
How did the Russian language develop? Formation of Russian language

How often do we Russian speakers think about such an important moment as the history of the emergence of the Russian language? After all, how much mystery is hidden in it, how much interesting one can learn if you dig deeper. How did the Russian language develop? After all, our speech is not just about everyday life, it's a rich story.

History of the development of the Russian language: briefly about the main

Where did our native language come from? There are several theories. Some scholars consider (for example, the linguist N. Gusev) Sanskrit the closest relative of the Russian language. However, Sanskrit was used by Indian scholars and priests. This was Latin for the inhabitants of ancient Europe - "something very intelligent and incomprehensible." But how did the speech, which was used by Indian scientists, suddenly turn out to be in our side? Was it really the formation of the Russian language that began with the Indians?

The Legend of Seven White Teachers

Every scientist understands the stages of the history of the Russian language in different ways: this is the origin, development, alienation of the book language from the people, the development of syntax and punctuation, etc. All of them may differ in order (it is still unknown when exactly the book language separated from the folk language) Or interpretation. But, according to the following legend, the "fathers" of the Russian language can be considered seven white teachers.

In India, there is a legend, which is even studied in Indian universities. In distant times from the cold North (the Himalayas region) there were seven white teachers. It was they who gave people Sanskrit and laid the foundation of Brahmanism, from which later Buddhism was born. Many believe that this North was one of the regions of Russia, so modern Indians often go there on a pilgrimage.

The Legend Today

It turns out that many Sanskrit words fully coincide with Russian words - such is the theory of the famous ethnographer Natalia Guseva, who wrote more than 150 scientific works on the history and religion of India. By the way, most of them were refuted by other scientists.

This theory was not taken by her "from the air." Her appearance was an interesting case. Once Natalia accompanied a respected scientist from India who decided to arrange a tourist trip along the northern rivers of Russia. Communicating with the inhabitants of the local villages, the Indian suddenly burst into tears and refused the services of an interpreter, saying that he was happy to hear the native Sanskrit. Then Guseva decided to devote her life to studying the mysterious phenomenon, and at the same time to establish how the Russian language developed.

It's really amazing! According to this story, behind the Himalayas live representatives of the Negroid race, speaking in a language so similar to our native. Mysticism, and only. Nevertheless, the hypothesis that our dialect originated from Indian Sanskrit, has a place to be. Here it is - the history of the Russian language is brief.

The theory of Dragunkin

And here is another scientist who decided that this history of the emergence of the Russian language is true. The famous philologist Alexander Dragunkin argued that a truly great language comes from a simpler language, in which there are less word-formative forms, and words are shorter. Ostensibly Sanskrit is much easier than Russian. And the writing of Sanskrit is nothing more than the slightly modified Hindu Slavic runes. But this theory is just the law of dialectics, where is the origin of the language?

Scientific version

But the version that most scientists approve and accept. She claims that 40,000 years ago (the time of the first person's appearance) people had a need to express their thoughts in the process of collective activity. So there was a language. But at that time the population was extremely small, and all people spoke the same language. After thousands of years there was a migration of peoples. The DNA of people changed, the tribes were isolated from each other and began to speak differently.

Languages differed in form, word-formation. Each group of people developed their native language, supplemented it with new words, shaped it. Later, there was a need for a science that would deal with what described new achievements or things that people came to.

As a result of such an evolution, so-called "matrices" arose in human heads. These matrices were studied in detail by the famous linguist George Gachev, who studied more than 30 matrices - language pictures of the world. In his theory, the Germans are very attached to their home, and this served as the image of a typical German-speaking. And the Russian language and mentality originated from the concept or image of the road, the way. This matrix lies in our subconscious.

Birth and formation of the Russian language

About 3 thousand years BC among the Indo-European languages stood out Proto-Slavic dialect, which after a thousand years became the Slavonic language. In the VI-VII centuries. N. E. He divided into several groups: eastern, western and southern. Our language is usually referred to the eastern group.

And the beginning of the path of the Old Russian language is called the formation of Kievan Rus (IX century). At the same time, Cyril and Methodius invent the first Slavic alphabet.

