
How to charm a guy

Every woman knows the feeling when one likes a particular young man, but you absolutely do not know how to charm a guy, how to approach him and what to talk about. Ladies, we offer you some tricks, thanks to which almost any man will bend to your feet.

First of all, thinking about how to charm a guy, it is necessary to remember that the male person practically never understands hints, therefore it will be necessary to act based on their main instinct - the hunter's instinct. Girls, the most powerful weapon in the first stages of communication is the look. The happy eyes of a woman can not leave a single person indifferent. But the most important: the man needs to be assured that between you there is any especial communication, a flair or other feeling. For this, you can say at each meeting, as it were between words, what you thought about or wanted to write about. Then he will get the impression that you especially feel this person.

Secondly, if emotions to him are still unrequited, one should not rush to extremes and urgently acquire tons of books that tell how to charm a guy. You have to be a little trickier, for example, to learn more about his interests, and also to adjust your manner of communication to his style of conversation. When your points of contact appear in your dialogue, it will be much easier for a girl to win the favor of a man.

Thirdly, do not be afraid to mention the word "we" during joint activities. For example, if you drink coffee, you can carefully suggest: "Can we have another coffee?". And it is necessary to speak freely and cheerfully, then the young man will not be deterred by such a formulation. But in no case can you overdo it, these moments should be the exception rather than the rule.

The next female cunning is the creation of favorable circumstances for rapprochement. Depending on the passion of the guy, you can offer him a joint trip to an event, for example, a concert of rock music. At the moment of joy, a hormone of happiness and adrenaline is produced, which greatly enhances the sensations. Not superfluous will be praise, hinting at his strength, intelligence or wit. And you can take a chance and say: "I do not even know how to find a man as strong and courageous as you!". True, in this case there is a threat to "frighten off" the goal.

Do not forget that the man loves the eyes, so the girl should always look great. It is believed that the noble red color of the dress excites the opposite sex. And even if your man is an exception, you should definitely try.

Many people do not believe in horoscopes, however, the astrological forecast in many respects characterizes the person. Having learned, under what sign of the zodiac was born your man, you can get a general idea of the main features of the character inherent in people of his sign, and, accordingly, him. For example, considering the question of how to charm a man Libra, you can safely say that such a person does not accept the dispute, his ideal girl will agree in everything and admire her. It is impossible to resist such a woman!

If all of the above methods on how to charm a guy turned out to be inactive, and he is still cold and impregnable, think: do you need such a man. Still, every woman dreams of a beautiful prince, who, at least, will himself take the initiative in a relationship.

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