Food and drinkRecipes

Homemade samsa with chicken from puff pastry: recipe

Samsa is a national dish of oriental cuisine. It is a small fragrant patty with meat filling, cooked in a special oven. Since it is very difficult to find a real tandoor in our region, the domestic housewives came up with new ways of baking such delicious treats as samsa with puff pastry chicken. The recipe for this dish you will learn from today's article.

Simplified version

Immediately specify that during the preparation of this dish will be used shop dough. This will allow busy housewives to save a lot of time and effort. In order not to interrupt the work, make sure beforehand that your kitchen has everything you need. This time you will need:

  • A pound of non-yeast puff pastry.
  • Four hundred grams of chicken fillet.
  • A large head of onions.
  • Egg.
  • Fifty grams of soy sauce.

To baked samsa with chicken puff pastry, the recipe of which is considered in today's publication, did not turn out to be fresh, the above list needs to be replenished with spices. Therefore, in advance, stock up with ground zira and black pepper. You will need only half a teaspoon of each of these herbs.

Process description

Onion is peeled, washed and cut into small pieces. Soy sauce, pepper and ziru are sent to it. In the same bowl, pre-prepared chicken fillets are placed. All mix well and clean aside for a quarter of an hour.

While the filling for samsa from the chicken marinated, you can do the test. It is laid on the work surface, slightly dusted with flour, rolled out in a thin layer and cut into squares, the size of which is 12x12 centimeters. In the center of each of them spread the ready stuffing and fold corners to the middle. At the same time, it is important to properly join the edges so that they do not open up during the heat treatment.

The resulting patties are laid out on a baking sheet, top with a beaten egg and sent to a hot oven. Baking samsa with chicken, step-by-step recipe of which can be seen a little higher, at one hundred and eighty degrees for thirty minutes.

Home Test Option

This is more correct, but also quite a troublesome recipe. However, with a little effort, you will get very tasty pies with a flavorful and juicy filling of chicken meat. Before you do the test, make sure that you have all the ingredients in your arsenal. At this time in your pantry should be:

  • Six hundred grams of wheat flour.
  • A pair of medium chicken eggs.
  • One hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • Seven hundred grams of chicken fillet.
  • Fifty milliliters of boiling water.
  • Seventy grams of butter.
  • Four large heads of onions.

To your family tried such a delicious dish, like samsa with chicken puff pastry, the recipe of which is presented in this article, it is important to make sure that at the right moment you have one teaspoon of baking powder, sugar and salt at your fingertips.


Since this time is not used to buy, and homemade dough, you need to start with its preparation. To do this, in one large bowl combine pre-sifted flour, baking powder, granulated sugar and table salt. There eggs are sent, vegetable and melted butter. The last one needs only forty grams. Everything is mixed well and only then the boiling water is poured into the resulting mass with a thin stream.

The finished dough is rolled into a bowl, lightly sprinkled with flour, placed in a plastic bag and cleaned to the side. While it is ripe, it is possible to engage in meat filling. To make it in one bowl, combine the chopped onion, chopped fillets, salt, spices and chopped greens.

The present dough is divided into approximately equal parts and finely rolled out. In the center of each of them spread the filling and form a triangular patty. The resulting products are placed on a baking tray, smeared with melted butter and sent to the oven. Bake of samsa with chicken from puff pastry, the recipe of which can be seen a little higher, at two hundred degrees for forty minutes.

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