
What Is Coaching?

The notion of "coaching" became a fashion trend in realizing the possibilities of a person, directing him to the right path and choosing the right life position. The rapidity of life processes, the thirst for a change in the situation, the reluctance to put up with one's own life is forced to go to extreme measures and look for ways. What is coaching?

Coaching is not psychotherapy and one does not need to confuse these concepts. This is a method of counseling and training that does not give hard recommendations, but seeks joint ways to realize the ultimate goals and solve problems. A coach is not a psychotherapist and he will not try to make your spiritual wounds "tighten" faster, calm you down and talk about what to do. He is above all a partner who has professionalism, faith in a person and undoubtedly has his own formed personality.

Who needs coaching? Coaching is needed for managers, psychotherapists, psychologists, consultants. To all those who somehow had an influence on thoughts. Training coaching is a very delicate matter and it can not be learned in books or electronic manuals for beginners. The experience of coaching is transferred from person to person. The main motto of this direction could be: "do as you are", in contrast to the usual consultations by all of us "do as I do."

The experience of previous generations with its bitter examples and mistakes is undoubtedly good, but the main task of life coaching is to get a person to find the right decision and find a way out. It is aimed at the systematic approach to achieving the task, that is, it leads to a reduction in errors in each subsequent iteration. That's why training coaching always comes down to the following joint model building in:

  • Competent setting of a clear goal for the trainee;
  • Search for successful models of behavior with a detailed analysis of these models and refinement of the learner's algorithm of actions with the use of the existing algorithm to achieve the goal.

Why do you need coaching? Despite the growing popularity of this trend, one should evaluate their abilities and understand that this is a specific case and not for everyone, based on temperament and previous professional experience. Becoming a coach is sometimes difficult also because of the egoistic nature of the manager (not to be confused with egocentrism), that is, the habit of assuming himself in the "top" position with his complex algorithms and schemes. But this is not at all what we need, because in the effective construction of coaching, one must take into account individuality, and not common acceptance.

Fundamental in the world of the coach is the ability to ask the right questions and work with the answers that we get at the exit. Do not impose your own opinion and idea, on how to act correctly in a given situation, but to help a person live the life that inspires him, and not you.

In real life, a coach is a formed personality with a position in life that has been able to solve the issues of being and found the meaning of life and is now ready to share its rich life experience with others, to make the client smile at his problems, to believe in their insignificance, That he can much more, and hence the possibility of an easy overcoming.

The coach is not only an interested, committed professional with all the human qualities that are necessary for the trainee to get the confidence and see the light at the end of the tunnel, but first of all the person, therefore before starting the stormy activity on the way to the improvement of the world This, you need to work on yourself, and do your own, so to speak, psychoanalysis. Therefore, remember that you are responsible for how a person will feel after communication (occupation) with you and do not harm him, at least, his moralizing.

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