry everything was simple: "I killed her because ... that she pushed me away." So the cause of confrontation of one person to the crowd, characteristic for a romantic work, became excessive pride and individualism, inherited from the royal bird.

Alienation from people

Long thought the elders, what punishment deserves Larra. The old woman Izergil told me that they had gone through a lot of options until the young man gave them an answer with his own speeches. He considered himself first on earth, and therefore, as one of the elders remarked, the most terrible punishment for him will be freedom. Unexpectedly, the "thunder from heaven" burst at that moment convinced them of the correctness of the decision. Larre was released, and since then he has become "outcast" - his name has such significance.

More than a thousand years have passed, and his shadow is still lonely roaming the earth. At first he lived freely, like a bird, did everything he wanted. Nobody paid any attention to him. But once a proud son of an eagle himself came to people: he stood for a long time and did not move from his place. Someone guessed that he was looking for death. However, everyone remembered what Larra had been punished for, and so only laughed at him. Then Larra grabbed the knife and hit them in the chest. But he bounced off his body like a stone.

For a long time already his flesh has withered, and he, having turned into a shadow, is all looking for death, which he will never find.

Larry's image: evaluation and meaning

The author condemns his hero for his extreme individualism, for daring to oppose himself to the whole tribe. According to M. Gorky, the main goal of human existence is to serve people. This is what Danko describes in his story. Larra is an antiideal, whose behavior and deed is not justified.

However, do not forget that Larra - not an ordinary person. He is the son of an eagle, grown up far from people and not accustomed to human laws. But his trouble is that he is not a bird, like his father. Therefore, Larry deserves not only condemnation, but also sympathy. His tragedy was predetermined at birth.

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