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How is a simple people depicted in the novel "War and Peace"?

Let's see how the people portrayed in Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. The author finished work on his work in 1867. Speaking about him, he admitted that he loved in his novel "people's thought."

The world of the peasantry in the work

The people in the novel "War and Peace" is represented widely. The peasantry is described in detail by the author. In Tolstoy's image, the peasantry's world is self-sufficient and harmonious. The writer did not think that his representatives needed intellectual influence. Heroes-nobles do not think that it is necessary to "develop" the peasants. On the contrary, it is the latter that often find themselves closer to understanding the meaning of life. Lev Nikolaevich depicts the complex spiritual world of the representatives of the nobility and the artless spirituality of the Russian peasant as the various, but at the same time complementary, beginnings of our country. The ability to establish contact with the people is an indicator of the moral health of the nobles in the novel.

Fragility of boundaries between estates

Repeatedly Tolstoy emphasizes the fragility of the boundaries between estates. Human, the general makes them "transparent." The people in the novel "War and Peace" often converge, interacting with the upper strata of society. The scamper Danilo, for example, is full of "contempt for everything" and "independence." This hunter allows himself to look at the master of Nicholas Rostov "contemptuously." However, this was not offensive to Nicholas. He understood that this man still belonged to him. Everyone is equal during the hunt, all are subject to the order established one day. Only in the heat of hunting Danilo can Ilya Andreevich, who missed the wolf, cursed, even attacked him with an arapan. Such behavior of the serf under ordinary conditions is impossible with respect to the master.

Let us give another example of how the nobility and the people interact in the novel War and Peace. An important stage in the spiritual life of one of the protagonists, Pierre Bezukhov, was a meeting in the barracks for prisoners with Platon Karataev. The lost faith in life was returned to him precisely by this soldier-peasant. The main moral criterion in the epilogue of the novel becomes for Pierre a possible attitude to his work Karataev. And he concludes that he probably would not understand his social activities, but he would have approved the family life for sure , because he loved "goodness" in everything.

Image of the peasant rebellion

The theme of the people in the novel "War and Peace" is diverse. Tolstoy, portraying the revolt of the Boguchar peasants, expressed his own attitude towards the conservative layers of the patriarchal-communal world, accustomed to resist any changes. In Bogucharovo, the spontaneity of the people's life is much more noticeable than in other localities, since there were very few landowners, literate and courtyards. A small closed community live here peasants. They are actually isolated from the whole world. Peasants for no apparent reason suddenly begin to move in a certain direction, obeying the incomprehensible laws of being. Tolstoy emphasizes that in the life of the peasants from Bogucharovo, the mysterious streams of life of the Russian people were stronger and more noticeable than in other localities, the meaning and reasons of which are inexplicable for contemporaries. Through the image of rebellion, the theme of the people in the novel "War and Peace" opens from a new angle.

Reason for the rebellion

The general mood, the element of rebellion subordinates itself completely to every peasant. A general impulse was captured even the headman Dron. Failure ended Princess Mary's master's bread to distribute to the peasants. Only "unreasonable animal malice" of Rostov, his "unreasonable act" could sober this outraged crowd. The brute force of the peasants obeyed unquestioningly, confessing that "by stupidity" they rebelled. Lev Nikolaevich in the work showed not only the external causes of the rebellion ("relations with the French" and rumors about the "will", which the gentlemen took away). The hidden deep social and historical reason for this event was the internal "power", which accumulated gradually and, like lava, escaped from the boiling volcano. That is why the common people revolted in the novel War and Peace.

The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty

The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is an important detail of the fresco about the people's war, which Tolstoy created. Tikhon attacked the French only from his whole village. He joined on his own initiative to the "party" Denisov and became in it soon one of the most necessary people, showing great ability and a hunt for guerrilla warfare. Through his image is also analyzed the common people in the novel "War and Peace".

Tikhon in the partisan detachment occupied a special place. He did all the black work, was the bravest and most useful person. Tikhon, moreover, played the role of jester and willingly succumbed to this rank. In his behavior and appearance, the writer sharpened the features of the holy fool. Shcherbatogo had a face, wrinkled and smallpox, with narrow small eyes.

Tikhon's attitude toward the murder of the French

Tikhon is a cold-blooded, merciless warrior. He obeys, killing the French, only the instinct of extermination of the enemy, and treats them practically as inanimate objects. Tikhon resembles his cruelty predator. The author does not accidentally compare it with a wolf: Shcherbatyi wielded an ax like a wolf with his teeth.

The image of Platon Karataev

One of the key images of the work is the image of Platon Karataev. He is especially important in the disclosure of the theme: "The people in the novel" War and Peace. "It is impossible to write an essay on this subject without mentioning this character.This peasant who was detached from the usual way of life and placed in new conditions (French captivity, army) , In which his spirituality manifested itself particularly vividly: the hero lives in harmony with the whole world, he treats with love to all people.Platon deeply feels life, directly and vividly perceives people.In the image of Tolstoy Karataev - an example of a "natural" person who emerged from the people But, the embodiment of people's morals, in many ways instinctive.

This hero, personifying the Russian people in the novel "War and Peace", is shown in the work mainly through his perception of Bezukhov. Pierre notes that the very presence of this man in the barracks created a feeling of coziness for the prisoners. Bezukhova was interested in how Plato took off his shoes and arranged in his corner, for something "round", "soothing" and "pleasant" was felt even in this.

Karateev looked very young, although he was over 50 years old. He seemed healthy and physically strong. In particular, the "young" expression of Plato's face , which had the form of "youth" and "innocence," was cast into the eyes. Karataev always engaged in something that probably entered this character's habit. When he was captured, he did not feel what sickness and fatigue were like, he felt himself in the barracks just like at home.

Return of Karataev to peasant life in unusual conditions

Outside the usual conditions, outside of everything that was pressing on him, Karataev naturally and imperceptibly returned to the serf lifestyle. He cast aside all the alien that was forged from outside by force. For Plato, who represents the people in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace," peasant life is especially attractive: dear memories, as well as ideas about the benefits, are associated with it. Therefore, he spoke mainly about the events of the "Christian" way of life, as he called it.

Plato died naturally, experiencing affection and "quiet delight" before the mystery of death. He perceived it not as a flour or punishment, so there was no suffering on his face: it was illuminated by the expression of "quiet solemnity."

The image of Platon Karataev is an image of a righteous peasant who not only lived with people and the whole world in harmony, admiring the manifestations of life, but he was able to resurrect Pierre Bezukhov, who entered a spiritual impasse. For Pierre, he remained forever the personification of "simplicity and truth."

"People's Thought" in the novel

"People's Thought" is the main idea of the work "War and Peace". Lev Nikolaevich knew that the simple life of the Russian people with its "private" interests, destinies, joys, proceeds regardless of the meetings with Alexander Napoleon, the state plans of Speransky or the diplomatic game. Only those events of history that lead the popular masses into motion, concern national destinies, are able to change, always salutably, albeit dramatically, an individual. It is the patriotism of the people (in the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy also describes his patriotic feelings) led to the victory of the Russians over the French.

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