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How correctly to swaddle a newborn baby?

To date, there are a huge number of special courses for expectant mothers, on which experienced teachers teach how to swaddle the newborn correctly. However, in reality this business is not so simple and very exciting. After all, a newborn baby is different from a smiling doll, on which many parents have trained. This is found by most happy moms and dads after they arrive from the hospital! The newborn baby waves with little hands and knocks, sometimes even weeps bitterly. But do not get upset - very soon to the theoretical basics in the matter of how to properly swaddle a child, will also add practical experience!

There are two main ways of changing the baby: tight and wide. However, many pediatricians unanimously assert that tight swaddling harms the health of the child, and recommend alternating swaddling in a wide way. Because this type does not fetter the movements.

How correctly to swaddle the newborn?

You will need: 2 thin cotton diapers, large flannel diaper, 2 ryashonki (cotton and flannel). It should be noted that the baby needs to be worn and swaddled for the season, because excessive heat can cause a perspiration. Now we turn to how to swaddle properly.

  1. First it is necessary to dress a toddler with a thin undergarment, the smell of which should be behind. On top of her dress a denser flannel tutu. You can also use a body or a suit-a "little man", which is more convenient than a turtleneck.
  2. We spread out the diapers. Flannel diaper should be at the very bottom, on top of it a thin cotton diaper. The top of each diaper should be folded inward at a distance of 5 cm.
  3. We fold the second thin diaper into a triangle and place the child on it. The lower edge of the triangle is passed between the legs of the baby, and the side corners wrap around the body and hide behind the back. It turns out that the lateral corners reliably fix the lower edge of the diaper. If the baby is wearing a "diaper", you can skip this item.
  4. Now the most important aspects of how to properly swaddle a newborn. The free edge of a thin diaper diagonally starts under the back of the newborn. In this case, one handle remains open. The same action is performed with the second edge. After the edges of the diaper have disappeared under the back, straighten the lower edge, turn it upward wrap around the body and fix it to the upper edge of the diaper.
  5. Now we are doing the same with the flannel diaper. It should be remembered that swaddling should not restrict the movement of the baby's legs

It should also be mentioned that swaddling is complete and partial. Full swaddling is suitable for newborn babies, while partial swaddling is the perfect type of swaddling for a three-month-old baby. For boys it is preferable to use reusable diapers from a diaper folded into a triangle.

Now you probably know how to swaddle the newborn correctly. Do not get upset if at first you do not get it or get swollen, but not as you would like. A little skill and skill - and you will succeed.

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