
How to Choose a Wedding Day?

Probably, with so many events in the world there are so many beliefs, traditions and traditions that are connected with each other, like with a wedding. On this day - as our ancestors thought - every step and gesture of the bride and groom, every word and every action should be coordinated with folk superstitions. And even in the modern world, every young couple preparing to marry in one way or another continues to adhere to the beliefs of those who lived before. Common sense at this time is simply absent, because young people on the day of the wedding celebration are so happy that they are beginning to fear that somebody will not jinx this happiness . Therefore, many guys and girls think about how to choose a wedding day.

Wedding celebrations in accordance with nature

Will take and the beliefs that guarantee a long and happy life together for future spouses, a lot, but almost all of them are related to what will be the wedding day. A good sign is light rain, breaking through the sun, and bad - cloudy weather and a heavy downpour. If the sunrise on a festive day will be with bright red overflows - the life of young spouses will take place in grievances and quarrels.

A lot of attention was paid to the month in which the wedding celebration was held. In May - a lifetime, the husband and wife will "toil". In general, the spring of our ancestors was considered not the most suitable occasionally for weddings, unlike in the fall. In the autumn months in the old harvest was over, so the wedding festivities could be long and rich. The wedding day in October guaranteed young people a happy and prosperous family life. Many ceremonies were held in winter, at the most favorable time for any undertaking. January or February wedding foreshadowed the bride and groom wealth and a strong life together. You can marry in the summer, although this time is not connected with any beliefs or superstitions. In June and July, those who, at all costs, want to spend their lives next to their beloved, ignoring the conventions.

What not to do on the wedding day

To family life was a long and happy, in any case impossible:

- To wear a wedding dress that is too short (above the knee). As was believed in earlier times, the longer the bride's outfit, the longer in her house there will be peace and harmony;

- allow to try on the wedding attire to anyone, both before and after the celebration;

- To sell the bride's dress. As soon as it leaves the house, the marriage falls apart;

- the future young wife to look at herself in the mirror in full wedding attire - so as not to make herself and her husband minor troubles.

Magical Wedding Days

It is with the numbers and days of the week that the greatest number of traditions are connected and the signs - choosing a wedding day should always be very carefully, even if you do not believe in the stories of your moms and grandmothers. It is considered that the 13th day in any month will not bring happiness, but, on the contrary, every 3, 5, 7 and 9 of the day are favorable days for the wedding. You can not marry during periods of lunar and solar eclipses, as they are harbingers of quarrels and discord in a future family. The whole leap year is not suitable for marriages , as the most difficult and unsuccessful.

It is especially important to think over which day of the week the celebration will take place. Every day such a day is "governed" by a planet, which later influences the entire conjugal life. The wedding on Tuesday - the day of Mars - is dangerous with the possibility of constant aggression, on the day of Jupiter, Thursday - jealousy and the risk of betrayal. The most favorable is the day of Venus - Friday, when the newlyweds are under the influence of the patron goddess of lovers. Venus guarantees that the married life of couples who have been married on Friday will be bright, long and prosperous.

When choosing a wedding day, one should remember that not only the signs and people's beliefs that guided our ancestors are of the greatest importance, but sincere love, capable of overcoming any obstacles and connecting two loving hearts.

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