The Slavic language developed rapidly, and by the level of popularity it was already equal to Greek and Latin. It was the Old Slavonic language (the predecessor of the modern Russian) that managed to unite all the Slavs, it was on it that the most important documents and monuments of literature were written and published. For example, "The Lay of Igor's Host".

Normalization of writing

Then came the era of feudalism, and the Polish-Lithuanian conquests led in the 13th-14th centuries to the fact that the language was divided into three groups of dialects: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, as well as some intermediate dialects.

In the 16th century, in Moscow Russia, they decided to normalize the writing of the Russian language (then it was called "simple" and was influenced by the Belarusian and Ukrainian) - to introduce the predominance of a coherent connection in sentences and the frequent use of unions "yes", "and", and "a." The dual number was lost, and the declension of the nouns became very similar to the modern one. The basis of the literary language was the characteristic features of the Moscow speech. For example, "Akane", consonant "g", endings "ovo" and "evo", demonstrative pronouns (yourself, you, etc.). The beginning of printing finally approved the literary Russian language.

The Petrine era

The Petrine era greatly influenced speech. It was at this time that the Russian language was freed from the "guardianship" of the church, and in 1708 it reformed the alphabet so that it became closer to the European model.

In the second half of the 18th century, Lomonosov laid new norms of the Russian language, combining everything that had been before: colloquial speech, folk poetry and even an orderly language. After him, the language was transformed Derzhavin, Radishchev, Fonvizin. They have increased the number of synonyms in the Russian language in order to properly reveal its wealth.

A huge contribution to the development of our speech was made by Pushkin, who rejected all restrictions on style and combined Russian words with some European ones to create a full-fledged and colorful picture of the Russian language. Lermontov and Gogol supported him.

Development trends

How did the Russian language develop in the future? From the middle of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries the Russian language received several development trends:

  1. Development of literary norms.
  2. The rapprochement of the literary language and colloquial speech.
  3. Expanding the language through dialectisms and jargon.
  4. The development of the genre of "realism" in literature, philosophical problems.

Somewhat later, socialism changed the word formation of the Russian language, and in the twentieth century the media standardized oral speech.

It turns out that our modern Russian language, with all its lexical and grammatical rules, resulted from the confusion of various East Slavic dialects that were distributed throughout the whole of Rus and the Church Slavonic language. After all the metamorphoses he became one of the most popular languages of the world.

A little more about writing

Tatishchev himself (the author of the book "The History of Russia") was firmly convinced that Cyril and Methodius did not invent writing. It existed long before their birth. Slavs not only knew how to write: they had many kinds of writing. For example, traits-cuts, runes or initial letters. And the brothers-scientists took as a basis this very letter and simply finished it. Perhaps, they threw out about a dozen letters, so that it would be more convenient to translate the Bible. Yes, Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet, but its basis was the initial letter. That's how writing was written in Russia.

External threats

Unfortunately, our language has been repeatedly exposed to external danger. And then the future of the whole country was in question. For example, at the turn of the century, all the "cream of society" spoke exclusively in French, dressed in the appropriate style, and even the menu consisted only of French cuisine. The nobles gradually began to forget their native language, ceased to associate themselves with the Russian people, acquiring a new philosophy and traditions.

As a result of this introduction of the French speech, Russia could lose not only its own language, but also culture. Fortunately, the situation was saved by the geniuses of the XIX century: Pushkin, Turgenev, Karamzin, Dostoevsky. They, being true patriots, did not allow the Russian language to perish. They showed how beautiful he is.


The history of the Russian language has not been studied to the full. Briefly it does not spell out. It will take years to learn. The Russian language and the history of the people are truly amazing. And how can you call yourself a patriot without knowing your native speech, folklore, poetry and literature?

Unfortunately, today's young people have lost interest in books, and especially in classical literature. This trend is observed in older people. Television, the Internet, nightclubs and restaurants, glossy magazines and blogs - all this has replaced us with "paper friends". Many people even stopped to have their own opinion, using the usual cliches imposed by society and the media. Despite the fact that the classics were and remain in the school curriculum, very few people read them even in a short summary, which "eats" all the beauty and uniqueness of the works of Russian writers.

