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Dermatitis on the legs: causes and treatment

In order to identify dermatitis on the legs, it is not necessary to have a doctor's diploma. If your skin is covered with small cracks, itching constantly, itches and flakes, it means that it's all in this. The factors provoking the development of dermatitis can be many. The main of them we will consider in more detail.

Possible reasons

According to doctors, dermatitis on the feet, as a rule, are due to mechanical causes. In this connection it is necessary to name wearing of inconvenient, close footwear, synthetic socks, the raised diaphoresis and disregard of rules of personal hygiene. Simply put, if you spent the whole day on your feet, and even in tight heels, and when you came home in the evening, did not even think about taking off your stockings and washing your feet, be ready in the very near future to an unpleasant surprise. In addition, dermatitis on the legs can be caused by exposure to chemicals that are part of detergent, soap, shower gel. Do not forget about allergic reactions. Identify the allergy can be a characteristic rash, randomly covering the area of contact with the allergen.

Mechanism of the disease

Allergen, penetrating the skin of the legs, goes straight to the lymph. There he comes in contact with the cells of the immune system. If the health of a person is all right, they will provide him with local protection, developing antibodies. However, if the effect of the undesirable substance continues for a sufficiently long time, the lymphocytes gradually stop keeping the defense. In order to establish an allergen, you will have to pass tests.


To recognize dermatitis on the feet, as already noted above, is extremely simple: they are usually accompanied by such signs as constant itching and burning. Few can resist from not combing the skin to the blood. Unfortunately, this only facilitates access to pathological bacteria. The inflammatory process usually begins on the feet, but gradually spreads over the entire leg.


Than to treat a dermatitis on legs or foots? Before answering this question, it should be noted that the process will depend on the form of the disease - it can be acute or chronic. Recognize your option is very simple: acute dermatitis is characterized by edema of the feet and the formation of vesicles with fluid inside. However, they quickly dry up and are transformed into scars and cracks. The chronic form manifests itself periodically and is difficult to treat.

Many patients are sure that antibiotics are a panacea for all inflammatory processes. However, dermatologists say that this disease is not the case. It is proved that the majority of antibacterial drugs provoke allergic reactions and lower the immunity of a person. If you have atopic dermatitis diagnosed on your legs, it is not recommended to do self-medication. Better rely on a professional dermatologist - he will help you choose the right medicine. In addition, it is necessary to exclude all contacts with irritants. Try to buy only comfortable shoes, discard the detergent powders with flavors in favor of hypoallergenic baby soap. In addition, you can make trays with medicinal herbs. Valerian, celandine, succession - all this calms the skin and heals wounds.

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