
How the pre-Christian Russia was formed and developed

To answer this question, one should turn to the history of the settlement of Slavic peoples in the territory of Eastern Europe. In addition, it should be borne in mind that to date an unambiguous answer, what the pre-Christian Russia was, where its roots and how it developed at that time, no.

One of the most common versions is that the Slavic tribes around the 5th century came to the Dnipro basin area. Here, for several centuries, the Slavic community was divided into two large groups: the Eastern Slavs and the Western. At the site of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs , the process of folding the Old Russian people began, which lasted until the 9th-10th centuries. By the time of the process, this process should be considered the period of the existence of the historical phenomenon - pre-Christian Rus.

The most important and most cited source for this historical period is the "Tale of Bygone Years" - an outstanding monument of the world cultural heritage brings the geographical limits of the settlement of the Slavs on which pre-Christian Russia was formed. This area stretches from Taman and Dniester in the south and west, to the Northern Dvina and the middle reaches of the Dnieper in the north and east. The origin of the term "Rus" also has many different historical interpretations. Thus, the alleged author of The Tale ..., the chronicler Nestor, points out that this word has Scandinavian roots, because it was introduced by Varangian princes and warriors, who at this time appear in Russia due to the active movement on the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks".

This concept was undeniable until the 18th century, until the great Lomonosov put forward a version of the origin of this name from the Ross River, which runs on the southern boundaries of the range of settlement. Another concept proposed by O.N. Trubachev, who suggests that the basis of the words Rus and Ross lies Indo-European root, and therefore its appearance should be attributed to the period of the Great Migration of Nations.

Until now, very few evidence have been preserved that can shed light on the problem of how Rus emerged, how it developed, and what historical factors contributed to this development. The most common sources are household items, some preserved drawings and images, the remains of dwellings and buildings of the cult. The sculpture of pre-Christian Russia is shown only by a few fragments, which were discovered during excavations in Novgorod, Brest, Pskov and some other places. And from stone monuments until the 80s of the twentieth century, only one was known at all - Zbruchsky idol. Information about the pre-Christian culture is provided by the excavation of the temples, which everywhere accompany the settlements of the Eastern Slavs. In these sanctuaries and temples there are numerous evidences that say that the pre-Christian Russia of the ball is familiar with casting, ceramics, and the art of enamels.

In the field of public relations, the Rusich sought to establish relations with other peoples, with one these relations developed quite in a friendly manner. With the other Rusich fought, one way or another, all these circumstances contributed to the formation of statehood. Russian rulers, like others, are beginning to actively use religion and its institutions, primarily the church, to maintain their power. In Russia, the Orthodox branch of Christianity was chosen as a religious support, the circumstances of its appearance are still not fully understood by the fact. However, the fact that the date of Vladimir's supposed baptism practically coincides with the date of signing the political agreement with Byzantium, which was reinforced by Vladimir's marriage to the sister of the Byzantine emperor, makes it possible to assert that this fact should be considered the chronological boundary of the end of the pre-Christian era in Russia.

On the geopolitical proscenium comes Kievan Rus - one of the most powerful and largest states of Europe of its time.

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