But how rich is the history and culture of the Russian language! For example, literature is able to provide answers to many questions better than any forums on the Internet. Russian literature expresses the entire power of the wisdom of the people, makes you feel love for our country and better understand it. Everyone should understand that the native language, native culture and people are inseparable, they are one. And what does the modern citizen of Russia understand and think about? About the fact that you need to leave the country as soon as possible?

The main danger

And of course, the main threat to our language is foreign words. As mentioned above, such a problem was relevant in the XVIII century, but, unfortunately, remained unsolved until now and slowly acquires the features of a national catastrophe.

Not only that the society is too carried away by various slang words, obscene lexicon, invented expressions, so also constantly uses in its speech foreign borrowings, forgetting that in Russian there are much more beautiful synonyms. These words are: stylist, manager, PR, summit, creative, user, blog, internet, and many others. If this came only from some groups of society, then the problem could be addressed. But, unfortunately, teachers, journalists, scientists and even officials actively use foreign words. These people carry the word to people, which means they introduce a harmful habit. And it happens that a foreign word is so firmly settled in the Russian language that it begins to seem as if it is an aboriginal one.

What's the matter?

So how is this called? Ignorance? Fashion for all foreign? Or a campaign against Russia? Perhaps all at once. And this problem must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late. For example, more often use the word "manager" instead of "manager", "business lunch" instead of "business lunch", etc. After the extinction of the people begins precisely with the extinction of the language.

About dictionaries

Now you know how the Russian language developed. However, that's not all. A special mention is the history of Russian dictionaries. There were modern dictionaries from ancient manuscripts, and after printed books. At first they were very small and meant for a narrow circle of people.

The oldest Russian dictionary is considered to be a short supplement to the Novgorod Pilot's book (1282). There were 174 words from different dialects: Greek, Church Slavonic, Hebrew and even biblical names proper.

After 400 years, dictionaries of a much larger volume began to appear. They already had a systematization and even an alphabet. Then the dictionaries were mostly educational or encyclopedic, so they were not available to ordinary peasants.

The first printed dictionary

The first printed dictionary appeared in 1596. This was another supplement to the textbook on the grammar of the priest Lavrenty Zizania. It contained more than a thousand words, which were sorted alphabetically. The dictionary was sensible and explained the origin of many Old Slavonic and borrowed words. It was published in Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian.

Further development of dictionaries

XVIII was the century of great discoveries. Did not pass them and explanatory dictionaries. Great scientists (Tatishchev, Lomonosov) unexpectedly showed increased interest in the origin of many words. Began to write notes Trediakovsky. In the end, a number of dictionaries were created, but the largest was the "Church Dictionary" and an annex to it. In the "Church Dictionary" received an interpretation of more than 20 000 words. Such a book laid the foundation for the normative dictionary of the Russian language, and Lomonosov, along with other researchers, began its creation.

The most significant dictionary

The history of the development of the Russian language remembers the date so significant for all of us - the creation of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dal (1866). This four-volume edition received dozens of reprints and is still relevant today. 200 000 words and more than 30 000 sayings and phraseological units can be safely considered a real treasure.

Our days

Unfortunately, the world community is not interested in the history of the emergence of the Russian language. His current position can be compared to one case that once occurred with the extraordinary talented scientist Dmitry Mendeleev. After all, Mendeleev could not become an honorary academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (present RAS). There was a huge scandal, and again: such a scientist would not be admitted to the academy! But the Russian Empire and its world were unshakable: they said that the Russians since the times of Lomonosov and Tatishchev are in the minority, and one good Russian scientist, Lomonosov, is enough.

This history of modern Russian makes us think: what if one day, English (or any other) will supersede such a unique Russian? Pay attention to how much in our jargon there are foreign words! Yes, mixing languages and friendly exchange is great, but we can not allow the amazing story of our speech to disappear from the planet. Take care of your native language!

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