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History of China In Vii-viii V.

However, the period of Tang was not the era of continuous take-off in all areas of the life of Chinese society. From the middle of the VII century. There are a number of significant changes in the political, and socio-economic terms. First of all, within the empire, the trend towards decentralization begins to break through again. Its conductors were tszedushn, the heads of the military governorships, which began to be established first in the border and then in many other regions of the country from the beginning of the 8th century.

Their rise was due to the gradual disintegration of the military system of Tang - "replaceable militia", which was increasingly replaced by recruited professional soldiers. Originally tszedushn possessed only military power, but gradually seized administrative and financial (tax) functions, turning into sovereign power rulers, able to resist the central government. History of China In the 7th-8th cc.

The indictment of this process was the mutiny of the Tszedushn of the northern military district, the Turk of the An Lushan origin, which broke out in 755. The Troubles, accompanied by the capture and ruin of the two capitals - Chang'an and Luoyang, the emperor's flight to Sichuan, a series of coups and murders in the camp of the government and the rebels, continued Up to 763. The mutiny was suppressed, but the force of the zeddush on the ground eventually grew stronger. Their post became practically hereditary.

Wars began between the individual tszedushn, and they also periodically protested against the government. This led to a weakening of the central government, a reduction in its revenues through the transfer of taxpayers to the disposal of tszedushn and expansion of private land ownership. The situation was aggravated by the intensification of the struggle of court groups that had not ceased during the entire period of the Tang rule, the rule of the temporary workers, and the weakening of the imperial power as such.

All these domestic political processes directly affected the foreign policy positions of the Tang Empire. From the north and north-west, the Chinese possessions began to crowd the Uyghur Khaganate formed in 745 . In the west in the 60's VIII. The long wars with the Tibetan state, which led to the fall of the military reigns of Anxi and Bantn, and the loss of control of the eastern part of the Great Silk Road by China at the end of the same century, are beginning again . In the southwest, in the region of the modern provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou, in 738, the Nanzhao state was formed, which was expanded at the expense of the territories formerly part of the Tang Empire.

History of China In the VII-VIII century.

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